Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

  • 19 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • But the Lord came down to see the city OS and the tower app the people were building. The Lord said, “If as one people speaking programming the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

    So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city OS. That is why it was called Babel—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

    This message brought to you by TempleOS

  • I think it’s rather more that it’s painfully clear to anyone with a functioning brain that Donald Trump and his campaign is once again trying to manipulatively present himself as in more danger than he actually is and falsely blaming Democrats for violent vitriol. Donald Trump is firmly the one producing all the violent rhetoric in this campaign. The worst the Democrats have done is imply that JD Vance fucked a couch, and when they did, it was clearly in jest and not serious. Yet he turns it around and blames it on the Harris campaign immediately.

    So, let’s go over. What makes this a nothingburger compared to what Trump makes it out to be:

    1. This guy who they caught with the guns previously voted for Trump, and had also previously supported Vivek, after he was disillusioned with Trump. He’s clearly not well, but he’s also clearly not a true and blue progressive who was pushed to violence by evil Democrats being mean to Donald Trump.

    2. Trump was never actually in any serious danger, probably because due to the previous massive fuckup the Secret Service is probably actually doing their job this time around. Since he was never in actual serious danger, because they were doing their job, it’s as much of a nothingburger as the number of times that such a thing has happened to sitting Presidents. It doesn’t blow up the news because it’s stupid when they’ve already failed.

  • Most of my apartment neighbors are actually really cool, chill people. There’s a handful of people who stink, but like… Oh well?? That’s living around other humans? You adapt to the shitty ones and get along with the good ones.

    If you run around assuming all your apartment neighbors will forever be annoying, you’ll never get to know any that aren’t. Same with neighbors in the suburbs. Being around humans can suck sometimes, but if you look you can often find decent people.

  • Snot Flickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zonetosolarpunk memes@slrpnk.netDensity saves nature
    4 hours ago

    I mean seriously, the first thought that came to my mind was: “How is this better for nature? They are going to poison the shit out of the ocean around their shores dumping their shit right into it because they’ve got nowhere else for it to go, because it’s still too many people for that area.

    Even if they try to build septic, it’s just too damn small for it to not be leeching into the water unless they dig the septic tank insanely deep.

    Wouldn’t a water treatment facility for that much wastewater take up about as much space as the living area? What about electricity generation? And where is fresh water coming from?

    These fucking simplistic ass views will be the death of us.

  • The better question is if anyone actually fucking cares? It sure seems like all those climate pledges are just out the window in favor of more money now. They’re not worried about keeping up the ruse. The people that run this world feel like they’ve given up on caring about the future at all and want to strip-mine the entire planet of value before they die.

    Like those fucking Effective Altruism people who act like they are but are hiding sinister intentions saying “it doesn’t matter how many people we kill now as long as we achieve this great thing of an AI God who will save us from ourselves.”

    Like, believing humans are so special that we can create an AI God that is smarter than us is somehow dumber than believing in the God’s of the ancient world. At least the ancient Gods weren’t entirely wrapped up in existing because of human hubris.

    The rest of humanity isn’t asking for that or being asked what their opinion on that is, it’s just full steam ahead for the fucktards who think they’ve already figured out the future. They’re about as clever as the people who claimed human flight wasn’t possible, just because they’re going extreme the other direction from skepticism to belief doesn’t make them smart.

  • I mean, I’m pretty sure Sanders is well aware, but this is who he has always been his entire political career. He will try to make it an issue, try to make a stink about it, be ignored, and then later be remembered as being on the right side of the issue.

    I have to say, I would have given up long ago, so it seems to me he’s a good egg for continuing to fight the good fight of trying to bring attention to these issues despite how often he has been ignored.

    Do I think his way of doing things is working? I’m pretty sure it’s not, it could if there were more people like Sanders, but as he’s a minority of being on the right side of these issues, there’s only so much he can do to raise the issue and get others to care. While it’s commendable, you’re not wrong in seeing it as foolhardy and pointless because, well, it pretty much is. (At least not without a significant number of others at his back, which he does not have, politically.)

    But it’s how Sanders has chosen to fight his fight, and it’s at the very least respectable, if unsuccessful.

  • I don’t know, that mindset is so foreign to me. If someone was overestimating how long it would take because they were simply trying to be conservative and not run into unexpected cost overruns, I would commend them. I’ve always considered it more prudent to expect something to take longer so you know the kind of budget you need up front instead of lying to yourself about it. It costs a lot more (in terms of lost time and productivity) to have to swing a new budget mid-project because it turns out you’ve burned through the planned budget and you’re only 2/3 the way done with the project.

    So, screw your manager, you’re doing the right thing, in my eyes. I guess that’s why I’m not in charge of anything.