Because beyond the racism, their issues are our issues. They’re class issues.
Because beyond the racism, their issues are our issues. They’re class issues.
Let me suggest a good default feed setup that I like.
Don’t forget to contribute by voting, commenting and posting. Don’t just lurk.
Like their transportation memo embraces new and innovative technology, while ignoring the innovation and efficiency that can be gained by leveraging existing technology. Canada’s train legislation is in dire need of reform.
This is what I gathered too. The standard tactic of distracting the government and the public from known good solutions, to spend money on something else instead which happens benefit them. Example - Hyperloop as a distraction from high speed rail.
Either way, I wouldn’t expect for-profit tech CEOs who aren’t experts in public services like transportation or health to propose reforms that put the public’s benefit first. I’d expect that from a city planner, a Metrolinx person, a university expert, some other public servant, or adjacent.
Definitely not as batshit, yet. Self-serving - likely.
If you read into them, you see stuff that is not exactly what the titles imply. For example the immigration changes are proposed by the guy behind the infamous app that was bringing in international students in questionable circumstances. His new company also has to do with immigration. I read it as - use my thing to do immigration selection, or hire me to build it.
Copyright lobby begs to differ. 😂
I think I have a dormant account with them and I should probably get rid of it.
tbf, they could be worse than a typical investment company since they also have the techbro change-the-world fantasy baggage in the mix.
Depends what your interpretation of what was said is. If the interpretation is - putting LGBT flags on gov’t buildings is bad - then it isn’t acceptable. If the interpretation is - a description of what the owner class is doing in order to distract, without passing judgment whether those actions in and of themselves - then that would be acceptable (to me) because it’s just an observation of reality. Being charitable, reading the message doesn’t tell me which one it is.
Stay on Debain testing or unstable?
Every time GNOME replaces a stable, reliable piece of software, I get the heebie-jeebies. I hope the new doc viewer is as good as Evince.
I skimmed through a few memos. Changes proposed loosely or directly benefit the author of the memo. E.g. Bird guy wants Canada to deregulate transportation not to build more public transit but allow robots (and probably more scooters) and such on the streets.
Several Shopify names on there, Wealthsimple, Questrade, etc.
I read Second Amendment Revolution.
They were born this way.
This is a joke in the context of the joke, obviously one is innate and the other isn’t.
What’s the message he’s replying to?
Some Arab American supporters are distancing themselves, while others see it as a negotiating tactic.
Sunk costed themselves.