• 47 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Why wouldn’t it?

    It’s talking about two things “AI” which is actually a pretty good use of the label

    1. Generatinga lower Rez screen and upscaling.

    2. Generating addition frames based on what might happen in between real screens

    There’s no valid reason not to use that. Hardware costs more so you’d be paying a lot more money for the same performance. With less people making that choice, the price differential would be even greater.

    Like, this is right. They can’t make them without this for low enough people will buy it.

    It’s facts bro

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPedal To The Metal
    4 hours ago

    If only the popular vote mattered…

    Hillary wasn’t focused on the electoral college, she cared about beating Obama’s vote totals to “prove” she should have beat him. So she prioritized the popular vote when campaigning, causing idiots to think she was going to win. Because normally if popular is that high. It’s implied battlegrounds are safe too. Because that’s the metric that matters and what campaigns should be focusing on.

    Hillary just skipped caring about battlegrounds, went straight to popular, and declared that made her winner…

    Like, statistically the NFL team that wins the Super Bowl is the one that scores the most touchdowns. But if one team scores 1 TD and the other gets 17 field goals, the team with the most TDs lost.

    She focused on correlation, not causation.

    Because of that trump became president.

    Blame anyone dumb enough to give a shit about a national poll a week out from an election. Then realize a lot of Clinton’s 2016 campaign people are inexplicably now running Kamala’s campaign and the DNC.

    We need to get rid of all those people who haven’t understood American politics for decades, they’re just the only other option besides trump so it still works despite them sometimes.

    But they clearly have no idea what the fuck they’re doing.

  • It would be hilarious to just respond verbatim with what trump and JD have said about school shootings…

    It’s a very terrible thing that happened. And it’s just terrible to see that happening. It’s just terrible. So surprising to see it here. But, we have to get over it. We have to move forward. We have to move forward. But, to the relatives and to all of the people that are so devastated right now, to a point they can’t breathe, they can’t live, we are with you all the way. We’re with you and we love you and cherish you.

    I mean, trump said that to parents who’s kids weren’t even fucking buried yet.

    He didn’t even get shot at this time.

    Him trying to make this into a big deal is just asking to highlight how he doesn’t give a fuck about his voters, he just cares about himself.

    We need to treat trump like he’s the problem because he won’t accept that being American means you might get shot at any moment.

    If Kamala really ovaried up and said:

    If Trump doesn’t like the second amendment he can move to Canada.

    Then that would actually hurt his numbers with right wingers when he keeps complaining.

    Two assassination attempts in two months, he should be upset and we do need gun control. But a republican can’t say that and not lose voters. So make it so everytime he complains about it, he loses voters.

  • What’s crazier is I’m pretty sure he just started talking about it…

    Like, it wasn’t a scandal that came out.

    RFK jr just casually told someone in an interview one time he found a dead whale on a beach. So he did the common sense thing: got a chainsaw out of his minivan, cut the head off, strapped it to the minivan, then drove home so he could “study” it.

    Pretty sure it’s because he just brought up dumping the dead bear in Central Park, and when people said that was weird, RFK told the whale story to make the bear story seem normal?

    I don’t know, you’d have to ask the worm why RFK thought any of this was interview material.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldDemocrazy
    7 hours ago

    The way to save democracy is getting shady money out of the Dem primary so that the people who make it to the general actually want to fix it.

    If we don’t, then the people with a financial reason not to fix it, will never fix it.

    We can’t change it for the general without having the numbers to pass laws, so it’s pointless to even discuss fixing the general till we fix the Dem primary.

    All the “moderates” that take that shady money in primaries tho are going to bitch and.moan that we have to do it backwards, because they don’t want it to happen

    Just because someone has a D by their name, doesn’t mean they want democracy

  • Obviously, I do t know anything that’s not in the article…


    We’re looking at drafted soldiers, and officers that were likely career military before…

    There’s a reason why America stopped doing that even if the kids today don’t know where “fraggin” comes from.

    In Vietnam, it wasn’t just because they hated their Officer, it was also if their last one got killed legitimately and the new guy was obviously going to get you and your buddies killed. In that environment, it doesn’t matter if your officer is trying to get you killed or is incompetent.

    And especially today with all the media and propaganda, it’s hard to say this one was some kind of spy or intentionally causing Russian causalities.

    But its just as likely he’s an old school “a soldier is a soldier, stop playing video games” type of guy.

    To the troops that can look like intentional sabotage. When troops start thinking their officers will get them killed…

    I can’t think of a nation off the top of my head that won a war like that.

    The closest would be when the Nazis invaded Russia and any Russians that ran got shot by the Russians behind them.

    But that wasn’t their officers. That was the officers and troops behind them that would be doing the same thing in days or even hours.

    If Russian troops start thinking the best way to stay alive is kill their officers, we’re gonna start seeing a lot of dead officers, especially with Russia’s reliance on criminals and mercenaries these days.