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I have the same feeling when I’m around neighbourhoods with nice houses, real estate is crazy around here so I know the prices and so even anything remotely “nice” or “big” or “not touching the neighbours but they’re kinda right there” is in the millions immediately. Can’t help wondering who all these people are.
The answer of course is generational wealth, same with the boats.
The elites don’t want you to know this but the boats at the marina are free you can take them home I have 458 boats.
Yup, if you can get it running, it’s yours.
A former boss told a story once that was super relatable.
It was about change and how it’s not always necessary… He went on about how one business changed their payment policies so that everything was done by some kind of payment card, they wouldn’t accept cash/cheque with their new system.
He was basically bitching about having to pay by card for something he usually pays for by cheque.
The super relatable service that “pulled this on him”? It was a dry dock for his boat.
Yep. Super relatable bossman. I can barely pay my bills on what I’m paid, and you’re being super relatable talking about how you store your boat in the winter. 🖕
Last year, my CEO said if we finish the project on time, he’ll buy a new truck and bring it around the office for everyone to check it out.
This would be his 20th truck he bought.
So relatable!
Jesus, that is even worse than a “let them eat cake” moment. This would be like Marie Antoinette eating cake in front of the starving peasants and then saying “be grateful for the opportunity to watch me eat cake!”
What happened to us? When did our spirits become so broken that the rich figuratively spit in our face and we thank them for it?
Thank you for your moisture.
If you want to check out a new truck that you don’t own, just go to a dealership not looking like a bum and they might even let you drive it.
Don’t even need to not look like a bum, I’ve gone on a few test drives looking like a bum.
As long as you don’t smell like a bum.
I’m kinda one of them. Well my dad is. He’s typical of the boat owners I’ve met over the years. Boomer, business owner, white. He bought the first boat with a buddy in their late 20s, cuz that’s when he had enough disposable income after they could afford a house, a rental property, two kids, two cars, a dog and a golf course membership. They had a falling out and my dad bought out his buddy. Three or four boats later I look after the boat, and do all the maintenance. My dad’s in his 70s, he can’t take the boat out on his own anymore. We go fishing 5 or 6 times a year. Moorage is $6000 a year, fuel is $2000, insurance $3000, maintenance at least $2000. Maintenance would be 10x that if I didn’t do most of the work myself.
How much difference would it be if you compare it by renting a boat for those 5 or 6 times a year?
We could do some absolutely amazing charters for the money we spend on the boat. It’s something we have been talking about recently. The engines on the boat are 25 years old, if/when they die my dad wants to replace them to the tune of $40,000-$50,000. I’m trying to talk him into selling it and we plan a couple really nice fishing trips per year. I think one of the reasons he spends so much on it is that it’s one of the only things we have in common. We only really spend time together on the boat.
hey gob bluth lives on one of them
At least until he makes a break for Portugal, down 'ol South America way.
Just had a look at used sailing boats in Norway and there are a fair number for under $10 000. Basically cheaper than a used car or camper. I’d have one if I had somewhere to keep it.
That’s the real kicker. a place to moor your boat is often more expensive and even then maintenance costs will be a lot.
Cheap to buy maybe, but expensive to moor and maintain. A friend who bought a small second-hand yacht said his new hobby was tearing up £20 notes in a cold shower.
They say the two happiest days in a boat owners life are the day they buy their boat and the day they sell their boat.
IIRC the rule of thumb for boat costs, is that annual upkeep costs for a boat are roughly the purchase price of the boat.
That’s wildly inaccurate, even as a rule of thumb. Upkeep (excluding storage, which varies widely by location) shouldn’t be over 10% of the purchase price, unless the boat was really cheap or the boatyard doing the maintenance is crooked.
Talking US rates here, I have no experience overseas.
Fair I have zero experience owning a boat. However, if I bought a boat for $10K and my annual upkeep was only $1K I’d certainly be thrilled.
Holy shit used cars must be expensive in Norway. I live in Estonia and my first used car was 550 euros 10 years ago. Nowadays the same model (early 90s Audi) could probably be had for 900-1100.
The thing to consider is that while my crappy old Audi received less than 200 euros in maintenance and repairs in the first year, yachts are said to cost you roughly 10% of the initial purchase price per year in maintenance and mooring costs and I doubt those under 10k yachts were 10k new.
You can get a car that runs for around €3000 in Bergen or Oslo, but used cars get progressively more expensive the further north you go. But getting work done on a car is the expensive thing. I payed around €5000 for my car 3 years ago and last year I spent €3000 getting it passed the control. The problem is that Norway has a harsh coastal climate (salt spray, constantly going above and below freezing etc), and shit roads outside of Oslo. I’ve broken 2 springs, cracked my oil sump, and punctured a tyre just because of shitty roads. And because Norway is outside the EU we pay toll on everything we order from outside Norway, which is most things (including car parts) because Norway doesn’t actually produce anything).
I mean most of that is the same here in Estonia. Have to work on your own cars if you’re buying used. We salt the roads and getting work done is expensive. Though I did not know you guys had tolls for EU goods, I thought being in the EEA took care of that.
Nah we just have to follow EU regulations without any of the benefits or ability to influence policy.
Interesting, calculator says there’s no toll on car parts, period. Wikipedia says there’s no toll (customs fees) on EU goods other than food and beverages (which EU subsidises so they would be too cheap for Norwegian market otherwise)
Do you perhaps mean the 25% VAT? Most countries have that and it’s not specific to imports. If I go to a grocery store and buy milk, that includes 22% VAT in the price. It’s just that when you order from abroad, you may have to declare values and pay VAT and if the store you ordered from did a fuckup and paid VAT to their own country instead of declaring that they sold to Norway, you might get double taxed.
Ok, I just looked it up on the post office website and it seems you’re correct. I guess it must have been changed recently.
I remember a craiglist post (from like 2000s) that was for a small boat. It was like $600 a month on a payment plan, or $30000 total.
I was in college looking for a place to rent, just a bed. And I really thought about living on a small boat.
It’s possible to get a small boat (couple of berths, simple galley and a shitter) for around $5000 total in Norway. But as with all things this gets progressively more expensive the further north you go. But overall boats are not that expensive here because there are a lot of them. (Supply and demand)
No one, take them, they’re free.
Some people would be so relieved.
Boat = a hole in the water that you throw money into.
maybe that should be an addendum or footnote to the “best days of a boat owner’s life”
Boat = Bust Out Another Thousand
Sorry to call you at this hour sir, but the boat your paying to moor here, it has been stolen.
"Of my fuck, thank you! Thank the Gods!!‘’
My family had a boat quite a few years back. Not a massive one, probably cost ten grand or something. People don’t need to be absolutely loaded to own a boat.
Moorage, however…
Yep good point. Expensive to moor and fuel, I’ll give you that.
Yeah the people I know who own boats have it in their garage/near their house/storage unit.
I mean it’s only 3 people.
And I just named all 3 locations.
I don’t know that many boat people.
Not a lot of overlap between bike people and boat people.
When I was a kid, my aunt owned a small one. She’d bring it to my house where my dad and my uncle did repairs.
We were by no means a rich family. It was a two bedroom house with my parents and 3 kids.
I imagine the most expensive part of these are probably dock fees?
Believe it or not. There’s as many reasons to own a boat as there are to own a house. And many more uses for a boat.
Weird thing. A boat is much more affordable than a house nowadays. Hell I’d live on a boat. That shit would be awesome.
Owning a boat
- You’ll be able to survive the rising sea levels caused by global warming.
- You won’t survive the super hurricanes caused by global warming.
Solution: boat in the mountains.
The lake in Östersund is beautiful and are rumored to have its own monster if anyone wants to visit an awesome mountain lake
Fresh water boating! As a bonus your boat will be worth more should you want to sell it, especially if you can get it to a salt water area.
Depends where I guess. And this also depends on your type of work.
I know that people live year round on narrow boats in the UK, for example. But where I live, unless it’s a very very big boat, living on it year round would be very difficult if not impossible. Most marinas will close in fall/autumn and have a service to lift boats out of the water (and wrap them). If a (small) boat stays in the water for winter, it risks being iced in for months, and having its hull damaged by the pressure created by the ice. There are thawing and de-icing systems for boats and house boats but at this point, one may also want to live somewhere else during winter. Or move to warmer climates, if the job allows it.
Anyways, marinas are still full here in summer, even if people have to lift their boats out of the water in fall and wrap them up in plastic for several months.
There are a lot of people in the world. Like a loooooot. Even if the % of non normies is only like 0.01% of the population that would easily explain those boats.
If there was a plague that had a 100% human infection rate and killed 87% of the people infected it would still only set back world populations to around the start of the 1900s
Some people don’t even really sail them but live in them.
Boats aren’t even that expensive everywhere. In America they’re priced as luxury objects for the richest of the rich from what I’ve heard. Sailing as a way of traveling is actually a kinda cheap and rough activity, like camper vans. Not very “rich” stuff at all. My grandparents had a 30 footer and it wasn’t exactly luxurious, definitely camper van vibes. They’d sailed it all over around Europe though.
A new camper van in the US can easily cost 6 figures.
And a used one can easily be had for less than 15,000
I can’t even get a used car with less than 100,000 miles for less than $15,000.
I bought a used car several years ago. I put 70k miles on it. It is now worth $4000 more than what I paid for it. This shit is ridiculous.
Uhh you’re not looking hard enough. Hell there are pickup trucks for less than 15k with less than 100k miles.
Where I live used pickups are the worst, costing almost as much as buying new.
Yea that seems to have calmed down a bit recently though.
I once bought one for less than $1000… Granted it needed a lot of work to get roadworthy, but about another $2500 later, it had good tires and could drive without overheating, and more importantly, stop too. Girlfriend I had at the time made me give it up, I still resent her for it.
Yeah, everyone’s got a camper van everywhere because of how cheap they are
Actually not everyone has a camper van everywhere because not everyone desires or has the use for a camper van.
Where I live, I’ve heard lot fees and utilities or what ever are so expensive, may as well rent an apartment
Camper vans, mobile homes, small sailboats, all wall street rich guy shit, right? Even a CEO is lucky to afford a used camper van.
Have you been to southern California?
Nah I’m uncultured swine and have never left Canada
My dad got a relatively seaworthy one for around £5000. It’s the maintenance and marina fees that cost.
A city of 250,000 people could have 250 boats (that’s enough for a marina or two) and it would be 0.01% of the population (the one percent of the one percent). That seems to not really be that crazy.
And if you consider that a small percentage of the boat population may have 2 or even 3 boats, than it gets even less weird.
I also think that if you live near water, people are generally at least a little more likely to get a boat instead of a nice car or bigger house or other luxury item.
Edit: I was off by an order of magnitude so it would be 0.1% not 0.01, however, I think the broader point is still valid.
But 0.01% of 250,000 is 25.
(Sorry 🙁)
Yea that’s my mistake, but even scaled up an order of magnitude I think it still works. That’s still 1 in 10 one percenters.
You’re also forgetting all the people who live on a boat instead of buying or renting property. I live in a coastal state, and some marinas work like trailer parks, where you pay the moorage fee and they supply water/sewer/electric to your boat.
What about fibre link?
I don’t know of any nearby marinas that offer internet connection. You’re pretty much stuck with satellite if you want reliable internet on a boat.
Crap, I was planning on confusing the geolocation algorithms by moving my server around.
Guess I’ll have to figure something else out.
The ideas that normies don’t sail isn’t true. I’m a normie and not rich and I started a sailing school because it’s fun as hell. You don’t need ^to ^own a boat to go sailing, you only need to know how.
Homie how tf are you sailing with no boat?
That’s the power of your imagination!
This simple trick, 🏴☠️
You wouldn’t download a boat
You wouldn’t download a boat
Not a sailboat, but still a downloaded boat.
I’m the captain now!
sail on home to the never say die flavor of simple Rick.
A friend with a boat is what you want. Same with a pool.
The best boat there is is one you don’t own!
Never sailed in a pool before, brb.
You get really good at tight turns.
you join a club and are crew. it’s literally how most sailing clubs function. How the hell are you supposed to race a boat if only the owner gets to be on it? The larger the boat the more the crew you need. The fees at my club for crew are $40 a year. That’s like 1/3 the cost of netflix and way more worth it. And many clubs also have a “why buy?” club where you can captain one of the fleet boats a certain number of times a year and bring your own crew.
Show up to race night with beers and sailing gloves. And the aforementioned knowledge of sailing.
Show up to race night with beers and sailing gloves
And prepare to get wet! .
The same way you live in a place that you don’t own.
OK, but you don’t see me starting an “apartment renting school”
If renting an apartment carried with it a similar significant risk of drowning, there might be a demand.
I would like to introduce you to Florida
Rent a boat?
They said you don’t need a boat.
You don’t need to own a boat. Apologies.
You don’t need a boat, but sailing is much easier with a boat.
you can stick a tiny american flag in your lil belly button and float on by.
Even ten years ago I was like what the heck is an American flag doing on this boat?? The American empire is like one of my least fave so can we at least use the less horrifying state flag?
That’s what gaming pcs with vr are for
Can confirm, especially the smaller sailboats like lasers and such. You can get going insanely fast on a windy day on the lake :)
Sunfish are the best. Why, you ask? Just scroll down until you see something… ‘jolly’
Now, these aren’t official class sails, but who is going to be racing a sunfish anyway, right? ;) I’m also shocked at the price increase. I paid $150 for mine 10 years ago, which is 1/3 of the true class sails needed for racing.
I don’t have space for a mini sailboat right now, but these do look fun as a hobby someday :3