New Taliban laws that prohibit women from speaking or showing their faces outside their homes have been condemned by the UN and met with horror by human rights groups.
The Taliban published a host of new “vice and virtue” laws last week, approved by their supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada, which state that women must completely veil their bodies – including their faces – in thick clothing at all times in public to avoid leading men into temptation and vice.
Women’s voices are also deemed to be potential instruments of vice and so will not be allowed to be heard in public under the new restrictions. Women must also not be heard singing or reading aloud, even from inside their houses.
Imagine being so insecure that you need someone to literally hide every aspect of their being so that you don’t get aroused and can’t control yourself. Fucking weak-willed cowards.
This really sounds more like the men should be kept inside …
If the sight or sound of a woman triggers their weak little boners, then yes.
What about drones zooming around with sweet women sounds? Is there a gofundme for that somewhere?
These countries must be stopped and everyone liberated. It’s worse than life imprisonment.
I like that. Drones that both play porn audio and drop nudes like propaganda pamphlets. It would shut the country down.
Not in any way shape or form defending the treatment of women over there. Heck, I’m gay. But boners are completely involuntary?
Learn some anatomy, this is straight out of r/BadMensAnatomy
Uh… Pretty much, yeah. I mean, you can touch yourself to stimulate an erection, or distract yourself to lose one, but you can’t voluntarily become soft or hard through conscious action like you can raise your arm.
They are, but most people can survive when they get them. These weak shit stains can’t.
I’m a guy I know how boners work. I’m specifically using verbiage that paints these losers poorly. People that are insecure enough that they need these policies, also probably aren’t band of being told they have weak little boners.
Also get that reddit shit out of here. Fuck that place.
Nah, that’s all bullshit. It’s, as per usual about a small group of people at the top wanting to control everyone else. Those at the top won’t be limited by details like rules, they’ll rape and steal what they can. It’s the rest that’ll bmhave to suffer under them.
I guess it’s just the result of undiagnosed and untreated psychopathy
Taliban men must be the weakest in the world if they can’t even hear a woman’s voice without being shoved into temptation. Do they all just instantly nut when a wrist bone slides out from the veil?! Talk about not having any confidence in themselves.
I understand temptation. You just have to, you know, resist. It’s called being a mature adult, or something along those lines.
They should tie one guy to a pole then blind and deaf the rest of themselves.
They’re no different from men anywhere else. It’s only a justification for control.
Their thinking is so backwards and cognitively dissonant it is maddening. I wish the women could successfully rise up and overthrow these shitstain people that call themselves “men.”
Unfortunately quite a few of the women support it. The truth is there were enough supporters of democracy and sharia to make either work. The elite prefer sharia though because it offers more control and aligns with tribal structures better.
“This document not only violates Afghanistan’s domestic laws but also broadly contravenes all 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”
They didn’t think it could be done, but I knew I could do it. All 30 articles in one law!
— A Taliban, probably
Arab Republicans
Conservatives, of any religion or ethnicity.
Afghan are not arab.
True, but the Taliban religion is Arab.
Their religion is Islam, which has no race or ethnicity. There’s more Indian, Pakistani, and Indonesian Muslims than anywhere else.
I use it in the context that you would use american. It can refer to a group or nationality, but it can also be used as a cultural descriptor, referring to the export of cultural beliefs and customs. This includes things like religion, but also includes language, customs, ethics, tradition.
You would think since it’s the men that can’t control themselves (per these assanine laws anyway), that they would have to stayed locked away somewhere. The women seem to be able to function just fine.
GOP taking notes…
Wow I can’t believe these Taliban folks are so misogynistic. I for one am totally blindsided by this.
“Taliban”. That rings a bell for some reason. I swear I’ve heard it before!
- women: * exist
And they want tourists!
Trust us, we won’t chop your head off this time!
You know, when I read The Handmaid’s Tale back in high school, I didn’t think the ending made any sense. How do you have tourists just walking around taking pictures when there’s horrible human rights violations happening in plain sight?
I think I get it now.
Honestly the accounts of the woman who visited almost bother me more than the men. Even as a tourist she wasn’t allowed to do certain things, but she can just leave whenever she wants. Wonder how her friends among the locals feel about that.
good thing i have two heads
Conservatism is a global plague of oppression and death. It always has been.
Funny how Christian conservatives in the west still insist they share nothing in common with Muslim fundamentalists…
Well, all Abrahamic religions oppress women but Islam wins by a long shot. It needs reformation and badly.
Their are many more moderate sects of Islam, they just didn’t get all the US and Saudi $$$$ to spread their beliefs.
Not sure how right or wrong that is when taking into account the more moderate sections of it, but in this particular case, as the article says, it’s not really about Islam. The holy texts don’t really call for any of this.
Are you saying this is just toxic masculinity and militias run amok?
My understanding of Afghanistan’s complex situation isn’t sufficient to confirm or deny, sorry.
I’m not an anthropologist or a religion expert but you don’t have to be one to notice that the most oppressive cultures towards women or gay people have one common denominator. Islam. Honour killings, marrying underage girls, do I need to keep going?
well maybe you need to educate your self before accusing a bout 1.8 billion people of something less than 100,000 do.
Burn their holy book and see what happens. Burn a bible and compare. You’re either arguing in bad faith or very naive, and I’m being extremely generous here. Good luck with this level of cognition
So you don’t like the cognitive that objective to the fact there are 1.8 billion muslium and you casting a general statement. You are not even attempting to compare “Muslium” to “Non Muslium” or doing any form of “thoughts” to support your comments other than personal feelings.
Even if 30% of muslims are actively against any violence there is still enough critical mass to make this religion an existential threat to the western world.
Why would it need reformation? It just needs to be abolished, making part of it better just lends false legitimacy to the whole.
1.8 billion muslims in about 57 countries around the world oppress women and need reform according to OP. In addition, op also claim that another 2.8 billion christian also oppress women but not as bad.
Statically speaking to determine if something a problem among 46000 millions people you need at least 1% of such population doing something, that is about 460 million people. Taliban government is about 200,000 people which is less than 0.001%
U ok buddy?
He thinks he is making a point. It’s cute when they do that.
This is the system those people fight to maintain. So grateful I wasn’t born there.
When the US left it really didn’t take long, nor a lot of effort for the Taliban to take back control.
I think it’s horrible to see what the Taliban government is doing to oppress the people of Afghanistan. I’m also surprised that so few people of Afghanistan showed any real will to prevent Taliban from taking power. They had 20 years to prepare, with ample support and loads of equipment from NATO and others, and when the foreign forces left they just … capitulated.
It’s baffling to me that seemingly nobody was willing to fight to prevent this. Thousands of people were at the airport during the last evacuations, and I vividly remember videos of people holding on to cargo planes that were taking off in an effort to get out of the country. Lots of people clearly knew it was going to get bad, but seemingly nobody was willing to fight to prevent it. I honestly have a hard time understanding how that happened.
That’s because we knew the majority of them where just Taliban fighters that needed a job. So when we left, we basically left a bunch of gear to the Taliban fighters we just trained.
America trained their military for 20yrs and gave them billions in military equipment to be able to fight for themselves. They literally laid down and surrendered after a couple weeks.
That’s the thing, though, they don’t fight for it. They don’t really fight against it, either.
I’ve got to say, I’m having a very hard life and can’t see a way forward to any sort of financial stability or security. But this would be a lot worse. Makes you think.
Sooo I guess they can’t order anything from a counter, tell employees what size they need etc.
So the men do all the shopping then, do they?