The fact that trump filed a lawsuit in Pennsylvania this morning means he’s worried about winning the state. The more lawsuits he files, and the sooner he claims victory (in a state or the whole thing), the worse his numbers actually are.
The polls are being manipulated to shit, and are not based on any reality.
I only heard about one lawsuit, is that the one he dropped? Source?
Not that I don’t believe you, I just like to know details.
I mistyped “filed” as “dropped”. He filed a lawsuit this morning:“New lawsuit just dropped.” I get it now.
yeah, it was poor choice of words. I fixed my initial comment.
I live here and replied to this post you linked. The TL;DR of the comment there is:
I do feel the lawsuit is valid, but the delays he’s complaining are caused by Republican efforts to make early/mail-in voting harder during COVID when they didn’t want people to easily vote in a hurry. Now that they do, they’re mad they got what they wanted.
It’s just more of them trying to “prove the system doesn’t work,” and the main proof they have is the stuff they themselves broke.
Who the hell is actually answers all the spam?
if the “problem” is that women are voting–not just democrat women, but ALL women–then maybe the actual problem is your fucking stone age bullshit anti-woman platform, rather than “not enough males are voting”
fucking incel troglodytes
I’ve been hearing qons complain (or “joking”, but in a ha-ha only serious way) about women having the vote since as long as I can remember. Sadly, not all incels - many of them married, and with their wives within earshot.
Never interrupt your enemy when they are sowing and reaping their own destruction
I just mean this is something that could directly and very palpably affect the otherwise conservative-voting woman.
Conservative women gleefully vote against their own interests every time. If Trump’s platform included women losing the right to vote, conservative women would support it without question.
I disagree. But the question would be, “does my husband get two votes?”
Got to keep them Women in line. The American Taliban are alive and well and they have found a home in the MAGA terrorist organization.
Gotta keep them women in line.
women get in voting lines
No not like that!
I prefer the term Yeehawdists 🤠
Y’all Qaeda
Can we make Bubba Bolsheviks a thing?
The Bolsheviks were definitely anti-capitalist and generally rejected religion.
Today’s Republican party is indistinguishable from Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, except for the religion they promote and their headwear. They all want to see their countries adopt a theocratic government with their beliefs as the beliefs of the country as a whole.
Don’t forget Meal Team 6
I’d refer to the xtian Taliban a lot on certain forums and I’d get butthurt reactions (and people trying to get my comment deleted or me banned) from the magabrained - one claim was that xtianity and the Taliban/Islam are diametrically opposed (lol). The other was the usual whining over the shorthand of “xtian”.
What the xtianists don’t really seem to realize - or don’t want to acknowledge - is that they and the extremist Muslim are only separated by the most minor of doctrinal things that a lot of people simple don’t care about - whether Jesus is or is not the son of their god (the same god, by the way, since both are Abrahamic cults), or whether you eat bacon or not doesn’t really fucking matter if you plan on doing the same kinds of things to at-risk groups - trans, gays, women, etc - all in the name of the same god as the other group - again, which is the same exact god - Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, all the same thing.
Also, the shorthand of “xtian” comes from the xtians themselves, lol.
The xtianists absolutely fucking hate it when this is pointed out to them. Again, all factual, they cannot refute it. That’s why they want it silenced.
I’d like to see these guys run. A fifty yard dash, even.
Vanilla ISIS
Look Magats,
I don’t get laid because women have the free will to choose their partners. You don’t get laid because you don’t like that they do.
We are not the same.
More stochastic terrorism from Team Trump. They are whipping their troglodyte followers into a frenzy in the hopes that enough of them will use the threat of domestic violence to prevent their female partners from going to the polls. It wouldn’t be crazy to bet that at least one woman will die from this. It’s fucking despicable.
See this is what I understood those postcards to be about. The ones that say they don’t know which way you voted but that everyone can know that you voted. Like: ‘woman you better not go vote, cause I’ll know if you did!’
And even more women need to vote, particularly young women. And hey, young men who have an interest in human rights should vote too. In droves.
Women do be like that (active participants in politics).
That bronzer is a hate crime.
Oh no, so you’re saying those men who work 12 hour overnight shifts in steel mills who say they’re for Trump aren’t actually a consistent and trustworthy voting bloc?
Especially when they’ve got literally nothing to lose unlike women, who stand to lose a lot this election?
Kinda sounds like his campaign is admitting they’re going to lose because of voter turnout, not “widespread fraud.”
It’s almost like they have decision making capabilities of their own! Who knew they didn’t need patriarchical figures or images in the sky telling them what to do with the lives and their bodies?
“What’s this? The consequences of my own actions?” -MAGA bros probably
Let them do so.
Is this it? Is this the Great Pumpkin we’ve been waiting for all these years? It looks rotten. What a disappointment! Thank you, Linus, for nothing. Halloween has been wasted. You blockhead!