I’m sorry but instant fail stealth missions? In 2024?
What the fuck?
I’m sorry but instant fail stealth missions? In 2024?
What the fuck?
It actually is though. When they use the same header two days from now…
Lmao yes but if you could only have one, a Windows PC has far more access in terms of video games.
Yeah I found that out and was flabbergasted. They aren’t even trying to run in congressional seats. It’s all this attempt to jump straight to state and presidential office.
Wait, what’s got more game availability than a Windows PC?
His job at Polymarket and his blog are separate.
He uhhh… He isn’t associated with 538 anymore…
But sure
That was great though, the moderator from the top rope!
99/1, he doesn’t. The bad ones don’t die.
She opened with an actual opening argument. And she keeps bringing the receipts. Over and over. He’s completely reactive to her.
His base believes in doing things just for the cruelty. So these ridiculous claims, (gangs taking over apartments, immigrants eating cats, forced transitions) are believable to them based on their own support for doing things just to be cruel.
Not anymore. You have to go into the deep rural area where Internet access and such are a problem. NYT went to Kalamazoo to illustrate this.
There’s a lot of Gen X and Millennials who were raised to automatically sit between the parties and ignore all the noise about each party being evil. To try and make an active decision, rather than just being a fan. From 1960 to 2000, that wasn’t horrible advice for the average person. But now it’s led them into considering Trump and Harris as equals because they’ve ignored all “the noise” about Trump.
That’s my opinion anyways. It’s what I’ve encountered in many places.
I agree it’s hard to leave any ecosystem. But while Apple maintains you don’t need any cross connection; Android, Microsoft, and (to an extent) Linux all play nice with each other.
Yup. But that was about minorities and leftists. As far as the general disposition of the working class, the Republicans were actually working for their votes. Nixon gave us OSHA as well as the war on drugs.
Another factor I didn’t mention above is that the Republican party fundamentally changes in the 1960’s because of the Dixie Flip. That’s when they really became the party of the South. Before that the parties were far more mixed around geographically. Which is why I go from talking about the South and conservatives to talking about the Republicans.
Yup. Just classic Russian corruption where there’s something in the inventory. Just not what it’s supposed to be.
Stops shrapnel, pistol rounds, and spalling.
Oh joy. I always wondered what it would be like to live in a pariah state.
Are there towers to climb to reveal the map?