I hate that these morons have co-opted both the Gadsden flag and tiki torches. Goddamn tiki torches.
Can’t have shit in America anymore.
morons: “don’t tread on me!!!”
also morons: “stop living your life the way YOU want instead of the way I want!!!”
“Don’t tread on me; let me instead tread on you.”
I must be out of the loop. How did they co-opt tiki torches?
See the top left image in the panel. Goobers were marching with tiki torches shouting “you will not replace us” if I remember correctly
Yeah, but it isn’t a thing though right? I have like a dozen in my backyard and I don’t want to start getting dirty looks from my neighbours…
As long as you don’t march around with any lit ones I think you’re fine.
Like a weirdo.
It’s not. They can’t have my mosquito repelling tiki torches any more than they can have my Punisher or my cowboy boots.
Those ignorant-ass weirdos can keep their fucking ear diapers though.
Kill a cop in your shit kickers and I’ll believe you.
I’m doing my best by voting, canvassing, and donating to police reform candidates. I ain’t doing anyone any good in jail for killing a cop.
Oh, they don’t really let you go to jail if they can in any way avoid it.
Unless you also display a traitor’s flag or have runic tattoos you’re probably fine
Fuck that. These conservative Christian shitbags don’t get to steal runes for themselves. They already have plenty of their own symbols. Crosses, swasticas, nambla logos, etc.
I’d rather carve the runes off of conservative bodies than allow them to turn them into little secret codes for their precious racism and bigotry.
Fair enough, but reclaiming imagery isn’t always easy; if you’re going to have runic tattoos, it’s probably best to also make a point of displaying your non-nazi politics.
…fucking Nazis, they just can’t let the rest of us have cool things, they have to rune it
they have to rune it
Nice one!
As long as they’re stationary in the ground, you’re fine. Just don’t walk around with a lit one.
They chanted “Jews will not replace us!”. But Trump “loves” Jewish people and thought there were good people “on both sides”.
Tiki torches used to be for bug protection (like citronella candles), but because the KKK used to march with torches and these morons can’t figure out how to make actual torches….
The cheap WalmarKKK just go with that.
Eh, I don’t think they’re especially missed unless Hawaiians have stopped using them too.
It’s hard being a white male fire juggler in a post Unite the Reich rally world. Can’t buy tiki fuel without getting weird looks anymore
You can still use tiki torches
I just worry tiki torches will attract conservatives to my backyard. Once an infestation sets in, it’s very hard to treat.
Just use the tiki torches to set them on fire.
…and live up to my name? I like it!
Laugh if you want, but remember every single one of these people is absolutely voting in November (except maybe a felon or two).
I see your use of maybe there
It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if Trump doesn’t vote
He’ll vote. And the x will be made with a sharpie in front of cameras.
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if you don’t join them, then you’re just a problem to be overcome. like most cults, they’re not here for ‘meaningful conversation.’
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I used to live in Florida, I’ve heard some crazy ass stories of things that happen with the Scientology people in Clearwater.
You know it’s bad when these people are weird even by Florida standards.
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Are we forgetting about some of the real hitters?
It’s amazing that diapers thing is not a joke.
Good god, the last photo is so unsettling it’s making the parrots puke.
If it makes you feel better, the parrots are actually mating. It’s not weird.
Oh my. They’re sticking up for his use of diapers.
Real men are old and incontinent.
Does a high percentage of people (mostly old men) sexualize children? There has been a lot of allegations of pedophilia in weathy people and organisations, which can afford it, but would lots of regular people indulge in it if was legal? How are people fine with themselves sexualising children and why don’t they just “tuck it in”?
I don’t have any data but given most mainstream porn websites have a “teen” section, I’m going to guess a lot of people sexualize teenagers. Most of them are likely not teenagers themselves.
Human sexuality is complicated. But that doesn’t excuse knowingly harming other people.
It is strange that the right wing seems to oppose teaching about consent.
There’s probably two separate threads - attraction to physical youth, and attraction to power deltas. I think the latter is more dangerous, and probably more of what you find in shitty rich people. But I’m just guessing, I don’t have any data.
No kid wants to fuck an old man, and I don’t see how you could legalize brothels or prostitution for minors.
It’s about power a lot of the time. Wealth gets you anything you want, so anyone with enough money who wants to abuse kids, can. I’d imagine some extremely wealthy idiots are tricked into it for blackmail on rare occasions.
Organizations, like the church, attract pedophiles because it’s a trusted position of power that puts them alone with vulnerable kids.
No, I don’t think indulging in child abuse is something a regular person does, even if they have urges to. You’re not a regular person if you’re abusing kids.
They are a bunch of weirdo’s. They look like they really, really “like” their cousins.
Only weirdos use an apostrophe as a plural! It’s in the Constitution!
The first group of weirdos owns the other 3 so it should have read the weirdo’s weirdos.
DonaldDavid Bowman, has requested that he be referred to as JD (formerly J.D.) Vance, his preferred (chosen) name.
A couple days back, James called Kamala “phony.”You can’t make this stuff up. So I didn’t.
But it is weird.
Hey I’ve seen this before! Keep it up! 😊
The makeup is actually kinda cool. It could symbolize that you are deeply upset (hence the lines coming from the eyes like tears) about the divide (the white line down the middle) between the parties (red and blue tears for Republicans and Democrats respectively). All while using red, white and blue to represent the country overall. It’s good graphic design.
Their hats tell me that that was not their thought process, though.
Even a broken clock is right at least once in a while.
You can’t teach an old dog some stuff
My 16.5 year old dog re-potty trained himself. No fucking clue why or how. He’s just decided barking for stuff is back on the table.
He also barks at my mom’s dog to open doors now, too, though and forgets I’m in the shower while he’s in the bathroom with me and wakes up thinking someone has trapped him alone.
finally trump haters and trump supporters have something in common: both think he’s a nazi
The religious one is the worst. Just a bunch of hucksters and frauds worshiping an amoral con man. What’s with the weird touching? Is this some laying on of hands thing? Or do they just want to touch the golden calf for good luck?
They’re praying for him. The power of JAY-zus comes down through them and pours out of their hands like a magic spell. Sometimes they’ll anoint their heads with oil, but I imagine that wouldn’t be good for the bronzer so of course he didn’t let them do that. Because sometimes magic spells have physical components along with their verbal and somatic components.
You missed the one guy earlier with the Trump tattoo
Absolute freaks.
Not weird. Not normal. Just evil. Sick. Stupid.
This what the forefathers of America wanted, right?
What’s going on right side middle?