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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • I was at a Tesla owners gathering at one of Alaska’s two superchargers. We had about 20 teslas parked there in -5 Fahrenheit, just standing around talking about teslas. A guy in an ICE truck stopped in front of us, then tried to spin out as he took off. It was a pathetic attempt since it was icy out and he still couldn’t manage a proper burn out. We just laughed because we knew our teslas could do a lot better. My conservative parents and relatives hate EV’s because they suddenly became environmentalists when they realized that they didn’t like mining for battery chemicals even though they want more oil drilling.

  • Tesla is ranked the most American car manufacturer. It employs a lot of Americans. I don’t love Musk, although without him we wouldn’t be driving electric cars that are as good as they are. Think about where the EV revolution would be without tesla leading the way. Maybe there’d be Nissan Leafs out there but EV’s would be a decade behind where they are now. I’d still be driving ICE.

    I absolutely love my tesla though.

    I don’t like Bezos but I buy stuff from Amazon.