One day someone is going to post Loss and no one will get the reference. That’s when we know web2.0 is truly extinct.
What a loss.
Oh for fucking out loud!
I’m at a loss for words
As an American, I had to work out the Roman Numerals the only way I know how: using Super Bowls. So the 1st Super Bowl is Super Bowl I (Packers over Chiefs), the 2nd Super Bowl is Super Bowl II (Packers over Raiders), and the 50th Super Bowl is Super Bowl 50 (Broncos over Panthers). Putting this together I get:
I II II 50
I’m at a loss as to what it could mean.
As a non-football fan, but Simpsons enjoyer, I use Rocky VII: Adrian’s Revenge.
As a non football fan but american who is also a videogame player I used the ranks of tanks from Wargaming’s World Of Tanks. But the tiers only go up to X. So I’m at a loss
Final Fantasy is right there
.:|;:U wot m8
Lmfao. God dammit this took me to long to figure out.
You bastard
I am both proud of and hating myself for figuring that out on my own.
Is this the loss of Rome?
Hoc est damnum?
I don’t get it.
pretty much if a 4 panel grid seems nonsense/incomprehensible…it’s usually loss
Is this loss?
Yeah, but I’m probably more ancient than those get whatever that means…
I am still clueless.
That might help.
You’re loss
Hoccine damnum?
Ita vērō.
Oh, fuck you!