• 101 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • September 16, 2024

    • Brush: AP Shave Co. - 24mm Synbad Fan
    • Razor 1: Baili BR171
    • Razor 2: Baili BR171
    • Blade 1: Bolzano Superinox (Egypt) (3)
    • Blade 2: Lord Platinum (Egypt) (1)
    • Lather: London Razors/Summer Break Soaps - Mountain Laurel - Soap
    • Post Shave: Brut - Splash On

    Yesterday I posted a comparison between old and new Bolzano blades (Germany and Egypt, respectively).

    Today I decided I’d compare the new Egyptian Bolzano to a Lord Platinum. Why? Because they’re both made in Egypt, I like the Bolzano’s from Egypt, and I remember liking Lord Platinum. So obviously they’re maybe the same blade.

    Well, I think I was way off. They felt a lot different. There’s a problem, though – I wasn’t scientific with it, and the Lord is on the 1st use, and the Bolzano on its 3rd. It’s possible the Lord hasn’t had a chance for any excess coatings to flake off, making the comparison a real waste of time.

    Both blades were great, but the Bolzano cut through the whiskers easier, and the end result is a tad closer (but maybe too close to call). Both were very smooth and irritation free.

    Will I redo this comparison using blades with an equal number of shaves? Probably not.

    P.S. - I noticed that Lord blades (asside from Asco branded) aren’t sold by razorbladesclub.com anymoreJust kidding, they are. I also noticed that Bolzanos are only $18/100 there, less than half the price of other vendors.

  • September 15, 2024

    • Brush: Semogue 1800
    • Razor 1: Baili BR171
    • Razor 2: Baili BR171
    • Blade 1: Bolzano Superinox (Germany) (2)
    • Blade 2: Bolzano Superinox (Egypt) (2)
    • Lather: Chiseled Face - Gearhead - Soap
    • Post Shave: Pinaud - Clubman Special Reserve - Aftershave
    • Fragrance: Azzaro - Pour Homme Night Time - EdT

    Today I’m comparing gear, so Gearhead was in order.

    I recently picked up a few of the new Bolzano which are made in Egypt, to compare to the older ones made in Germany. Both blades had one shave on them to brush off any pesky excess coating.

    I have two Baili BR171 razors, because who doesn’t? I bought them both with my own money, one from Chiseled Face and one from Ali Express. Thanks to @djundjila@sub.wetshaving.social for convincing me that this was the obvious choice of razor for a side-by-side comparison.

    I used the Egypt blade on the left side of my face, and the Germany blade on the right. I shave my whole face, because I’m not a slacker, baby boomer, nor am I running for Republican Vice President of the United States. I do the standard with, across, against, then clean up below my jaw.

    The differences between the blades are slight, but noticeable. I was very happy with both of them.

    Here are the results:

    Sharpness: Egypt wins. It just moves effortlessly through even the thickest whiskers on my chin, where the Germany blade lets you feel each hair as it’s being cut. The German blades aren’t tuggy, necessarily, they just give you more feedback.

    Closeness: A tie. Both blades gave me such a close shave, which is especially notable considering the semi-mild razors I used them in. Important to note, however, that the German blade came out of the gate faster. The first 2 passes I was sure the German blade would give a closer shave, but the Egyptian blade caught up on the ATG pass for a photo finish.

    Comfort: Both blades treat me very well. I would call them both “smooth”. This was confirmed when I applied the aftershave. Clubman Special Reserve is typically very stingy because it’s basically water and alcohol, but both sides of my face took it with ease. I didn’t even grimace.

    Longevity: TBD. I know the German blades can last around 10 shaves easily. In time I’ll know if the Egypt ones are worth the $39.99 price tag, because for that price, they better last a little longer than a typical blade.

  • This was a repossession, so unless the repo guy made a mistake they were really far behind on payments. For a car to get repossessed, the loaner needs to get to the point where they know there’s no way they’re ever getting their money. They would much rather have the guy try and catch up on payments, maybe come to some sort of repayment plan, even something reduced from the original loan, etc. They want money, not a truck.

    Otherwise, boots are definitely the way to go if possible, but most of the time a car gets towed because its parked illegally and shouldn’t be there. You can’t just move it off to the side, so they have to take it to the tow place. It’s expensive and it sucks, but I don’t know of a better solution.

  • I used Plex for a long time but moved to Jellyfin after reading about the general direction Plex is going (trying to commercialize it, partner up with industry, make it more than just a self hosted media service).

    Both have what you’re looking for.

    I would say Plex is slightly easier and has the benefit of PlexAmp (available for Linux, Windows, and mobile).

    That being said, Jellyfin is about the same ease to get set up, but it’s just a tad less polished, but in sort of a nice way. It feels more like “yours”, if that makes sense.

    For both, I recommend hosting them in Docker, using Docker Compose, and using the LinuxServer version. LinuxServer maintains updated software, packaged in an easy to install format and they help you out with sample Docker Compose files and explanations to get things running.

  • September 14, 2024

    • Brush: AP Shave Co. - 24mm Synbad Fan
    • Razor: Blackland Era - Level 3 SB
    • Blade: Bolzano Superinox (Germany) (1)
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Haverford - Soap
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps - Woodshop - Aftershave
    • Post Shave: allMan - Refined - Balm
    • Fragrance: Cross/Cut - Warm Woods - EdT

    The Bolzano blade experiment continues. Yesterday I used an Egypt blade, and today a Germany blade. Tomorrow I’ll do a side by side comparison, but I wanted to get a shave on each of them before comparing since I know at least the German version changes after the first shave.

    I want to say the Germany blade felt slightly less sharp, but just as smooth as the Egypt version yesterday. Either they have slightly different bezels, or it’s just a difference in coatings.

    Both yesterday and today were really excellent shaves, and I’m looking forward to using them both tomorrow. I just have to pick a razor to use them in. Either keep them in the Era, or use a Tech? I think a Tech is better suited for switching blades multiple times mid-shave.