Obama’s presidency was great because it showed that a black man can be president.
Now we know you can also be an idiot.
Thanks Obama. Remember that? That was the first warning the stupids could do worse.
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You know that’s not true. It’s only a facade. You can only be president of you have billions of corporate
bribeslobby money. Tell me an instance where a regular joe working 9 to 5 thought he should contribute to society and then became president.Jimmy Carter
Have you read Jimmy Carter’s history? His Wikipedia says he was allowed by his father to befriend his black farmhand’s children and inherited land to grow peanuts after his Navy career. Does that sound like a regular Joe to you? He has received cash donations also.
While Carter’s family were certainly card carrying members of the Parasite Class, it is notable that of all the presidents since WWI, he would be the one least likely to be effectively convicted of war crimes.
Lincoln, kinda?
To be fair, the British didn’t have great air superiority, so they were doomed from the start.
There was someone on Reddit claiming to be an educator who said Trump has a reading disability which is not that uncommon. According to them when most people read a word they don’t need to see every letter, the context and a few letters is enough. Sort of like how the art form impressionism works. Tht xplns hw u cn rd ths. Not everyone has this ability which explains how Trump might confuse words like rampart and airport. It also explains why he says things off the cuff and doesn’t use a teleprompter. Ever see him read? It’s painful to watch, like a fourth grader reading a book report. I’ll bet when he gave a state of the union speech they practiced with him for many hours
That may well be true, but is no excuse for being a horrible human.
Ramparts are the parts that you ram, airports are the holes that let air in. Makes perfect sense if you’re only vaguely aware of what words mean.
But how do you man the air? By shaking your hips, naked?
That’s how I do it
Those British Horse and Buggybombers devasted our Minuteman bases, but our technology of wooden radar towers allowed a sure victory for our FighterStallions in the Battle of Trenton.
How does an American manage to know so little about their country’s history, that random foreigners (me) who just consume American media (with no particular effort to focus on this history) look like mega brained scholars in comparison.
Though, even knowing nothing about the US at all, you’d hope a president would at least know planes were not a thing in 1776 0_0