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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Haha yes, it reminds me of the show “are you smarter than a 7 (?) year old?” where they ask these random questions about ancient egypt or whatever and the adults get them wrong and the kids get them right because the kids just spent a term being taught the exact material.

    Then imagine if you gave the kids a test on Ancient Rome when they had only studied Ancient Egypt, then said how much worse the results are getting.

    I know you’d expect something like maths to be more generic and not change like my example, but different experiences of mine come to mind. I remember getting marked wrong for maths questions on estimation not because I didn’t estimate well but because I wasn’t using the method that they were teaching. I also remember working my way through Khan Acadamy and struggling with easy stuff (as an adult) because I was taught different terminology for things.

  • This is really shit. So many things the school has done wrong here. This is the same reason many businesses have a policy that the staff can’t take damaged goods, as there is often someone who ruins it by taking advantage of it.

    In this school lunch scenario I would expect appropriate action would be to say staff are not allowed any. If there are any lunches left over after the kids have had theirs, then it should be given to a third party charity (e.g. a food bank) to dish out. And obviously if a kid wants to contact their parents, there are very few scenarios where this should be denied (I can’t think of any).

  • My wife and I are just the right height difference that the little flicky switch on the internal mirror will swap between the angles each of us need.

    One day we got a car that has some auto light filtering for night driving and it doesn’t have the switch. Can’t wait to sell it.

  • Oh I hadn’t realised it had! I’ll have to make sure I update before I play again.

    The release notes seem to cover lots of specific crashes, but I’d guess my issue is more generally that if it’s trying to shoe too much stuff on the screen (like a crowded city) then it crashes. I have turned the graphics settings right down and it happens less, but still happens at least once each time I play. I’m keen to check out that patch and see if it helps. Thanks for letting me know about it!

  • Well, we also get a complete rewrite of the curriculum and a forced 3 hours of reading, writing, maths a day (out of approx 4.5-5 hours of school time each day once you take out morning tea and lunch) because this government is so worried about educational achievement. But it’s again that idea of looking like they are doing something. Rewriting the curriculum and setting forced time for the 3 R’s is something they can stand up and say “look, we’re doing stuff” where as school lunches were already in place so there was nothing for them to show to their voters.