This meme was apparently from 2022, but it’s still true.
2000 gamer: Yes, I can get this game to run in 1024x768!
2024 Gamer: At what FPS?
2000 gamer: No it’s an RTS.
But honestly, going from software rendering to 3D acceleration with a 3dfx Voodoo 2 accelerator with a whopping 8 MB RAM made me appreciate FPS. I spent several minutes just switching weapons in Jedi Knight and marveling at how quickly that suddenly went.
Haha, muh two SLI Voodoos 2 both had 12MB each!!
/sarcastic bragging for comedic effect
I was genuinely upset that my parents didn’t get me the 12 MB version which locked me at 800x600. But I didn’t really get the distinction between system RAM and graphics RAM so I couldn’t formulate my frustration.
I bought my voodoo 2 12mb on eBay in college. It was my first eBay purchase fall 1998 I think, but I never saved up for a second card to do SPI.
That’s so funny you say that, Jedi Knight is where I first got to appreciate 3D acceleration, too. I must have racked up hundreds of hours in that game once upon a time.
Funny thing is that the game is actually worse 3D accelerated because the trilinear filtering made textures blurry and thus removed special colors that made specific colors glow in the dark.
I think I played Dawn of war at like 20fps on my old potato of a desktop back in the day
I played warcraft 3 with literally less than 1fps during combat. Out of combat it was like 20fps during which I would prepare then attack move and go take a break
This plus dial up lmao, always asking PLEASE DON’T DROP ME, I’M HERE!
oh, I only played SP back then, with the pc I had I would get booted before even loading any maps in MP
Yeah, I played through roc and tft many times before finally getting into MP, the trick was usually to try and find the maps on epic war first and dl them ahead of time, or find really nice people who’d let you stay to dl, most of the ones I played weren’t too large like kodo or ent tag, or any of the line tower/maul gsmes but the old RP maps took forever.
I gave back a bit and would host DL Only games while at school so peeps could come in and dl maps :p
Young me downloading a cool mouse icon and 6 browser search bars.
It’s my bonsai buddy. how else would I find good deals on the Internet?
And a bit of malware with it. I specifically remember one of those Runescape cursors had a search bar download with it and it was not secure. 10 year old me didn’t care though.
Tried doing that as well
Was confused why I couldn’t get it working and why my desktop didn’t have a <header> tag
Whats surprising is that a lot of those old games…. ran at 60 FPS.
Did they? I remember being told something like “25FPS is enough for everyone”.
Old ratchet and clank games were 60fps on the PS2, pretty sure many PS1 games as well
Can’t be assed to think back further than that
Atari 2600 games couldn’t run at anything other than 60fps since the system didn’t have any way to retain frames so they could be displayed multiple times. The program had to be constantly outputting graphics data to keep up with the TV’s refresh rate.
Bloody Roar 2 running at 60 was big deal back then, it wasn’t common for a 3D game to run that well on PS1.
People said that but I always thought it’s bullshit since you could clearly see a difference between 30 and 60 fps.
You are thinking about “cinematic“. And i would argue that being forced for movies is not because it’s better, but because it’s extended use in films gives the low fps an expected quality for movie watchers. The hobbit suffered from success over this.
Back in the day the fps for games was tied to the, i think it’s hrtz off the power lines, it alternates in 60hz in America. Slightly less in the UK.
Most of the World runs 50Hz. North America and some island nations run 60Hz, some 3rd world countries and Japan use an abominable mix of both.
Yep. I would say that the old games were ahead of their time, but it’s more accurate to say that we have regressed since.
Wile preferences can be subjective… i am still going to demand that (stable)frame rate > graphical fidelity, and that 60 is only the bare minimum.
I would also accept a pointing gauntlet cursor.
Or green clawed hand
Orcs and Humans
I miss the bloody hand in NESticle. I know it’s still there and all, but I don’t use it anymore and I haven’t seen it elsewhere.
My runelite cursor is a poisoned dragon dagger in 2024.
God I love RuneScape.
If you didn’t know, there is an open source version called 2009scape.
I keep it on a USB and play it at work when I’m on lunch and feeling that age old itch to see numbers go up. 😅
I wouldn’t even care if a game ran at a consistent sub 30 fps. I just refresh the way I feel about what I’m doing. Like when you switch to black and white television, or music written in a different tonal system, or an Adam Sandler movie. Just relax, turn off the analysis, let your ocular systems rewire some stuff, and suddenly you don’t even notice anything weird.
But when the fps is all over the place I can’t hang anymore.
I’ve found personally that even with changing refresh rates, variable refresh rate screens eliminate screen tearing and I’m a lot less likely to notice it.
Umm, the last one applies to any year…
Wish the panels were reversed top & bottom.
- 2000 never changes.
… 2022?
Since at least mid 90s you mean?
need a panel with TFW PC gaming in the 80s-early 90s and you come across a game breaking bug and nothing you can do about it and there’s no google to look it up
Is this part of the hedonistic treadmill? Or did we just lose the childlike wonder?
My personal favorite that does it.
This game was so fucking cool.
This and THPS kept my Dreamcast plugged in
I wonder how it worked, because you had to move your mouse just like a sword.
Twisted Metal: Black on the PS2 introduced me the possibility that 60fps on console games was possible. Jax and Dexter being another.