For some reason if i go to sleep at 0000 i wake naturally quite early. But if i go later or earlier, i sleep way too much. I went to bed at 0000 for about a year as I had things to wake up for and at some point i started to wake in time or earlier even without alarm. It still seems to work even after sleeping way too late for many months.
While i had work, i also woke up about hour before i had to leave just so i can “nap” for hour. I would wake up, brush my teeth and put my clothes on so i can just leave and then set alarm for about 1h. I dont know if it was good idea or not, but it felt like it worked.
So going to bed at same time each or at least most nights and getting enough sleep might help. And definitely dont do anything extra in bed while trying to sleep like using phone, it will surely lower the quality of sleep.
get 10-12 hours of sleep before, works like a charm, I get tired around 3pm and go to sleep at 7-8. wake up at 4-6 and have no free time. but I manage to get to school on time, and all I have to do is sacrifice my entire personal life.
Don’t forget that whatever method you adopt repetition and time are the most help. Like exercise or quitting smoking, eventually your body will get the message that now it’s time to go to sleep, and now it’s time to wake up. But it takes practice to make a habit. I heard once a habit takes on average 36 consecutive attempts, so expect at least a month or more before you don’t feel like you’re trying anymore and it just happens on it’s own.
Be born different, my friend. Never regret how you were built, however, as it is prized and unique.
Get up. Don’t fuck around with snooze, those few extra minutes don’t help.
Allow time to reward yourself for getting up. For me it’s word puzzles and coffee before I get ready.
Wake up early consistently every day for at least a week before then. Also go to sleep early every day for a week before then.
This is technically the best advice.
I just got back from 4 weeks in a +5 timezone and after a week home I’m still waking up at 5:00 fresh as a daisy.
So if you’ve got the money, time, inclination maybe go for a trip to help.
If I might add: Jump out of bed the moment your timer goes off. No 8 timers to wake up bullshit. Just one. When it rings -> you’re already on your way to the bathroom.
It’s kinda inhumane the first few times but the shock will wake you up. You will be too preoccupied with shivering and can’t feel like shit.
This is not the way.
Eat relatively healthy, stay hydrated, and get 7 hours of sleep.
cracks a beer and stuffs a jalapeño popper in his gob
Do as I say and not as I do
" I ain’t an athlete, lady. I’m a baseball player." - John Kruk absolute unit and legend First Baseman.
Knowing the right steps is not the same as doing them. That is only hypocritical if you judge others for what you won’t do. Otherwise it is just being self aware.
This is not the way.
I do several things in conjunction.
I plan when I need to go sleep using either or and set my alarms accordingly. Setting your alarm to align with your sleep patterns makes the act of waking up much easier.
I set my phone on my desk away from my bed. The reasoning is two-fold; it forces me to get up and out of bed to dismiss my alarm(This works extra well if you make it a habit to get dressed as soon as you’re out of bed.), and it prevents me from laying in bed while playing on my phone.
I wake up at the same time every day. Consistency is paramount managing sleep.
I only sleep in my bed. I don’t do anything else. This builds an association to automatically get sleepy when you get in bed because the only thing you in bed is sleep. Your brain knows what to expect and just does it. Sort of like how some guys get excited when they see their girlfriend tie her into a ponytail.
Routine. Go to bed at the same time. Reduce electronics before bed.
This is ignorance. It is not the way for many of us.
You can’t make yourself sleep. You can make yourself get up. Force yourself to get up early the going to bed early part will take care of itself.
Oh and you should stop drinking liquids a couple of hours before bed. Unless your a man over 50, in that case if you want to sleep through the night you’ll have to avoid any fluids after Tuesday.
Force yourself to get up early the going to bed early part will take care of itself.
Maybe for you, for me I get exhausted in the middle of the day, and when night rolls around I get a second wind that lasts until the wee hours anyway.
YMMV but personally, I’ve never found that no liquids thing to be good advice. My body seems to wake me up if I need to pee in between sleep cycles, and I have no problem getting back to sleep. But I can get busy and forget to drink enough, and then realize how thirsty I am as I’m getting ready for bed.
This is not the way.
Do you mean regularly or exceptionally?
If I need to get up early as an exception I just go to bed earlier and automatically tend to wake up before my early alarm.
So far it looks like the consensus is: wake up early and don’t feel like garbage. 😆
The masses do not always have the solution. Genetics is a harsh mistress. We are the ones that take the late watch. We protect the tribe at night. Today, we are despised unless we fulfill the meager agendas… But we are not without worth. Chin up, friends. We may have our day.
Best answer here.
No drinking definitely helps me.
Ignorance is what helps you.
Waking up early and feeling like garbage is amplified for me by drinking, staying up late, eating just before bed, watching screens until I fall asleep, having inconsistent hours over the weekend, and getting accustomed to snooze.
Avoiding these things seems to help.
Having kids and hearing them do stuff early in the morning seems to get me moving early.