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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • The crowd that murdoch and limbaugh handed the orange parasite on a platter, does not care about pesky and boring little things like facts and figures. It is an irrational mob fed with bacteria-infested red meat for two decades. They can only be reached via the basest of impulses, ripe pickings only for the most ignorant and/or shameless of conmen. It doesn’t help society that the right-wing toxic propaganda machine operates at full blast 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

  • Living in Baja, I’m at least thankful for not having mormon craziness right next door.

    Imagine northern Baja during Prohibition in the United States, jam-packed with bars catering to gringos looking to get plastered. That’s how Tijuana grew from a sleepy town to city virtually overnight back then. Many people still see Tijuana as a drinking-spree place, in reputation. Now imagine it was still that way, at that 1920s level of intensity.

    Imagine polygamy as part of daily religion and politics in the area. With so much territory equaling political agency, Deseret might have openly maintained their backwater, backwards attitudes towards women to this day. It would have seeped into Mexico. It would be part of the conversation.

    As it stands, we are buffered from those crazy mormon bastards by a series of layers with other types of crazy, and currently Baja could not have had better luck than with a neighbor like blue, progressive California.
    Thank god we don’t have Texas or Arizona next door. Sorry about that, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Tamaulipas. We got lucky there in Baja.

  • I’m afraid they might be a whole bunch of oldies but goodies:

    2001: A Space Odyssey.
    The Empire Strikes Back.
    Miller’s Crossing (the third movie written and directed by the Coen brothers, from 1989).
    A Bridge Too Far (from 1977, a sprawling, star-studded epic about the Allies and their costly, ill-advised and ultimately unsuccessful Operation Market-Garden in WWII).
    A Bout De Soufflé. (Godard’s seminal French New Wave cannon blast).
    From Russia With Love.
    The Spy Who Loved Me.