A federal judge in Rhode Island ordered the Trump administration to unfreeze federal funding, accusing it of violating a previous court ruling.
The lawsuit, filed by 22 states and D.C., argues the freeze is unconstitutional and causing harm. Trump, JD Vance, and Elon Musk have suggested defying court orders.
The administration appealed the ruling, while legal experts warn officials like the Treasury Secretary could face contempt charges if they ignore it.
The case tests executive power limits and judicial authority.
I’m sure he’ll listen this time judge.
I’m actually really hoping he doesn’t. It’s better we get this over with sooner than later. Piss the courts and the legislature off before he has gathered enough of a foothold
Speed run the end of democracy! LFG!
The democracy part was already over when he ignored Congress, this is just accelerating the time period from no longer being a republic to the deciding moments of what will become.
At this point it’s still just a good attempt at not being a republic. We were, after all, dumb enough to vote this guy in legitimately.
We’re in the “if you can keep it” phase.
The President cannot override a law/statute with an executive order it has to go back to the legislature. Trump’s removal of the enforcement teams for their sanctions that were signed legislation was a direct act against the constitution. Every Congress member and senator swears an oath to defend and uphold it. How could we still call it a republic if the representatives decision was illegally overturned and they have not yet removed the executor of it?
Because it’s been a very short time. It’s still possible laws are enforced, although dangerously precarious.
This is really the ideal path. Fracture fast, begin the healing.
Also if there is going to be a war, I’d rather it be in my mid 30s than late +. And before my niece and nephews are old enough to l remember it would be nice.
Also while some media still exists that isn’t fully owned by them
Yeah, I’m hosed either way. I’m in my late forties and my kids are a tween and a teen.
i’m actually with you on this one. i’m tired of the dread. let’s get this fucking shit show over with. i need to know if humanity prevails or not. if not, that’s fine. we were an inferior species that deserves whatever we get. it’s just a shame what ecological destruction our downfall is going to wreak. the plants and animals didn’t deserve it.
i just can’t go on knowing that what we’re living in right now will continue. if it does, we are truly in hell and i must have done something very wrong a long time ago.
It is literally in their playbook, ignore court orders. Dark Gothic MAGA is terrifying
This video is prophetic and I highly encourage everyone to watch it. It sounds like a conspiracy theory except we see virtually all of it happening in front of our own eyes right now.
And it was posted 3 months ago
holy shit, how have I not heard of this
Not sure. Seen it browsing All a handful of times, it is Absolutely Mind Blowing seeing how this all turning out
I know right? Usually felons don’t listen to the legal system.
Especially when they have not one but 34 felony convictions.
Curious if there will be a “straw that broke the camels back” moment with america and this president or is everything he ever does just going to be taken by the public. Im sure the french would have a guillotine out by now
I just wanna know where all the “I need guns to fight back against tyranny” people are. They’re reeeeal quiet.
Responsible gun owners don’t crow about their weapons.
Sure, but there are PLENTY of irresponsible ones screaming that nonsense every time a school shooting happens. It’s not like they’re rare specimens.
Guess who the irresponsible ones voted for.
I know they’re unbelievably dense, and they’re getting their bizzaro worldview reinforced by Fox News every day, but at some point it will be obvious to a critical number of them that they’ve been had; used and tricked and made fools of.
The whole mind control apparatus that was supposed to keep them in line was keeping their anger on a hair-trigger to short-circuit their critical reasoning faculties and make them atrophy. It worked for a long time, but the consequence is that, once it becomes obvious (even to them) that they’ve been duped, their carefully groomed anger will overflow … and they’ve got an insane number of assault weapons.
a not insignificant portion of those people support the current administration. tyranny to them is Dems in control of government.
I agree. Lots of talk, all the walking has been backwards…
Fascism is not exactly sustainable. If not the people or the military, he is bound to piss off someone close to him enough to betray him eventually.
The issue is how many lives will be lost in the process.
I’m very curious to what will be the “moment”
Yeah. This is definitely what I would call “the cool zone”.
In the moments between bouts of existential dread, I am at the edge of my seat!
God, we’re back in the Cool Zone already?
Regrettably :C
Looking for the next assassination of Arch-Duke Ferdinand?
Guess we’ll see if it starts a war
Here’s hoping there’s a Jaime Lannister out there.
This is the camel not the straw.
No, there won’t be one. Can only hope some generals of us armed forces decide to try a coup or start a civil war.
I was hoping for a reenactment of Our American Cousin during halftime, myself.
Perhaps he could ride in a motorcade in Dallas sometime.
Ok, the last time he violated a judge’s orders, the charges were much more serious and he was facing potential jail time, both from the criminal trial he was a part of and the gag order imposed on him.
He all-but told the judge to go fuck himself on a daily basis right outside the courtroom, violated the gag order ten fucking times, and received exactly no punishment. And that was when he was a criminal defendant.
He’s now President of the United States, has all three branches of government in his back pocket, and was basically anointed as a king by the Supreme Court, who declared he’s all but immune from prosecution.
And this judge thinks he’s going to obey his orders this time? He told you guys to fuck off on the daily when he was a civilian, and y’all did exactly nothing about it. Now he’s POTUS. The fuck is he planning on doing about it now when he violates his orders again? Send out more orders? Trump could literally tell this guy to go fuck himself and his orders with a chainsaw live on television and there’s fuck-all he can do about it.
So you want the judge to give him a pass?
the hottest take i think I have ever seen. well done.
“and this judge thinks”
You can’t just bitch any time someone tries to do something. Does this judge think he’s going to single handedly rein in this fascist administration? No, probably not. Should he try anyway? Absolutely.
We don’t need more Robert Muellers.
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I want the judge to put in writing actual consequences that will be followed through on when Trump refuses to comply.
It will be really interesting for the supreme court to decide if a president can be held in contempt of court.
It doesn’t even need to go that far. The next step after failure to comply with a court order would be dispatching the US Marshalls. They report to the DoJ, so I’d say that’s pretty unlikely.
Scholars and pundits are saying that act of inhibiting their own accountability will be the official end of the US government as it was designed, and the official beginning of an authoritarian regime.
That “official acts” rule is gonna do a lot of heavy lifting.
That’s the trick though. Contempt of court isn’t the same as breaking a law and doesn’t have the same restrictions. For example, a person can be held in jail for contempt indefinitely without trial until the person yields to the demand of the judge. This sometimes happens to people who refuse to pay child support that the courts know they can afford.
Do they bite the hand that feeds them to appease their ego.
So the circus continues. Another day, another contempt-of-decency performance from the executive branch’s greatest hits. McConnell’s ruling isn’t just a legal smackdown—it’s a neon sign flashing “constitutional arson in progress.”
Funny how “irreparable harm” gets shrugged off like a minor paperwork error. The admin’s playbook? Gaslight, obstruct, project until the courts buckle under sheer audacity. Democracy’s not just teetering—it’s doing backflips off a cliff while they bet on which branch breaks first.
I think the judge is mistaken. This is an official act. That means it’s not constrained by things like rulings. In fact, law just isn’t applicable. They really should put more effort into staying up-to-date. /s
Edit to add sarcasm tag?
One would hope that’s not necessary!
And yet here we are
The internet has taught me that there is no such thing as sarcasm that everyone can detect.
People on the autism spectrum tend to have a hard time understanding sarcasm. I see tone indicators as an accessibility aid and I love to see people using them.
This is the timeline where that guy took POTUS. It’s necessary.
Don’t ever use the /s. I don’t and look how awesome I am.
Well, supreme Court already said if it’s an official act, then he is immune. So if he decides a court order but it’s an official act, then he can’t be guilty.
Great job there scotus
I get your point, but just because you and your freedom are immune to prosecution doesn’t mean your money and property are safe from seizure. For example, if it’s believed that Mar-a-Lago was used in the process of a crime, like withholding documents or discussing illegal things, then it can be seized in civil asset forfeiture and Trump would have to prove his innocence to get it back. Same with his money. I think it’s possible in the current context to find a judge willing to try this. I have no idea how the execution of such an order would play out. But there are still interesting cards unplayed.
I have no idea how the execution of such an order would play out.
It wouldn’t. The order would get appealed, the appeal would be slow walked so it wouldn’t be executed in a timely manner, and eventually, it would find its way to the supreme
kangaroocourt and be deemed unconstitutional to seize the assets of the acting presidentfor life.
I’m not saying you’re wrong in your opinion here, but I am gonna ask what happens if Trump does not comply with a federal judge’s order or the order from a state judge that would have implications and federal rulings?
I think the courts already determined that you can’t prosecute a sitting president, are there no repercussions?
“mom tells infant to ‘cut it out’ more at 6”
More like “Mother tells adult son to stop robbing the homeless person”
Trump is only 1cm…according to Stormy. When is that?
Or what? This clown gonna convict the other clown of a felony?
deleted by creator
Ya’ll have primed him to ignore your shit because nothing serious has ever happened to him from the courts. You fucking baffoons. Lay in your bed.
no no, asking nicely will surely work.
I’m sure he will learn his lesson this time.
Who has the authority to do that?
The military is about it, which may or may not actually be worse, but I’m willing to chance it.
Or else…??
Another strongly worded letter?
I guess in a perfect world, impeachment and removal from office. If that fails then military coup? I don’t see either of those things happening.
Well it’s not Jan 6th yet. This country only does coups on Jan 6th.
IDK, we had a pretty good one on a July 4th one time.
What? Did something else happen on some Jan 6 besides a friendly peaceful neighborhood protest?
Contempt, that’s literally what it is
And if he Doesnt?
Many brows will be furrowed.
Remember when SCOTUS gave ambiguous power of a king to the president?
Looks like there is gonna be more power struggle than previously implied.