… and it’s time to rewatch Silicon Valley again.
Those first 2-3 seasons are amazing
But so anxiety inducing! I always felt like 5 minutes after any victory, we’re back to heart attacks.
Their BitCoin rigs that only mined when it was cost efficient hit a little different now
Ah… Fuck. I just realized, so does Gilfoyle’s edgelord racism.
NVidia would a not let me burn garbage.
Yes, but can it identify hot dog?
No hot dog
Uh-oh. Hot dog.
“Not hot dog”
I realized this after posting but the shame was too much to want to edit the comment. Not hot dog.
Do I look like I know what a hot dog is? I just want a picture of a got dang jpeg
Octopus. It’s a water animal.
Question for you: What’s better than an octopus recipe? Answer for you: 8 recipes for octopus.
is this a reference to an AI fail I have missed?
Much respect to the anchoring skills of Sam Altman tho. “I need 7 trillion dollars and then I will kill God” and then they gave him half a trillion.
wow so much of chatgpts perceived value comes from hyping it up? how would we have ever guessed.
I love how it being inefficient seemed to be its biggest selling point too lol.
Wait, it’s not going to use up all of the world’s resources? Nevermind, I don’t want that.
The bloat and complexity was a feature.
How were they going to get the government subsidies and tax breaks if it was simple and didn’t take a whole nuclear plant to run it?
Who else got fooled by the multiple slides thing
Is it not sliding for you?
It works for me
Ohhhh you have to press on the image first 😅
Not working for me. Just get first image
Is that a hot dog in the last image?
He saved so much money by training it on a corpus of Erlich Bachman insults
Every time I read Erlich’s name, I hear Jin Yang struggling to pronounce it.
This is how the US AI-dev sector decides to proceed at flank speed without safeguards towards friendly AI, leading to a robot apocalypse, sparing us from climate-crisis-induced famine!
I feel like the robots have already earned their leadership
Welcome robot overlords etc etc
Increasingly I feel like our only hope for the future is somehow achieving ASI and that it somehow is benevolent in spite of our numerous failings as a species and KT basically starts manipulating us or directly controlling us away from self destruction.
There are so many doomsday scenarios on the horizon that if it ends up being evil we may at least be able to take it down with us.
Aren’t the algorithm in use pretty much scientifically published?
When I heard there is a chinese one I was mostly surprised that other people were surprised.
IMO with the Chinese attitude towards education, community, and government investment in contrast to the US attitude, it’s only a matter of time before they take the lead in many tech categories.
The USA is already behind… and education is a thing that takes decades to pump or destroy. Even if the USA turns ship now (and they are not) the damage has been done for at least 2 generations of students.
The damage has been mitigated by importing so many smart people from elsewhere… but even that is getting destroyed so there is no saving it anymore
Thanks to U.S. stupidity, greed and a certain felon, China will assume the position of the number one world leader very, very soon.
Hey It iS oUR RiGhT to not teach basic science jn the usa! /s
As a high school teacher looking to get out of teaching I’m so tired
not hot dog
New ChatGPT
who dis?
Chinese ChatGPTWhy are you clapping me, I’m wrong? I thought everything on the board was “chinese facebook” etc, but infact, the guy I replied to is right.
How do I make Canadian chatgpt?
Make it in a quebeqi strip club with a bunch of Université de Montréal students, while eating poutine and drinking maple syrup in milk.
The only music allowed in the background is Tech Death with fretless bass or gorguts. Basically any band that Forest has been in. Canadian Content rules apply.
Also, the source code must be billingual. (ENG/FR, OBV)
STUPID EDIT : No British Colombia(ns) allowed, what is this, a movie? That also includes Archspire as background listening.
EDIT2 : That’s people from the province of British Colombia or use of British Colombia as a location; British people from Colombia or Colombians from Britain are allowed as long as they are currently living in a non British Colombia Canadian Province.
New New ChatGPT*
Eric Bachman, this your mother. You are not my baby!
Is your refrigerator running? This is Mike Hunt.
I love how they open sourced the model.
You’re telling me a country that could give a flying fuck about international patent law copied and replicated something? Say it ain’t so.
When I mentioned that all this went down for a mere fraction of what everyone else paid, her immediate reaction was: “Well, isn’t that what China does with just about everything?”