Chrome is no longer available in my Start menu.
Been a loooong time
Yeah, I switched to Firefox when this whole Manifest V3 thing was announced, I only still have Chrome installed because it’s better for PDFs than Firefox and once in a great while i run into a site that doesn’t work right on Firefox.
Or in my app drawer
or in ~/.local/share/applications
I take this as a sign that it genuinely still works to block ads and hasn’t sold out and become malware like those others that used to be popular.
Google is not an IT company. It’s an advertising company. Surprised Pikachu, it blocks ad blockers.
It’s been an ad company for a long time, though, and blocking ad blockers is new.
Because they are at the end of their growth phase and have entered their squeeze until dead phase.
Yes, but enshittification doesn’t happen all at once. And this is a textbook example of the actual meaning of enshittification.
Yeah it’s always been an ad company. And you are correct, blocking apps is new, welcome to the last stage in the ad-blocking arms race. Glad I degoogled my digital life a decade ago.
Hey, can you tell a little bit about your stack, what apps and services do you use? Also on phone? I guess in a decade you could work that out pretty well.
laughs in Firefox
Cries in only Chrome and Edge at work 😢
Tell your IT.
Yeah. What company wouldn’t allow it?
When I was working for an ad exchange, everyone had adblock installed in their browsers, I found that quite ironic.
I used to develop ads (non intrusive things for home depot or go RVing) and i used ad blockers. When testing, i would just run private browsing with plugins disabled…
Officially only Edge is supported, but Chrome is tolerated. It’s a full MS environment.
Same here. The worst thing is in their justification of disallowing Firefox they listed that it was not an enterprise application. I get that it might be extra effort to support it but don’t list something factually untrue as a lame cop out for why you don’t want to.
Was told it wouldn’t be allowed because you couldn’t restrict it using GPO… Until I told them they could absolutely apply those restrictions using GPO and even provided the ADMX templates.
Click on every single ad and banner, click “I agree” on every pop-up. Make that computer hate it’s life!
How To Get Fired 101
uBlock Origin Lite does work, but it’s predefined lists only. You can’t use the element zapper 🙁
Download Firefox portable
At large organizations you’re generally not allowed to download much of anything without it passing through IT security and management first. If it’s a no, it will probably stay a no.
I work for a non-profit and they are way more lenient about what we would like to install as long as the job gets done.
Just remember,it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission!
Just to be clear, I mean it’s literally managed at the Group Policy level (in Windows server environments at least) and no amount of asking will suddenly give your user account permissions to be able to save files of any kind.
You generally literally cannot download it without going through IT to get them to approve of and give your account access first.
Ya I forgot I have escalated device privileges and an admin account, which I definitely would have used for installing anything. Although I believe I can also skirt the rules using winget on a user account. That will probably get you in trouble however!
Download Firefox portable
Link for convenience.
Download a Firefox based browser from the Microsoft store?
some “infosec” systems tags firefox as a “vulnerability” risk
ahem tenable ahem
Store is disabled
Wellp, time to get a new job.
I can’t install anything. I’m lucky I can install uBlock Origin because I worked out later most extensions are disabled too. But I guess it’s only matter of time until that disappears.
I would have run already.
If you had uBlock origin already, you may have gotten a message through Chrome that it was no longer supported, so it’s been disabled, and gives you the option to remove it. However, I noticed you don’t have to remove it, and it can be re-enabled. However, I need someone smarter with adblockers than I to say if this is actually helpful and not hazardous.
People are saying manifest v2 (the old API that ublock uses) will be gone soon, which I think should effectively make ublock unusable whatever you do unless you stop updating chrome maybe (which could open you up to a ton of security issues) ? Not sure, don’t care since I’ve ditched chrome long ago
I just downloaded the Kagi Orion browser and I can install extensions from both Chrome and Firefox web stores!
Is there any firefox based browser on android where I can have easy gestures for the arrow buttons? All the firefox versions I can find require me to do this in two clicks which for the way I browse is a pain in the arse. Can I fix this somehow?
You mean swiping left up go back? Works fine for me in regular FF on Android…
Doesn’t work for me. I don’t have “plain” android but a specific type that’s compatible with my eink screen.
Chromium gestures work fine though.
No feature for it that I know of. They may be thinking of the swipe to change tabs support?
I haven’t tried it, but Iceraven has a lot of extensions available compared to Firefox. Maybe there is one to do exactly what you need?
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the what store now
Chrome is no longer available on my computer.
I only use chrome for my work stuff, and that’s because I work with g-suite a lot.
Chrome fucking sucks
But ublock origin lite is by the same dev… Not as many features but it conforms to the new rules and is still much better than not having a blocker if you use chrome or edge.
Missing critical features:
Filter lists only update with the extension, you cannot update them dynamically
No making your own filters and thus no element picker for blocking annoyances on a webpage (a feature so good apple literally baked it into safari)
No support for external lists (which means if you back up your own filters into a list you cannot easily reimport)
No changing behavior on a per site basis
A number of other features as well that are more strictly power user features but still really handy like dynamic filtering and strict blocking domains.
If you have the option stop using chrome and edge, they are some of the worst options you could choose. Even outside of adblock and manifest v3 chrome is horrendous for data harvesting bullshit and edge isn’t great. If you don’t have the option because of an overzealous it dept or whatever and are forced to use it ubo lite is your best option probably and my heart goes out to you
I’m a bit confused as an Adblock Plus user, why did the ublock dev drop those features? ABP uses manifest v3 too and it still has all of those. So it’s clearly not about them being impossible.
According to Adblock Plus’ own blog post about the matter:
With Manifest V3, Adblock Plus is required to limit how many filter lists we have available to users. We’ll have the ability to offer up to 100 pre-installed filter lists that you can turn on and off depending on your preferences. From these available filter lists, users will be able to choose 50 that they can keep turned on at any given time. We’re working to ensure that popular filter lists our users love are supported by us, and that any updates to these lists are brought to you by frequent new releases of the extension. This does mean that initially, our users will no longer be able to subscribe to any filter lists outside of what is provided in the extension.
Re: Element Blocker:
The Block element feature will continue to exist even after the Manifest V3 version of Adblock Plus officially launches. Manifest V3 does require us to adhere to limits with filter lists and user created blocking rules, so there’s a chance things may change in the future. However, we don’t have details quite yet! If you have any more questions about this or anything else, our support team are the best people to ask at
So this says to me that baked in filter lists are now required, custom lists will not work, and Block Element is probably functioning illegally if it is indeed still functioning though that may change in the future in either direction.
Changing blocker behavior on specific sites is the only thing in that list that I see UBO disallow and ABP not mention at all. Not sure why that was changed.
Lol who downvoted this
Probably because of the Adblock Plus mention. It’s mired in controversy because of its acceptable ads toggle and requiring ad giants to pay for it. So I can imagine people downvoting comments that put it in a positive light compared to other adblockers.
Or just use Firefox
My work uses a web-based interface that’s very annoying to use on Firefox. I’m unfortunately tied to Chrome in the meantime, so uBlock lite is a lifesaver.
Or just use a fork of firefox. Firefox isn’t looking very favorable lately.
I’m giving Floorp a try right now. It’s actually pretty good.
Who will develop the underlying browser then?
Didn’t consider chrome before and still wont
They hate us
Always have
It is 100000% a reason to split Chrome and the ad sales part of Google into different companies.
It won’t solve the problem but the pressures end up being orders of magnitude different.
- Chrome is no longer available in my phone, computer,…
Never was.
Yeah, I heard someone say a week or so ago that they straight disabled it in the browser, and now only the gimped version that works with Manifest V3 works now. Thankfully I switched to Firefox when all this Manifest V3 stuff was announced. As far as I know it’s the only browser out there that isn’t based on Chromium (which Google also controls, so browsers like Brave will likely be affected by this soon as well, unless a bunch of those smaller browsers get together and fork Chromium and maintain it themselves, which I’m not very hopeful about) and so doesn’t have to worry about these shenanigans.
Brave and Vivaldi are chromium based but have adblocking built in rather than relying on an extension. So while they will eventually be impacted on extension support, the built in adblocking (which is quite robust) won’t be affected.
I used Brave for a while and found I still needed to use ublock to cover some things, especially stuff like Youtube ads.
But then you’re indirectly giving the enemy (Google) power by increasing their browser market share, which in turn lets them dictate the future of the web.
There’s a way to save your already-installed extension, in “Manage Extensions…” Enable dev mode, then Pack Extension.
However the browser will probably just refuse to run it soon.
Vivaldi, for what it’s worth, seems to still run uBlock Origin just fine. I am afraid to uninstall it now to test if it’ll re-install properly.
My version: 7.1.3570.39 (Stable channel) (64-bit)
Might be time to finally move to Firefox though, if Vivaldi doesn’t keep Manifest V2 support.
Vivaldi isn’t even fully open-source anyway, so it’s worth leaving regardless.
I wish Vivaldi wasn’t Chromium-based, because I think it’s the slickest browser out there.
But it’s chromium, so it’s time to move on to Firefox regardless.
Ladybird development can’t happen fast enough.
No, it can’t! That’s a very interesting one indeed, but I wouldn’t risk moving to it at this time.
By that argument the time was a long time ago then. Vivaldi still works with uBlock so nothing has changed on their end. I think it’s still reasonable to use Vivaldi until they are forced to Manifest 3. Despite being Chromium based they’ve always been privacy focused and vocally pro ad blocking. As far as the cult of Firefox, they’ve been showing their true colors lately. They are no saints and their biggest funder is Google. Never forget to follow the money. I’m not personally convinced that a switch on a purely ideological level is indicated.
Still shows up for me
shows up but it is not selectable
My guess is that they’re doing it in waves. I’ve been hearing about it removed for weeks, only happened to me a few days ago.
They are.
Correct me if I’m wrong but extensions can still be installed manually correct?
Manifest v2 extensions won’t work, the API it needs will be gone soon
Also since 2015, Google has made it VERY hard to install extensions without the web store. This extends to most chrome derivatives as well.
There are workarounds if you use ungoogled-chromium (Method 2 should work with normal chrome as well).
The functionality to run those extensions has been removed, so manual install won’t work.
I really hope some team has been following the changes in Chrome/Chromium by Google to remove Manifest v2, and has been keeping a patchset that will undo the damage? Time to make a hard fork and get some funding to try to keep it going?
Multiple browsers have said they will keep support while the code is still there (in Chromium it’s still there, only disabled for now).
When it is removed from Chromium, it’s probably going to disappear for most or all major Chromium browsers.
Well I would seriously consider paying money to a team that keeps it there, if Chromium actually removes the code. I hope others will consider it as well. We need to fight this, even if it means paying some money to a foundation to do so.
Use Firefox and you don’t need to worry about that. Everything being Chromium comes with a whole lot of different problems.
i expect at least the ‘big’ ‘non megacorp’ chromium based ones like vivaldi, opera, brave to keep mv2 as long as it is possible.
but i can totally see google doing some serious mangling of the codebase to make patching-in mv2 difficult.
There’s the futile hope I suppose that antitrust cases going on against Alphabet might force Google to divest Chrome from its advertising arm, so that there’s no pressure to make this whole thing worse. Hah, in my dreams.
On paper they gave the keys to the Linux foundation, but since they still pay most of the developers working on it the only thing it might achieve is taking resources away from Servo.
that would be funny, won’t happen–but funny af. google loses chrome, new owners revert mv2’s removal and go all-in on user control of their browser experience.
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