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This is an example of what art can be when profitability isn’t the driving force behind a project.

This project took seven years, hand drawn, cel-shaded, which nearly bankrupted the company behind it. The quality of not just the story, but the concepts, the ideas, the intensity and the originality of the characters prove that we actually can produce art that has personality, when not shackled by (and even defying) the constraints of marketability and interest in profit. This shows how capitalism is hindering our capacity to put ourselves into our art (our heart, soul and passion), and is in-fact hindering innovation, not facilitating it. There is a massive amount of potential being squandered, and this is an exception to the rule which managed to (by some miracle) squeeze through the very narrow cracks of the capitalist barriers to progress. If we can produce works of this level of quality, think what else we can produce under a classless, moneyless society, as well as what we’ve lost by having an unjust and parasitic system forced upon us throughout history.

Those of you who wish to watch the movie in full, beware there are some scenes of nudity (although none present in this video).