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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2023


  • Let’s be clear here - people are literally coming into these threads specifically ASKING for people’s opinions on options. THAT’S THE POINT. Some folks will have strong opinions on this. If you don’t care, or don’t want to hear it, don’t ask. Some folks lack tact - that’s the world.

    Having sold Porsches for over 7 years, and having dealt with all manner of client issues, as well as maintenance costs for them through the years, I’m fairly confident in my recommendations for people.

    I don’t hate any options on these cars.

    I simply give people realistic advice, and listen to their use scenarios, and make suggestions. I bring up things they may not have thought of, and make sure they understand all the facets of their decisions.

    Want ceramics? Great - when it’s time to swap, be ready to pay. Want steelies? Great - you’ll be swapping brakes 5 times as often, but for far less each time.

    Want a center lock? Cool - you’ll likely not be able to get reliable tire service anywhere but a Porsche store. Yes, the socket is in the car, but if you fuck up putting it on, it will cost you. Want lug nuts? Cool - you, and anyone else, can swap wheels and tires, and a road trip may not be interrupted at all.

    At the end of the day, I’ll simply say what I told my hundreds of clients:

    “Don’t worry about the next owner, and what options you think they might want. Get the car YOU want, and enjoy it.”

  • The dealership not having the title yet is no reason for you NOT to be able to take it home.

    Frankly, you never should have left without at least ONE of THEIR vehicles - either the one you bought, or the GM’s demo.

    The only thing not having a title at the dealership does (in TN, my state) is prevent me from either doing the tag work for the client or perfecting the loan, both of which slow down the bank’s payment to the dealership. It’s definitely NOT your problem - it’s theirs.

    However, if that is their decision in this matter, I’d demand to drive a DEMO or service loaner until the title arrives and you can take your car home.

    Skip the GM, go straight to ownership.

    When they have one of their needed cars out on the road because of paperwork, they’ll move their ass.