The Democrats have a long history of waiting until Republicans hold a majority in both houses to propose milquetoast change.
Keeps their name in the papers without actually having to do anything.
The Democrats have a long history of waiting until Republicans hold a majority in both houses to propose milquetoast change.
Keeps their name in the papers without actually having to do anything.
Teach your kids survival and weapons skills. Understanding politics won’t be enough to save them
Powerful men protecting themselves with idiots has never once lead to an assassination. NEVER. not once. Nope no sir. Hasn’t happened
“you agreed to display ads on your vehicles. This vehicle is mine. You may not display ads in it.”
Honestly I’d have a lawyer on the phone in a heartbeat. I’d be surprised if someone hasn’t already started a lawsuit.
I umm… I don’t think I wanna go to the library anymore
Yeah. Like make some of the best films in the last 40 years. DAMN YOU COCAINE
Isn’t there an “actually infuriating” community somewhere? Or maybe a “sounds like this will be used as evidence in the divorce but ok” type thing?
Reduces by one 1/8th. Not TO one eighth. A 12 pound ball would weigh 10.5 pounds and be one size category smaller. The wizard would have to cast it several times to get musket ball sized ammunition.
Though I would throw this under ‘rule of cool.’ Maybe the reduced cannonballs are a little more dense and ignore a little armor or something. Treat them like magic animation. Wizard did spend a bunch of spells to make it happen. Give them the actual magic weapon if they do a little quest to make it happen. Regular old glue isn’t going to hold a piece of jewelry to the end of a musket. You need a master armsmith who can work magic items to do that for you.
That just means they can handle a higher CR creature, and combat might actually prove challenging for once. Since that guy is only shooting his magic cannon every other round at best.
Enlarge Reduce specifically says the weight changes by 1/8th every time you go down a size category.
Basically oscillating the tool up and down while rotating the workpiece back and forth, while spinning the tool very, very slowly.
That’s from the cheese frying in it’s own fat while it cooks and it’s delicious
Try instead asking innocent probing questions that lead them to question their world view. They’ll never agree with you if they feel like they’re under attack, but if you seem curious and interested, and ask difficult questions they could come around over time.
Or you know, fuck em they made their bed. Either way.
Or they sold them to Walmart.
This is not the first time produce has been stolen and sold for consumption to regular distributors. It used to be quite common. Crime families have been built on that practice.
Laughs in G code S1 g54 x0y0 g0 g90. F50 M3; z-.5 a45 z0 a0 z-.5 a45 z0 a0 z-.5 a45 z0 a0 z-.5 a45 z0 a0
I found this in my app list, it hadn’t asked for any permissions. If it’s looking at every image I get, it’s doing so extremely discreetly.
Sus. Very sus.
What the fuck did I just read?
Am I having a stroke?
Sounds like Kellogg’s.
Guys sleep at the plant. They have showers and beds. They’ll spend a week there, rake in an ass load of overtime, and go home for a few hours a week. Rinse, repeat. To what end I have no idea, not like you can do that forever
Your assignment in the Union Carbide operated Hawks Nest tunnel begins in the morning.
“the first thing to do is to raise hell. That’s always the first thing to do when you’re faced with an injustice and feel powerless.”
-‘Mother’ Jones.
-Michael Scott