Clarence Thomas criticized the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals for ignoring Supreme Court precedent in a case involving David Smith, convicted of attempted murder, whose sentence was overturned due to procedural concerns.
Thomas argued the court violated the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act by re-evaluating evidence rather than deferring to previous rulings.
Critics highlighted Thomas’s hypocrisy, noting his role in overturning Roe v. Wade in 2022, disregarding decades of precedent and leading to abortion bans in over 20 states.
Clarance respectfully go fuck yourself.
He can disrespectfully fuck himself, too.
With a very rusty pitchfork.
Right in the ear.
Rusty Trident 🔱? Don’t knock Aquaman.
Removed by mod
He can fuck off and die. Painfully, publicly, soon, and slowly.
Nah, he can live until the current nightmare is over, then he can fuck off and die.
He will retire in the next 4 years and Trump will appoint a 20 yo to the supreme court
Justice Barron Trump.
It’s gonna be Aileen Cannon. She’s already proven that her only judicial competencies are complete deference and fealty to trump and disdain for impartiality and procedure, which are the only qualifications they’re looking for.
That would be by far the worst outcome.
He’s part of the nightmare though. Only after he’s gone would it be over.
Yeah, but Trump will find like a 20yo that’s somehow worse if he gets to pick a replacement.
Which would continue the nightmare, making that person necessary to be gone too in order to make it passed the nightmare.
A SCOTUS member accepting bribes should come with the death penalty
And not a painless one. I’m thinking the thing they did to highway thieves.
How about 4 racehorses facing outwards at an intersection, tied to his arms and legs, and fire a starting gun?
Nah, that’s too old fashioned and could hurt a horse. Four cybertrucks. Nobody cares if they get fucked up.
Nah, that could hurt the spectators. Maybe four sisyphuses?
Too much effort, heres one my 2x great grandfather cooked up. Remove their legs and force them to crawl along the 15 all the way to Vegas during the peak of summer. Mind you it was in the context of the Seventh day Adventists and he used route 66 instead but this idea predates the interstste so im modernizing.
Actual tar and feather.
Slow cooking death.
We can just botch a lethal injection.
Still seems to good for that
Slowly dipped in a vat of acid foot-first.
Cold-ass response. Imagine you’re the dude and were reading along here and maybe for the first time realizing that people don’t like you specifically for your actions.
I’ve been waiting for this particular bit of brazen hypocrisy.
By ignoring precedent in order to issue rulings clearly intended to establish precedents, the wholly corrupt and compromised SC effectively guaranteed that sooner or later, they’d have to do this.
Outside of the warped context of a corrupt and compromised court, it’s actually very simple:
Either precedent matters, in which case their Roe ruling, their gratuity ruling, their immunity ruling and a number of others are self-evidently flawed, or precedent doesn’t matter, in which case no other court has any duty to consider anything the SC does.
One or the other.
They have no intention of being consistent, or uphold the law; it can be both They will soon start shoving their political opponents in jail too.
You can never tell with Thomas if he’s been bribed in advance or is soliciting a gratuity.
Usually it’s both
He’s upset they followed his precedent.
Can some of these old people please, fucking die already!
Shush. We don’t want that happening right now. Old Uncle Tom is somehow not the worst it could get.
He’s not the only one I’m talking about. The U.S. is run by the worse retirement home I have ever seen.
Send help. Grandpa is fucking crazy and he is waving a gun around.
Cant im reinforcing myself in the basement, you can join me if ya wish but if you touch my sandwich makings im taking your hand.
Yeah? So who’s going to do anything about it?
Corruption just keeps on working without consequence.
400 million temporarily embarrassed swindlers.
I think it’s safe to say Americans are now permanently embarrassed.
Clarence Thomas is a bribe accepting crooked hypocrite who falls to pieces the second the doesn’t get what he wants. How is this news? I thought everyone knew that already?
(For anyone unfamiliar with Uncle Ruckus, he was an Uncle Tom type character, and a white supremacist)
Only difference is Clarence Thomas gets paid to throw his beliefs out the window, Uncle Ruckus (no relation) did it just for the love of white people.
Actually now that I think about it, I’m not really sure why Clarence Thomas does the shit he does…
He was educated in Catholic schools and was going to be a Priest. Thomas has done nothing but uphold the white Christian man’s power and privilege his entire life.
Had to sit through someone’s gushing fanboy talk about this last year and I nearly threw up. He’s a gross misogynist and fucking smug about it too.
Many a person thinks that by upholding the power of the white Christian man they can remove one of the adjectives
Precedent died in 2016. It means less than nothing now.
Thomas’s hypocrisy
looks at article
He’s talking about a lower court not following a Supreme Court precedent.
The Supreme Court is able to overrule Supreme Court precedent in later cases. It happens only rarely, but it does happen. There’s a list of such rulings somewhere I remember on Wikipedia, several pages. Roe v. Wade was one such example.
But lower courts are not supposed to do that.
goes looking for Wikipedia page
This is a list of decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States that have been explicitly overruled, in part or in whole, by a subsequent decision of the Court. It does not include decisions that have been abrogated by subsequent constitutional amendment or by subsequent amending statutes.
As of 2018, the Supreme Court had overruled more than 300 of its own cases.[1]
Thank you for posting the wiki article, and regardless of how hypocritical this specific headline actually is, fuck Clarence Thomas for all the other reasons too.
It’s nuance that doesn’t matter.
The fact is that this Supreme Court is a joke, and why should anyone respect it in any way?
He is the one who destroyed the credibility of the court. The precedent that the SC has set is that precedent doesn’t matter. The judge should do what he thinks is fair. He shouldn’t be bound by rules that very clearly don’t bind anyone else, including the fifth district court.
Yeah, as deliciously ironic as it is that it was Thomas who was tasked with this, lower courts are supposed to rule based on precedent, and if anybody is going to overturn that precedent, it needs to be SCOTUS. Now, back in the day that would be done to overturn bullshit like Dred Scott v Sandford or Pace v Alabama once people finally got their heads far enough out of their assholes.
This court? Not so much.
Leopard’s case?
Fucking Handkerchief head
Not to mention Chevron deference. Thomas can get wrecked.