Holy shit, he actually posted that. What a fucking freak.
E: and also
Is that shit stain threatening to rape her? 😶
Nah, he’s got so many kids he can just give her one
But also, yeah he is threatening to rape her.
Elon needs to get his fucking teeth kicked in.
Is this advocating for violence? If so id like to ask a mod why rules are being applied unequally?
Why are you defending rape?
Im simply asking why advocating for violence is ok sometimes and not others. This has got literally nothing to do with musk or whatever he tweated.
Bullshit. You’re suggesting that it isn’t justified to defend people against rapists. Quit JAQing off in public.
You are disgusting.
You’re disgusting.
Rape is disgusting and deserves violence
Violence is not acceptable
I don’t think the original intention was to imply rape. I think it was something like “I know you’ve been begging and hoping for someone to put a baby in you and fine I’ll do it”. Which is disgusting but not really on the level of rape.
Has Tailor been begging for a baby?
Or does Musk think the only reason women exist is to pop out babies, so Taylor must want a baby by default and Musk is willing to do so?
Because if it is the last, then it does imply rape.
I think it’s implying that Taylor secretly wants it and would consent to it and want it when “given the chance” of being impregnated by Musk. Not that he would forcibly do it.
So no rape, but a weird fantasy from Musk.
‘She wanted it’ is the excuse of rapists and their apologists.
You are treating this as if it was actual thing that happened or even would happen. This is just fantasy shit from a weirdo. In that fantasy, Tay-Tay is totally willing. The fantasy isn’t about raping her but her actually wanting to have his kids.
Common Musk Worshipping L
So you are defending someone advocating for violence?
It’s merely a suggestion of karmatic punishment.
He did not say someone should do this and my favorite version is that his own tesla fails him and crashes his ego.
Technically they are (probably) advocating a third person to perform a violent act. The case would resolve around the definition of “needs to” but forget about all that… Tell me more about this car crash, the levels of karmic justice that would wash over the planet could usher in a new wave of progress. Without wanting to sound greedy, would it be possible that Musk could be giving Jordan “Benzo” Peterson a lift at the same time? Fingers crossed 🤞
May I remind you that the entire free world has a rich history of punching nazis.
Does “the free world” include Kemalist Turkey, Pinochet’s Chile, Japan, Saudi Arabia and Israel?
I’m really not that keen on the subject who’s worse, but calling something “the free world” gets me every time.
EDIT: Obviously didn’t mention every European colonial power, like UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, of which some have done pretty Nazi shit long after 1945.
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He is, funnily enough. Fascism = Nazism.
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You know the answer to both those questions… don’t you? Good effort asking them all the same.
Umm its fine to wish death upon on rich white man and only a particular political opinion is allowed?
You misspelled fascist oligarch.
That’s the thing with a lot of US-centric topics on here. The problem with freedom of speech for everyone is that a thousand loud voices saying the same thing drown out one quiet question.
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Just report it if you think it violates a rule.
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It’s gross that he wrote it. It’s grosser that so many people interacted with what he wrote. It’s grosserer that an obscene amount of people endorse him by using his platform.
It’s Twitter. I refuse to associate it with a letter of the alphabet so I can be reminded of it every time I have to type a word with that letter in it. That was the goal, wasn’t it? So pretentious.
He sounds exceptionally disgusting, and the bar is fucking high for that.
This is disgusting, and arguably tantamount to verbal assault.
Yup, basically: rapist threatens to rape again.
How can a man with over 10 children be more of an incel than me a literal involuntary celibate
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If you’ve ever refused a girl or remained silent where she waited to hear something in this direction from you, it’s voluntary.
Unless you mean medical problems, which still don’t prevent some sort of interaction which is arguably not celibate. It’s not all about dcks and cnts.
did you just assume my
genderpartner preferencejk jk, tho I do have medical (mental) problems which make me more or less completely unwilling to engage in those sorts of things with anyone
Sorry, backwards culture. I live in Russia, participants of discussions in the Web in any place outside of main social media are mostly male. And when they are not, you can detect women by being more polite and tactful, but caring less about orthography than the rest (that’s empirical, can’t say why). Partner preference - same reason.
well, sometimes people on the internet are women or gay. Also, I don’t think that’s true, Russian internet culture is just really misogynistic (more overtly than the “western” internet) so women sometimes use male pronouns. I’m Russian too and know a few women who do this.
Assuming everyone is male is actually part of the misogyny, please try not to do that
OK, I gave a thought to this and realized that it’s the kind of argument where I assumed this is mostly male.
Yikes! What a creep.
If you are in proximity to this fuck and aren’t hitting him in the face then you’re not only a class traitor, but you’re a traitor to humanity.
And if you get on a jury over someone hitting him, you need to nullify.
Is this advocating for violence? If so id like to ask a mod why rules are being applied unequally?
Careful not to choke on that rapey boot your deepthroating there! It’ll never get him to notice you exist, nor care, you’re just telling on yourself… ¯\(ツ)/¯
Please explain as logically as you possibly can how calling out someone literally calling for violence to be enacted upon another human as rapey and boot lickering? Are you fucking retarted? Are you too godamn stupid to see how fucking dumb you are? You my simple mindless friend are the only proof i need that god is dead, purly because no intelligent creator would ever willfully will into existance a moron as fucking moronic as you. Your head must be so far up your own ass that ur beginning to feel it tickle the back of ur throat. Please for the love of anyone who is subjected to your pitiful existance think about if you want to be that guy defending someone calling for violence. I dont fucking care if its the Jews the Palestinians or fucking elon musk stop defending the people calling for violence to be enacted.
It hasn’t been proven unequivocally that Musk is fully human.
Hitler had a simmillar opinion of Jews do you really wanna be the guy using the sub human argument?
Godwins Rule in 3 comments
Yeah homeslice was apparently speedrunning this shit.
Some pictures suggest that he’s at least part cybertruck.
That’s more for advocating violence towards other users I think, like if I advocated for violence towards you, that would be a reason for a ban.
I wonder if you experienced the violence you defend with your what about bullshit if you would have a different perspective.
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Your coming to the defense of a rape threat. You are now a cosigner of the rape threat. Suffer.
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Fuck off we don’t like you
Well, you know, let’s be clear about something here. This person you’re talking about? Not a good person. Toxic, actually. And you can tell, because, much like the lobsters, we have these dominance hierarchies, right? We can perceive when someone’s behaving badly—when they’re undermining trust, or poisoning the environment around them. And that’s what toxicity is, fundamentally. It’s disruptive. And what do lobsters do with disruptive behavior in their hierarchy? They push back, hard. They establish boundaries. And you should, too.*
Well, I banned that motherfucker just now, and let me tell you, there’s a difference this time. All of my other bans? They were temporary, even tongue-in-cheek. But this one? This one is serious. You have to know when to draw the line. It’s like lobsters—they engage in these dominance battles, and sometimes, you need to make a decisive move to protect the integrity of the social structure. There’s no room for ambiguity when someone is undermining the whole system.
Tell me how it was captaining the University Debate Team, if you’d be so kind. /s
Just report it if you think it’s violating rules.
I see you are being unfairly downvoted, so here goes my support.
Violence is never the solution and anyone advocating for it is an ahole
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Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. ;)
So, the Hitler problem could have just been resolved with words and policy?
Wow that was a quick appearance of the Godwins Law https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law
If you cannot distinguish between WW2 vs. Lynching a person, then I don’t know how a communication between you a and me is going to be possible.
I’m not sure how you expect to deal with people on the right that actively want to kill off anyone who disagrees with them. Unfortunately, violence must be met with violence. And no one mentioned lynching until you just did. Are you ok?
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Yeah I dont have anything funny to contribute this is just gross
This is a weird man.
He was weird before the GOP made weird the norm.
The fuck did I just read?
Nothing good comes with 3 AM scrolling I swear
It always makes me stay up for like two extra hours because I see some shit that either disgusts me, infuriates me, or both.
At first I thought he was making some terrible joke about giving one of his kids, he doesn’t like, to her. Then I realized what that tweet means. I gave him too much credit. What a freak.
And my dumbass just realized it now… gross
Leon really trying to get any attention at all