As of current, this is an account (mostly) for participating in Marxist-Leninist discourse (where motivated to do so), encouraging development of ideas and theory, and providing material for archival and educational purposes.

  • 20 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 30th, 2023

  • I’ve seen this go on for longer than I care to remember, and today happened to be the final straw. Those of you who are good faith editors work hard on the development of this critical resource, and it’s absolutely unfair and criminal for some narcissistic persistent threat (or advanced persistent threat, depending on their source of income and level of state support) to just waltz on in and start pissing on everything. You all deserve better than having to clean up the messes this type of scum makes. They’ve done nothing but cause trouble, and be a public nuisance. Naturally, an interest in taking away their toys has emerged.

  • Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Indeed, it makes sense the experience can be more troubling in proportion to the level of stress in a given situation. I had not taken this into consideration with my initial response and appreciate the feedback. Everyone handles situations differently. Some individuals are hardened (or numbed) more than others in terms of their emotional response to what is happening.

  • The point of combating ways of thinking hostile to the worker’s state isn’t to twist arms until bones break or tear limbs off. The point is to keep these types from running the country and usurping public discourse. Relevant channels will naturally be developed to give those with grievances a path to express them directly to the government, as is the case in China. China does allow criticism of the government, however matters that are especially sensitive (like the Taiwan issue) are not allowed to be freely discussed without regulation or oversight. Free speech absolutism would serve as a bridgehead for imperialist powers to gain a foothold into the country’s internal affairs, as they’ve already attempted with the grooming of extremist elements in Xinjiang’s Uyghur population. China responded by rehabilitating them once they were discovered, in order to uproot national security threats and threats to the Communist Party without unnecessary loss of life. So, yes, revolution first, reform second. There will be channels for the disgruntled to submit feedback and air grievances, in order to resolve disputes responsibly without unnecessary risk. However, it would be unwise to introduce political chaos by allowing them to speak against the state in an unregulated way without any oversight. The Chinese government works tirelessly to promote class consciousness, develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and resolve the contradictions within its borders. We will do the same, but will not renounce or rule out the use of force to defend the revolution if individuals with reactionary tendencies develop into national security threats.

    You mentioned worker’s councils and worker’s democracy being ruined by the Soviet state itself. This matter is complex and multi-faceted. The Soviet Union was the first and most primitive successful implementation of a socialist union of states, and thus did not have the necessary foresight to safeguard against all possible threats of subversion. They were put under economic blockade by the US, by having their access to the SWIFT payment system revoked. In other words, they had their money turned off in the sense that they couldn’t easily trade with other countries using the international payment system. This resulted in what is known as the “iron curtain”, which was extended to the DPRK and Cuba. They had also been destroyed from the Second World War, having millions upon millions of the most dedicated communists perishing in battle. The Soviet Union should have allowed capitalism to exist alongside state enterprises, in order to partition the forces of capital off into the marketplace and keep them from instead seeking to climb the ranks of the CPSU to pursue their ambitions of living lives of excess. Ultimately, the latter is what caused revisionism to poison and eventually destroy the Soviet Union, as Party officials were seduced by sneaky Western capital’s corrupting influence. China learned from this mistake and allowed capitalists to express and pursue their ambitions within the marketplace, while at the same time keeping them on a tight leash to prevent runaway privatization and usurping of state power, in addition to cracking down on corruption within the CPC itself, even going as far as to pursue retired officials who engaged in corruption to uproot and stamp out threats to the Party’s position and credibility.

    The conditions of conglomerates existing in China, like Tencent and Alibaba, are more or less exclusively out of necessity to compete with relevant Western equivalents. In order for China to reduce the size of conglomerates without undermining their position in the global marketplace, the conditions need to be developed. Chinese industry and companies need to be in a position to have surpassed the West’s, and their influence, in order to liberate the global economy from the West’s hegemony. After this is complete, and irreversible, China will gradually work to reduce the size of private enterprise. The CPC recently pivoted to high-quality development and the pursuit of developing China into a modern socialist country in all respects by 2050, which includes worker cooperatives having replaced traditional private enterprise. The current market conditions of China are indeed socialist. It is Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, and the current conditions correspond to the stage of development socialism has reached within the country. We shouldn’t allow ourselves to get carried away by idealist notions of “true socialism” by thinking we can pick and choose which stage of socialism to exist overnight. It must be developed, taking into account the relevant conditions of geopolitics, and the characteristics of the nation itself.

    If you have any other concerns you need addressed, I am open to further discussion. If not, I consider this matter closed.

  • You’ve completely misunderstood what I’ve said. This is class war. If an army’s general and strategists, high-ranking officers (etc) die in conflict, they cannot be replaced very easily (if at all). Taking out the brains and strategists behind the empire requires making sure they’re gone, in order to ensure the security of the worker’s dictatorship so it will not be undermined with the threat of counterrevolution. There is no replacement for the US once it goes down, so you telling me “these ideas will emerge again” mean little in the grand scheme. The worker’s state will oppress the bourgeoisie’s ambitions of usurping state power via the power of capital, by pruning them the same way that is done in the People’s Republic of China (take a look at how they crack down on corruption and their billionaires when they step out of line and threaten socialism via privatization and reckless speculation on housing). I don’t care if these ideas “pop up again” from time-to-time, because the brains that harbor them will lack the experience of the old guard that was deposed. The working class has loud voices, and they’re always using them. People who have the wealth, the political and military might to oppose the working class’ interests don’t care about what you want, and will not be “converted” by heartfelt pleas. Being all bark (loud voice) and no bite has never produced a successful revolution anywhere on Earth in history. Politics has little to nothing to do with morals, opinions or disagreements. It has everything to do with class interests. The type of people you defend, the interests of those people, and the type of policies you pursue will expose your interests. You seem to be more adamant about defending people who believe that people’s fundamental humanity is on the table for discussion, which is a red flag. I invite you to contemplate your position, respond in detail about your so-called “solutions” and how they will resolve the threat of hostile minds posing a danger to a worker’s dictatorship. This is a scientific process, not something as intangible as opinions, disagreements or “morals”, which are all subordinate to the interests of the class the person is part of.

  • The working class has run out of patience and time to piddle around with reforming “lost souls”. What matters to working class people, more than anything, is their security, safety, and their livelihoods. The contradictions within the imperial core have become so great, and pushed people to such desperation, that eventually we’re going to engage in a civil war. The souls of nazis are not more important than the lives and safety of their victims. This idealism that you can, or even should save everyone has no solid reasoning in the real world, only in a vacuum, and we do not live in a vacuum. The oscillating between both liberal parties in the US (and other relevant Western countries’ liberal parties) is rapidly coming to an end, and you will find society arriving at their final political destinations: Marxism-Leninism, and Fascism/Nazism. We’re not going to try and engage in extremely expensive ventures of “therapy” for those who are prepared to fight and die to defend capital and empire. We are going to fight them to the death. Once all of those reactionaries are finally gone, they will no-longer be able to enforce their class’ interests upon the proletariat. This is going to happen because we have exhausted all other alternatives. It is the immutable future in the transition from capitalism to socialism, and nothing will change that. It’s best to reserve efforts for those who are malleable enough to be receptive, and prepare for the war that’s coming. Invest in those worth saving, and the others will simply meet us on the battlefield, where our arms will do the talking.

  • If you’ve ever stood up too quickly and fainted, you should have an idea of what death is like. Your consciousness and all your senses (including your very understanding of reality) simply fizzle out with a rapid numbing sensation. If you think about it, it shouldn’t have really bothered you all that much during. You just simply cease to exist, more or less. It’s just that with death, you don’t fizzle back into awareness and sensation. Being dead is the easiest possible state of existence. It’s simply dying that’s the hard part. So, I don’t fear death. I fear pain, yes, but not death. The world was here long before I was and got on without me just fine. Now that I’m here, I’m just using this “thing” we experience called life to make it somewhat worth it, since I’ve accepted everything I have and ever will have, I will lose at some point. All I’ve ever known is loss. All I’ve ever known is urban, social and economic decay. I’ve been at war with the imperial core since birth, since I was born into a family with military history and sympathy for capital. As we should know, western military powers condition their soldiers to be fully receptive and vulnerable to arbitrary rule, which was passed onto my abusive household situation. I thought after the hell of being abused at home, having to deal with similar treatment at school, that I would be free of it once I “graduated” into adulthood. I was lorded over and told all my interests and my very dignity were invalid and unworthy of consideration because I didn’t own the house or the land it stood on. I was told tirelessly throughout my upbringing that when I own the house and I pay the bills, I can do what I want and have what I want. A cruel jest, to say the least, because look around at the state of housing in the US. Being at the mercy of chuds from birth, subjected to arbitrary rule, being cheated every time I found a way to cope and always being told it was my fucking fault because I didn’t have the power to enforce my self worth and interests taught me that I never had shit, and never will. It was just full spectrum humiliation. I wanted to own a home and have the security of land that is my safe haven from the worst of the forces of capitalism and reaction, and my whole generation was told, when we came of age, “Sorry, that was a limited time offer, you just missed it. You should’ve read the fine print, unfortunately. Your futures are cancelled. Have a good life, what’s left of it.”

    I could go on for days, but I have no reason to fear death simply because all I’ve ever known is war. War at home, war at school, war on TV, in the media, overseas, at work. You name it. Being dead is pure bliss compared to this shit. I just simply don’t want to endure a torturous death, which of course nazis and other rabid far-right elements deliberately want to subject us to. I’m passive about my survival, for the most part. Maybe some of you haven’t had to fight an uphill battle your entire lives from birth, and can find relevant reasons to fear death. The characteristics of everyone’s upbringing differ, so all I can offer is my own analysis based on the singular experience of my own life. My personal development fascinates me, and so does seeing my revenge playing out right now with the collapsing US and remnants of the EU empires. The suffering they’ve put me and my class through will be avenged, and they will eat shit and like it. In the meantime, I’m not seeking my own death. It’s simply that when it comes, I’m at peace with it, because I know my life can be so much worse. I didn’t ask to be here. I didn’t ask to see enough trauma for 100 years compressed into just three decades. However, while I have this, I’m simply going to observe and continue cultivating my skills and interests.