is posted for free and I like the way he approaches the news. I don’t use it as my only news source but I generally see a pretty solid summary of the big things there. Also every story will usually be backed up with a half dozen source links.
Probably because it concerns the literal fate of the fucking world and is something that people have a responsibility to give a shit about. People refusing to pay attention to politics is how we got in this mess in the first place. It is more important now than maybe ever before.
Or, well, it was, round a year or so ago. These days, yeah, might as well just check out, it’s probably not getting any better from here. You missed the boat for that.
People can’t help but weigh in with their opinions because you’re loud and proud about shirking your responsibility as a citizen while the rest of us watch our nation collapse around our ears primarily because of uninformed or apathetic voters just like you.
I don’t want to have to care about politics any more than you do but in our current times we all must care about politics. You don’t have to get so riled up about it that you agitate your heart problems, but you do have a responsibility to fill out a ballot as well as to be informed before you mark that ballot.
I don’t think that you are a bad person, but I do think your demographic is as much to blame as the actual fascists for the problems we face today. I’m sorry to break that to you in such a fashion. If we are allowed another free election in our lifetime, because that is now in question, please pay attention to it.