Nope, I expected to be dead no later than four years ago
You are. This is not real
Well then what happens if I kill myself again
Somewhat. I have to be somewhere at some stage, why not here?
Here, where is this ? who am i ? what’s now ? do i have expectations ?
Am i a bowl of petunias or a whale ?
Am i a bowl of petunias or a whale ?
The improbability of either is infinite.
existential crisis
And you may ask yourself, “Well, how did I get here?”
*record scratch* *freeze frame* Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here.
I take the Gandalf approach.
He had wiser words to quote…
No, but what can you do when the buses are like this?
No. Glad though.
I never expected to get married (though I also didn’t really understand what marriage would be beforehand). I also thought I lost my chance at emigration, but luckily I made it. I didn’t think I’d be here, but I’m so, so glad.
I also never expected to be back in school, but that’s a necessary evil.
When do you ask if I expected it?
Not in my wildest dreams.
I didn’t expect to be most places I ended up.
Man, I thought I’d be asleep by now!