She destroyed the city of San Francisco, it’s — and I own a big building there — it’s no — I shouldn’t talk about this but that’s OK I don’t give a damn because this is what I’m doing. I should say it’s the finest city in the world — sell and get the hell out of there, right? But I can’t do that. I don’t care, you know? I lost billions of dollars, billions of dollars. You know, somebody said, ‘What do you think you lost?’ I said, ‘Probably two, three billion. That’s OK, I don’t care.’ They say, ‘You think you’d do it again?’ And that’s the least of it. Nobody. They always say, I don’t know if you know. Lincoln was horribly treated. Uh, Jefferson was pretty horribly. Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all, that he was treated worse than any other president. I said, ‘Do that study again, because I think there’s nobody close to Trump.’ I even got shot! And who the hell knows where that came from, right?
Same as it ever was
Why do people keep saying this?! Sure, he babbled some when he ran in 2015, but at you could hear the words and insert your own meaning. We can’t even pretend to parse anything out of this speech. Hell, his own supporters are walking out on his rallies.
If your grandpa was living alone and conversing with you like this, you would quietly be contemplating a rest home in his very near future. People this far gone can no longer live alone.
Go back to the 80s and 00s and have a listen. Really. Watch a video or three. Doesn’t matter if you agree with what he was saying, his speech was clear, on target.
Can’t say when I noticed the sharp decline, hard to spot, a boiled frog thing. 2019 I think? Compared to then, the man has fallen off a cliff.
He was a demented sociopathic narcissist in 2016, anyone could have, and did see it, and say it then.
Unfortunately, republiQans are a cult in every literal sense that matters. trump only needs to stay alive and they’ll vote for him.
The fact that he’s worse than ever will be borne by them as a secret shame; no one will talk about it, it makes everyone in the cult uncomfortable, and it will not deter them in the slightest.
It’s 2024 and I think as Americans we still don’t have consensus on how unfathomably broken the republiQans have made politics. It’s virtually unrecognizable from the viewpoint of someone even in the 60’s.
He was a demented sociopathic narcissist in 2016
Can’t say much for his supporters either.
Even as late as the 2016 RNC debates he was still speaking clearly, responding to his opponents, and occasionally making a coherent point.
I don’t see anything different about his rambling, tbh. I think the only notable difference is him working out nicknames while in front of an audience instead of ahead of time.
His talking points aren’t landing, so he’s fishing around for something that gets the reaction he’s looking for.
I think he would have done the same if “build a wall and make Mexico pay for it” was met with confusion.
He was always this incoherent, but he had “better” slogans to fall back on.
I’d say it’s probably more due to him alienating most of his former team, and then surrounding himself with more incompetent yes men, than cognitive decline. His baseline of cognitive capacity wasn’t high in the first place.
So what happened to San Francisco?
By the end I completely forgot he was talking about San Francisco, and I think that is the point.
Destroyed, so just completely and totally demolished.
Just like Portland. Burned right to the ground. Never mind all the intact buildings and people living there still. That’s just a liberal hoax.
I spelled a dirty word!
Just like Seattle
3 billion Andrew Jackson’s
I’m pretty sure T**** just watched the last half of Godzilla (2014) and thought it was a documentary. Obviously it’s Harris’ fault that Godzilla and the MUTOs destroyed SF. I’m surprised he didn’t mention the nuke
Theodore Roosevelt got shot in fucking lung and still finished his speech. Trump barely or maybe it was glass who knows (literally two weeks later was completely healed) yet got wisk away by four agents then wore a tampon on his ear.
Fuck weird Trump and sounds like he has dementia.
Get your facts straight. It was a menstrual pad, not a tampon.
I doubt Trump knows the difference
Nah, he’s definitely worse now.
It’s just he gets worse at about the same speed we get used to it.
So he’s constantly lowering the bar, and if “not trump” is enough, that means everyone else’s bar constantly gets lowered as well.
If Dem voter’s only standard is not being trump, we end up with people who will take money from anyone
It’s pretty much the reason AIPAC is so blatantly buying primary elections these days. They used to hide it, now it’s literally “fuck you money” against anyone that calls them out for genocide.
Speaking of rambling…
I mean Jackson and Lincoln both got shot, at least Jackson wasn’t a bitch about it.
Yeah, and Lincoln had the audacity to die when he got shot. Not very presidential, if you ask me.
I like presidents who don’t die when they get shot.
This is way worse than it ever was.
It’s more, yes, but no one should be surprised.
He’s talking like my grandpa did a few weeks before he dropped dead, so fingers crossed I guess
People with access to healthcare can hang on while deteriorating well beyond where he is over the course of many years.
I want to see him in jail. Death is too good for him.
Same but I’ll take what I can get.
It may not be his just desserts but it may give us just enough of a bump from am electoral point of view to keep Vance the fuck away from power. Do not prioritize satisfaction over effective.
There better be a huge (UUGE) focus on his decline after the debate. That’s the time to put an emphasis on it - right after millions of people see it during the debate.
The press are going to be nitpicking Harris’ earrings or the color of her blouse or something. Major news outlets are never going to treat Trump like Biden,
I hope they give him coke or amphetamines before the debate to try perking him up.
I also hope it causes him to incessantly freak out about how much he’s shitting himself
Or a OD and heart attack.
The sad thing is, he will end up winning more than 20 states despite this.
Also, despite the fact that he is a criminal, a racist, a misogynist, denies climate change and pretty much exclusively pursues policies contrary to the interests of ordinary citizens.
don’t forget he is also a rapist!
Rapist??? I thought he was just with a hooker? (Not that even that is ok)
Well not counting the MANY rumours about his adventures with Epstein; by his own admission he would grab women by the pussy without prior consent
I wonder how his people hope to deal with his condition at work? trump belongs in a rehabilitation clinic, he sounds like he is on autopilot
I think you meant to comment on OP’s post. If you ask me, I’d say he rather belongs in jail. Given the countless serious cases that have been and are being brought against him, it’s inexplicable to me that he managed to get around jail time - and is even a presidential candidate instead.
or jail, but honestly, he seems unghinged in a threatening way.
i mean, like, i wouldnt trust him buying cat food for my cat, and he is former president of the united states, for f**k’s sake
The answer is really easy to understand, money. He has it, you don’t.
if you dont know the answer, money is the answer
And there will be people who consider themselves good people who wont vote and will just let it happen because they can’t be bothered or think they’re above it.
They will vote for a corpse, as long as it is not a Democrat. The same was true with Democrats when Joe Biden was still running.
Difference is that a good number of Dem voters saw Biden’s issues and understood it’s a choice between those issues and a fascist that’ll deal the death blow to the moribund US democracy. Trump voters are just cooked.
You get one - there isn’t a third option, and abstaining is a win for the fascists.
Well, honestly the administration is more than a single person, which is why the other points raised by are important.
I saw plenty of Democrats holding their nose to vote for Biden, while being very vocal about his age and cognition. I don’t see any criticism about Trump from his base. They shun any Republican politician who speaks out against him, so all we get is softballs from those not up for re-election again.
I mean, why do you think Biden stepped down? It was pressure from voters, pressure from donors, and pressure from a ton of elected democrats. Where is that pressure on Trump?
Doesn’t he look tired?
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Hey! I’ve said the same thing! You can look at my comment history. :)
He has always told rambling, near-incoherent stories. He has always lied profusely.
What’s new is how hes slurring his words, and how lethargic he is. It was especially noticable in his recent performance on the Lex Fridman show podcast.
The early signs of dementia are unavoidable at this point. It might only be a matter of time until Trump has his “We finally beat Medicare” moment.
He has always told rambling, near-incoherent stories.
No he hasn’t. Here is a link to a Trump campaign speech from his 2000 run. Jump ahead to 6:45 or so in the video to where he starts and listen for just a few minutes. The difference between this speech and his current style of spewing sewer-pipe is starkly astonishing.
Ok sure, let me clarify.
Successful presidential candidate Trump has been telling rambling, near-incoherent stories since at least 2015. This type of unfiltered ranting based on reactionary grievances has earned him many followers and many detractors.
Unsuccessful presidential candidate Trump sounded much more like a run of the mill politician back in 2000, before he became a reality tv show star.
Are you telling my this speech from 2016 isn’t the greatest feat of oration of all time?
Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.
He has already explained this. That is Trump just busting the weave…you know talking about multiple topics at the same time and brilliantly weaving them together at the end. Here the topics are: Nuclear, Nuclear, Dr. John Trump, MIT, Nuclear, Nuclear and Persian negotiating skills. By the end of the 289 word sentence you realize that Trump knows lots about Nuclear becuase his uncle was a professor at MIT and that makes perfect sense becuase knowledge is passed down through breeding so maybe his uncle fucked his mom.
Holy shit I did not expect that. A lot of the same mannerisms are there in proto-form but he’s actually talking like a human it’s super weird to see
Still talking about fucking crowd sizes, too. What a clown.
Like a human but still like a 3rd or maybe 5th grader. Castro was a “murder, killer, and bad guy.” “NYC was in terrible terrible condition.” I know they tell politicians to use speech that’s not too high level but he undershoots it by at least a couple grade levels. He just comes off as dumb as fuck.
At least we saw Melania directly responding to something he said in the crowd before he started speaking. Guess she used to give him the time of day at some point.
I am thinking someone took his adderall away to avoid a complete mental collapse.
Too old and the dementia is hitting him hard. People are saying it is syphilis.
A lot of very smart people?
He has the best syphilis, a smart doctor told him it’s the best syphilis he ever seen.
Tears in the doctors eyes as they commented on jos perfect the syphilis is.
It’s was big guy, that doctor. Big one. Crying and he says. He says to me crying. It’s syphiless. No, I said! I told him. He’s crying. We got the most syphi! We’re not syphiless! We’re bringing syphi back for that doctor. Big doctor crying.
They said no one has ever seen this kind of syphiless before. Tears rolling down his face and he says, “Sir…
Many such cases
It’s syphilis, everybody says so… It’s bad… Very bad…
It’s the best… the best syphilis anyone’s EVER had… my doctors…you know doctors say I’ve got great syphilis
If even Trump supporters start noticing that he is spewing nonsense, it must have become seriously bad. They tended to overlook quite some of his brain-dead output so far, I thought they had become immune to senseless drivel.
Honestly, it won’t make a difference. The people who have decided to be Trump supporters are going to stick with him through it all. They think any criticism is either a hoax or a conspiracy to get him down. I have family members who are completely wrapped up in this guy. They believe anything he says and would do anything he says. Literally anything. It’s pretty scary to be honest.
Oddly enough the opposite is true with Kamala. She was saying some wild shit 4+ years ago or just aimlessly rambling. Idk if she just got good scriptwriters since then or what, but it’s a lot better now.
Many people are saying he should drop out. The Republicans should put together a unity ticket instead to reach out and show they can heal the nation by putting two Democrats on their ticket as President and VP.
“The two-party system sucks”
“Wait, that’s not what I wanted!”
Lol, a unity Republican ticket? What would that even look like? Two Dems would immediately lose the MAGA base and be dead on launch. Trump would also launch a third party campaign!
The “liberal media” and many among the Enlightened Centrists ™ often pose this kind of scenario for the Democratic Party - but never for the Republican Party. I’m just suggesting that the Republicans should take this notion up and do it even one better. For the unity. For extra credit, they could put in Democratic Leaders and start passing Democratic bills and seating Democratic justices even when the R’s are in the majority. Again: unity.
If they listen to you, they will lose. But that’s a good thing, so I hope you’re right. Unlikely, but the worse Trump’s loss the better.
Is it just me, or does he seem to be a bit thinner? Ordinarily I would say that is a good sign for his health, but coupled with this obvious mental decline I wonder if he has really bad PTSD and isn’t eating or sleeping well.
I would have some sympathy for him as a human. Except, you know, he wouldn’t have any for anyone not named Trump.
I wonder if he has really bad PTSD
May his suffering be proportional to that which he’s caused.
Might be even simpler - the elderly can decline very quickly mentally and also physically, and that may he what we’re seeing with here.
Sudden weight loss at that age can actually be a sign of poor health as the body starts to fail and can’t store as much fat. I’d say that’s much more likely than him growing a conscience.
Maybe he’s just dialed up his coke rations.
It’s pretty well documented that Trump is a teetotler. He is the way he is without the help of any mood or mind altering substances.
Maybe no alcohol, but I find cocaine very plausible. A dude named Noel Casler claimed so on podcasts (even went so far to claim that decades long abuse led to him needing diapers), but who knows.
Yeah, and the campaign promo photo where you can see that his side table drawer is packed full of “the good” Sudafed.
He is certainly someone who was deeply and irreparably harmed by his even more evil father who drove Donnie’s older brother to suicide. Trump is an example of how people who have everything can still suffer.
What is sad about Boomers in general and less so for Gen X/older millennials is not being able to stop the cycle of pain and let them be the last generation to be traumatized by their own family.
I went back to college (I am an older millennial) and it was insane to me the difference in how kids ten years younger than me were raised. Just talking with them and how they missed the whole “it’s the 80’s, fuck dem kids” parenting style.
Kids being loud? Beat them within an inch of their life. Kid needs help with school? Fuck you, asshole kid. I have TV to watch. Going to the store? Lock these asshole kids in your watertight Buick in the middle of the summer for some reason (I still don’t understand this at all).
Then I talk to younger kids who just went along with their parents to the store. It is incredible to me how truly awful Boomer parents were at being parents.
Yep. It’s helpful to recall that baby boomer parents were often suffering ptsd from various wars and nobody got help. Now you have people practicing gentle parenting.
I love my parents but they were truly terrible parents. In it for themselves and duck how the kids feel.
Not that many of them went to Vietnam. I was deployed twice myself and don’t take it out on my kids. I can see them having more generational trauma from being raised by a collection of parents that were in WW2. Although Boomers are somehow worse parents than the people who taught the Nazis.
The correction to gentle parenting is (my opinion) way too far. Treating kids like coherent individuals that can be reasoned with like an episode of Bluey is ridiculous. Lots of parents around my age tried and failed, then everyone goes off in their corners and latches onto an electronic device.
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His hair looks a lot more like normal hair these days, which means he’s yielding to the advice of people around him. Which in his case means he’s losing his goddam mind.
I mean he could stand to lose some weight?
I thought he was on Ozempic?
GOP will straight up Weekend at Bernie’s on him to get him into office, at this point.
I was thinking more of a Dead Tom situation:
It’s the office they want, not him. He’ll be removed after regardless. If America lets them.
His speech is getting worse— but he has almost perfected the Putin/Un double cock air jerkoff dance
I was told to read the transcripts back in 2017-2018, and did. This is what he always sounded like to me. A fucking moron. Now, he’s an older moron. I’m surprised this is news to anyone.
Thing is, he used to be absurdly stupid but his ramblings seemed coherent enough for some folks…now it seems more incoherent rudderless babble…hes confoundingly unintelligent…just absurdly so
No bar so low he won’t limbo under it.
I think it’s time to set a maximum age where you can run for president. Because now Trump is the demented old weirdo who has no business running on his broken brain.
Always has been
57 is the optimal age for a first-term president.
I want to be able to retire. I want everyone to be able to retire. I want my representatives to share that value, and set that example for the general public. I want them leaving office at age 65.
I won’t necessarily vote against an older candidate, but a workaholic does not share my values: I don’t live to work, and I think poorly of people who do.
They can certainly continue to contribute I. Their retirement. They can speak, teach, work for charitable organizations, sit on boards, counsel and mentor. Pretty much anything except professional business like politics.
The president should be setting the example and promoting retirement, not working themselves into the grave.
Worked at a place where the average age of the people in charge was 80. Oldest person making decisions was 95. I hated it
Then do you feel that Biden was too old?
Biden was above the ideal age when Obama was first elected in 2008. Yes, he is too old now.
Pilots have one, why not world leaders?
No shit, the dude is suffering serious cognitive decline and we’ve ignored it the last 6 years.
We haven’t ignored it.
His cult did.
Like Democrats did Biden’s
Democrats complaining about it are the reason Biden dropped out. Weak whataboutism
Biden dropped out because the DONOR class demanded it with threats of withholding money if he didn’t. The average voter had zero impact on that decision.
Yeah probably part of it. Donors who are Democrat, who knew the majority of Democrat voters didn’t want Biden. Democrats were calling for Biden to step down, while we aren’t seeing the same level of demand from the Republicans for Trump to step down due to declining mental health
On bidens worse day he has always made more sense and been more cognizant than Trump.
Agreed! There’s LITERALLY No Correlation between Biden dropping out and Democrats talking about his Mental Capacity. LITERALLY no Correlation!
I’m not USian, but I’ve seen online Democrats complaining about Biden as often, if not more, than Republicans.
Democrats defended him tooth and nail. They spit out venomous accusations at anyone critical of him. They buried their head in the sand over the last several years about his cognitive decline by demanding it was a speech impediment, which was NEVER present in any of his speeches prior to 2008
Biden stepped down, what do you want at this point? This article is about Trump’s mental decline, you know - the other senile old guy who is still running for president.
Democrats defended him tooth and nail.
‘Democrats’ aren’t a monolith, there was a constant desire for change among many democratic supporters. I’m Canadian and even up here there was a desire to replace him with someone better.
Speaking about wanting change and then still voting for them when the time came makes that speech irrelevant. If they never hold their politicians accountable things will never get better.
Speaking about wanting change and then still voting for them when the time came makes that speech irrelevant.
I think you missed my country of origin there, bud.
Also you’re just bait and switching here, your original point was that ‘the democrats’ fought for him tooth and nail, and yet the entire time people from all over the tent of the Left were demanding he be replaced and then… he was.
You’re embarrassing yourself here, just take the L and focus back on using whataboutism anytime someone chooses to back a right-of-centre candidate over a fascist one.
Well, there are millions of them, so both things can be true. MY personal experience is seeing them criticizing more than defending.
Criticizing is irrelevant when they won’t hold them accountable. For all intents Biden could have said ‘I could kill 30,000 Palestinian children and not lose a single voter.’
If he wasn’t losing voters, why was he behind Trump in the polls?
He was never in remotely good mental health, but he’s gone from “in the deep end of a pool, and he can’t swim” to “In the middle of the Pacific Ocean (in an electric boat, and there’s a shark nearby)” with how quickly he’s declining
We all have high hopes for the future. Meanwhile, Putin’s still plugging along with Parkinson’s (some have said, others say cancer). For 20 years.
Fucker has almost reached the Titanic depth in his Oceangate mental submarine.
When things start very low and then decline further it’s harder to notice. I think he is called an ass-emtote.
I do wish the media would forget to mention him altogether. Pay as much attention to his rants as they have to his increased dementia (not much).