Any one ever had something like this occur and know of any legal action or support that can be carried out?

On Saturday 11/11, I agreed to purchase a Porsche Cayenne at the Porsche dealership (in NY). Shook hands on the deal but finance people had left for the day so was told would finish financing piece on Monday 11/13. On 11/13 financing was completed and before handing over the check I asked to view the car one more time (since Saturday the daylight is was gone and it was dark). After taking a second look I followed through with adding the vehicle to my insurance policy etc. After all was done, the salesman and finance guy suddenly disclosed that the vehicle was a previous lease, and thus they had to pay it off to obtain the title and the title had not arrived- so I could not drive it home. This was never disclosed! I asked when to expect the title, and was told “any minute now since it was paid 10/31.”

I followed up on Tuesday 11/14, and was newly informed that they paid off the lease on 11/8 thus the title should be expected to be at the dealership by Thursday 11/16. I decided to speak with the GM at this point— and by the way both the finance and sales man were really rude saying things like “the title will arrive when it arrives.” The GM was also rude— he addressed me by my first name while he addressed someone else right before as “Dr” (my title is Dr also), he tried to say I “jumped the gun processing financing”, essentially trying to blame me for the situation.

Today (11/16) I followed up again, and have been newly informed that the title “still shows to likely arrive next week”. …still?! As in, they already knew this and didn’t tell me.

Not sure if I just have to wait at this point or if anything can be done. I’ve never experienced such a thing!

Thanks for the advice.

  • Mj2377@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Wait…”Dr” AND financing - maybe you should rethink this purchase

  • RegattaTimer@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Being addressed by your first name isn’t a form of rudeness. Why should anyone care that you’re a doctor outside of the office? I too am often called Dr, but I’d never expect a salesman or anyone else to know that or care, unless I’m actively doctoring him. That being said, if it was a reasonable price on a good car that would be difficult to find again, I would probably stick it out and get some free floor mats or something to compensate you for your time. If this isn’t a third car, and you need it to get around, I’d shop elsewhere. It shouldn’t have been posted for sale until it was rightfully for sale.

  • good-luck-23@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Situations like this rarely get better. You may find that the title has issues which has delayed the transfer. Unless this was a really special car to you or a great price, I would tell them you are exercising your right to unwind the deal and walk away since they failed to disclose pertinent information. I agree with other posts that there are many used (and new) Cayennes available for sale currently. New Cayennes (except for hybrids and Turbo GTs) are typically being discounted 4-6%. Its Porsche’s top selling model so supply is not an issue. If they persist demand a significant price reduction as a final offer.

    • Matt_Danger75@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Why would it have title issues? This is very common with lease trade ins. It takes time to get the title

  • mtbcouple@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    At least in NJ a car can’t be listed for sale without the title, so this would have been illegal. Not sure about your state.

  • SecludedExtrovert@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Did you already hand over the check?

    If so, call you bank explain what happened and see if they can cancel payment.

    Also, find another Cayenne at another dealership.

  • chauggle@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    The dealership not having the title yet is no reason for you NOT to be able to take it home.

    Frankly, you never should have left without at least ONE of THEIR vehicles - either the one you bought, or the GM’s demo.

    The only thing not having a title at the dealership does (in TN, my state) is prevent me from either doing the tag work for the client or perfecting the loan, both of which slow down the bank’s payment to the dealership. It’s definitely NOT your problem - it’s theirs.

    However, if that is their decision in this matter, I’d demand to drive a DEMO or service loaner until the title arrives and you can take your car home.

    Skip the GM, go straight to ownership.

    When they have one of their needed cars out on the road because of paperwork, they’ll move their ass.

  • CT_Patriot@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If this is any indication of the level of service at a Porsche dealership pertaining to sales, what do you think bringing it in for service will be any improvement?

    Call the lender, get their email address to send and receive validation that you wish to terminate the financing of this vehicle due to lack of title the day the contract was signed/agreed to.

    I purchased my 997 GT3 on an allocation from Danbury Porsche, fully spec car and also was given $4K off the deal! That’s unheard of. It because they valued my business and was willing to get exactly what I wanted from them vs other dealers. Normally allocations are “reserved” for known customers, not someone off the street looking to buy their first Porsche let alone a GT3!

    It took a good 6 months but it arrived from factory and the dealership went through every detail with me, introduced to the service team, gave me vouchers for service as well, also assisted with joining PCA and local division that they host often.

    They are the ONLY dealership I’ll deal with when purchasing or leasing a Porsche.

  • yungbutthole69@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If you don’t mind me asking what porsche dealer? I used to work at a porsche dealer in NY which is why I ask.

  • CosmoKing2@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    They treat you like this during the purchase? Do you expect their behavior to get better when you own it and go in for service? They have already basically told you that they have no empathy for you, also blaming you for the situation. What do you think will happen with a warranty repair or a repair that may be a judgement call for them to decide? They will screw you at every turn. And you will need to call in the Regional PoA Manager to settle every single issue.

    Walk away if you can. Them disclosing the lease bit - after you signed the contract, financed, and handed over the check? Super shady.

  • RoscoePeke@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    This should have been disclosed to you prior to completing the paperwork. Decided what outcome you want and be direct. The fact that the GM was casual with you and formal with another client’s honorific is a lever that you can use in your discussions with him/her; every client deserves and should receive the same respect. They may put up a firm defense, but when they see that you are calm, and purposeful in your resolve, I imagine they’ll come around.

  • wrighterjw10@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Perhaps I’m confused, but was the car disclosed as pre-owned? I’d think the milage would be a dead giveaway but I don’t want to assume. In reading your post, “suddenly disclosed that the vehicle was a previous lease” can be interpreted a few different ways.

    I’m also surprised that they won’t release the car with the title work already completed.

    • Matt_Danger75@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Title work is NOT completed. NY issues the Veri-fi system so they can’t even print title paperwork till they have a clean title. He will be presented with the title paperwork to sign when he goes to pick it up

  • DriedUpSquid@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Walk away from that. If they can’t be bothered to address you properly, they don’t deserve your money.