Uriel238 [all pronouns]

  • 70 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023

  • The reasonable conclusion comes from the vast range of possibilities of what is true, which is exponentially larger than the range of possibilities specifically expressed in the world’s popular religions, even if we were to assume that every human being has their own understanding of what is true. The range of possibilities not conceived of by one of eight-billion human beings is vastly greater, so the chances of one person getting it right is akin to winning the lottery.

    If we assume that any two people agree on religious truth, that number of religions becomes less, and the odds it is not one of those becomes even greater.

    Note that there are about (not quite) 40,000 denominations of Christianity (and then all the non-denominational churches, some of which are megachurches that stay ND so they are not recognized as an NRM, which law enforcement presumes is a potentially-dangerous cult-or-sect) so we get very specific as to what religious truth is, and we fight wars or litigate over these specifics.

    Considering the scope of the universe compared to the scope of life on earth (let alone human life), it’s highly more likely the Milky Way galaxy (including the solar system and everything in it) is incidental to any divine purpose of the cosmos. The difference between the chances that we’re special or important, and the chances mold under a specific Sequoia tree in central California is special or important is infinitesimal.

    So even when we only consider theistic possibilities within the universe as we see and understand it, any popular religion that has a non-zero possibility of being true still doesn’t have much more than that.

  • From a philosophical standpoint beauty correlates to veracity ( / validity / authority) is a principle. Just not one that serves very well, IRL.

    I will seek the best interests of beautiful women in order to increase my chances of mating with them is a valid survival strategy. I’d argue it’s a better one than those strategies expressed by folk in the alt-right (incels, gamergaters, the manosphere, alpha males, etc.)

  • I’d assume middle school teachers are fairly cringe just for being middle school teachers but if one is trying to learn the new lingo, at least they’re trying to communicate.

    Then again, I was a Trekkie misfit in the 70s and 80s when we didn’t have TNG yet, and was commonly regarded as skibidi ohio.

    Also, to be fair, Ohio was cringe and weird in the 1960s, especially after Kent State and CSN made Ohio into a folk song, and it’s lit if that’s where Alpha vibe gets its cred.

  • What is scary to me is the degree to which information as understood by biblical scholars is withheld to the laity, such as how the writers of the books of the bible were often at odds, with conflicting interests. The OT and NT are not univocal, not inerrant, not divinely inspired. And there’s a lot that we interpret today to mean something different than what it meant when it was written (a process that isn’t always a bad thing).

    When I’ve interacted with Hellenists, they still understand that their mythology is exactly that, fanfiction of stone-age and iron-age folk trying to explain natural phenomena or telling stories of their people.

    But Christian ministries not only don’t want to acknowledge the chthonic origins of their own scripture, but then want to reinterpret it preserving the power of the church, which is particularly odd since the Protestant traditions sola fide (by faith alone) and sola scriptura (by scripture alone) seat salvation and comprehension squarely in the hands of the solo parishioner. Then again, people who are comfortable with their own spirituality are less desperate to keep up on their tithes.

  • If a guy likes the d but identifies as straight, then yes, he’s straight.

    If a guy likes the d (and less so the v) but also musicals and brunching and still identifies as straight, then he’s straight.

    At very least, the closet continues to be a necessity for some folk in intolerant circumstances.

    Identity is something one works out for themselves. Heck the Kinsey scale implies almost everyone should be bi, (even if not very bi) and yet our booleanist society seems to want to categorize only Kinsey-0 as straight (with everyone else as Oh-So-Gay).

  • So about the Ohio pet eating, the first thing that made me ❌ Doubt is that we (folks in western civilization) eaten cats before, and they are desperation food world wide. Captured cats turned into food was called roof rabbit during the London blitz. There’s little meat to bone, and reports say it’s extremely gamey. Even scavengers will pass on kittens if they’re not desperate.

    There are some Asian cultures that eat dog, which is a regional food in some parts of China, what is a product of living in a region where wild dogs (such as dholes) dwell and prey on children and wildlife. But this isn’t a food of choice, nor one for which they’ll hunt pets unless they’re desperate (in which case, some blame has to fall on social services for letting people go hungry), and there are markets for dog that has been specifically bred to be eaten, which is different from fancy dog breeds we are used to.

    The local wildlife such as Florida’s alligators, or California’s coyote population (coyotes lurk everywhere across the US) are often that desperate and will totally eat your pets or livestock, so if Mr. Bitey goes missing, that’s your culprit in the rurals. In the meantime law enforcement in the United States will indiscriminately kill dogs, with officers afraid of even chihuahuas and toy terriers. The police kill rate for dogs averages around 50,000 dead pooches a year.

  • This is a good place for that reminder that the big lexicon of sexualities, romantic orientations and gender identities are something to help you figure out what your business is. Other people will sometimes have identities that do not appear to match their behavior, and that is fine.

    This was the whole point of Russell T. Davies television series Bob & Rose (Bob is gay man who falls in love with Rose, a straight woman, and everybody freaks the fuck out. )

    Or to put it another way, if a friend of yours is a lesbian but sometimes likes the d, or has a d or is enby, id est, not a woman, they are still a lesbian.

    Most of the lesbian community is down with this, in my experience, but the lesbian community – and the LGBT+ community in general – has a long history of gatekeeping, especially of shutting out bi folk and trans folk. And we need peers, friends and allies on the same page. So here we are with the bus driver tapping the sign.

  • Lawrence Wright wrote that the hijackers chose the date when John III Sobieski, the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, began the battle that turned back the Ottoman Empire’s Muslim armies that were attempting to capture Vienna (present-day capital of Austria) on September 11, 1683. During 1683, Vienna was the seat of the Holy Roman Empire and Habsburg monarchy, both major powers in Europe at the time. For Osama bin Laden, this was a date when the West gained some dominance over Islam, and by attacking on this date, he hoped to make a step in Islam “winning” the war for worldwide power and influence.Wikipedia on the 9/11 attacks

  • I’d like to see the 9/11 attacks become something like Pearl Harbor day (December 7th, 1941) in something we acknowledge happened but don’t actually have department store sales over, and speeches by elected officials are optional, usually if victims / veterans are getting together for a pageant.

    From a statecraft standpoint, I remain impressed with just how low the 9/11 attacks smote the US, and I’m sure even Bin Laden regarded it as a lucky hit, intending it to be a sting like the Doolittle raid, but with such perfect timing that it accelerated the US dissolution towards one-party autocracy. Now, many of the failings of the United States as a free democracy are laid plain, and it’s our mess to clean up or to leave to fester.

    If Harris wins in 2024, we’ll get that chance, but Obama also promised hope and change and didn’t deliver, and it cost us dearly. Again. So we’ll see.