• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • No, I have remained purposely impartial.

    Protip, don’t try and become a lawyer.

    We have no evidence to sway us between “mom was worse than dad” and “mom is a victim”. (In fact the available evidence suggests mom was so bad that dads psychopathic character didn’t shine through as less safe from Mom than foster care. I’ve been generous to Mom given this and, again, not going into gender politics of custody battles…).

    I understand you’re trying to be empathetic. I’m trying to preserve justice for a tortured, dead child. Until we don’t know mom wasnt worse, we remain impartial.

    You may be right, mom may be a victim. But you may be doing a dead child a severe disservice. Withhold your judgement without facts present, please.

    Was Dad’s cousin the DA? that changes things. We dont know. And until we do, we examine the available evidence.

    Until more evidence is presented publicly, mom is not a victim. That doesn’t mean she can’t be, and I have left that window open. On purpose.

    The known victim is a dead child. We proceed with respect to known victims so as to remain impartial.

  • I think without knowing why she lost the child, it’s not right to call her a victim before the child. For all you know, she was worse than him. Which, stands to reason.

    Until I know, there is one victim. Your stance is conjecture. Mine is withholding judgement with reason. I won’t go into gender politics of custody and why there are red flags to begin with here; until we know why she lost custody to this (now) clear piece of shit and not to foster care…

    There is one victim (dead child). And one culprit (the state).

    Should the mother have been a decent mother, drug addicted but loving and providing, not abusive, etc, the there are two victims, and two counts against the state.

    I am not going to jump to conclusions, especially when the available evidence (the fact that she lost custody to a deadbeat lunatic) suggests otherwise.

    The mother could equally be a perpetrator or a victim. We don’t know yet.

  • Have you tried reinstalling proton, or installing an older version of proton?

    One of a few things is happening

    when a game is calling upon proton, and this error is triggered, and your game crashes, it was either because

    1. Proton (or some affiliated process) reached out to memory at an address it doesn’t have permission to play with.

    2. Proton (or some affiliated process) reached out to memory at an address that makes no sense.

    3. Some kind of overflow error occured

    It was either a misconfig on your par, a new version compatibility issue, or a bug causing something in this stack to reach out to a nonsense memory location or causing a stack or buffer overflow, something like that.

    Things I’d try:

    Check Protons compatibility with your current kernel version.

    Check Proton/steamlogs for more info on what might be going on.

    If this problem is new and you recently upgraded… Consider rolling back.