Hmm, I can recognize Klingon and tengwar, but not the others. I can still read Daedric from when I played Morrowind all the time, but it takes me a while to remember what the individual glyphs mean.
Hmm, I can recognize Klingon and tengwar, but not the others. I can still read Daedric from when I played Morrowind all the time, but it takes me a while to remember what the individual glyphs mean.
More a product of Berman than of the '90s.
Not technically an alternate universe. Also, the two Voyagers had only deviated from each other by a few hours. O’Brien getting killed off and replaced by his time-displaced future self is weirder, to me.
Because they’re more concerned with the Federation continuing to exist as a major player in the galaxy than they are with the timeline remaining unblemished. For whatever reason, Voyager getting home early is better than the alternative.
As an adendum to that guy’s post, season 5 is weaker due to production issues, but really picks up in the back half and resolves the G’Kar-Londo plot. That last bit makes it worth watching all on its own, for me.
Michael O’Hare was pretty healthy when they filmed the pilot, but got worse after, which is part of why season 1 was delayed; he took some time for treatment and JMS held off on filming until he was ready to come back. He took a turn while they were filming the season and it affected his acting. He came back for a guest appearance later on when he was feeling better and put in his best performance as the character. He retired shortly after, though.
Wait, Riker played chula?
Interestingly, someone on r/startrek actually crunched the numbers once and Dukat did reduce annual Bajoran deaths pretty significantly compared to his predecessors. On the other hand, that’s like saying that you may be a Nazi, but demanding an award for not being as bad as Hitler or Goering.
“I have ranks in the medicine skill, not divine caster levels!”
Even without holodecks, should be able to get to four via the Guardian. The present versions of Will and Tom with the past versions of Will and Tom.
“I don’t have a big enough helmet to approve production of moopsy plushes.”
If you think about it, logically, Tom is the original Riker and Will is the duplicate. Typically, the transporter moves mass from A to B, but can replace mass that’s been lost along the way as a fail-safe. The missing original mass is either left at Point A or scattered along the transport path. The most likely thing that happened is that the transporter’s fail-safe systems went overboard when they failed to pick up Riker’s mass - rather than aborting transport as failed, it deemed it a successful transport with 100% missing mass and replaced every atom of Riker with spares on the transporter pad. Will is a transporter clone, Tom is the original.
Well, kinda. The original Voyager and crew split into two equally original iterations and the Harry and Naomi from Iteration 1 died and were replaced by the Harry and Naomi from Iteration A. He’s technically still the same Harry that left the Alpha Quadrant with them. It’s like when a cell divides; neither one is the original or the duplicate.
“And this is Kid Cudi, who’s not really a historical figure.”
“Kinda am now, I think.”
If there isn’t a moopsy plush available by the end of the season I’m going to complain very loudly in corners of the internet that no Paramount executive will ever see.
That Paramount seemed to think for ages that the details of how they started production of shows were valuable trade secrets that must never be divulged certainly didn’t help. They could have cleared everything up as soon as it started, but chose to keep their mouths shut, which made them look super guilty. Paramount Executives: making baffling decisions for the past 40 years.
That “this is why we have the Prime Directive” episode with evolutionary predestination and evolution as a god figure was pretty awful, though.
Even JMS has actually admitted years ago that DS9 and B5 being in development at the same time was a coincidence. DS9 was already in early pre-production when he pitched B5 to Paramount. They turned him down, but also asked if he would be willing to retool it as a Trek show. Most likely, they hoped to recruit him as a DS9 writer and didn’t expect him to turn that down. Granted, it seemed super suspicious, but now that Paramount’s documentation has been released it’s pretty clear nothing nefarious happened. The DS9 showrunners weren’t even informed the B5 pitch had happened and the network didn’t interfere with DS9 much if at all, so the only cross contamination came from the handful of writers they shared, like D. C. Fontana.
That people have done that same thing IRL to prove that ancient peoples could have made certain voyages is also neat. Across oceans rather than space, but still.
They floated it a little with Rutherford in the first episode or two with his Vulcan implant randomly making him act Vulcan, but it was dropped almost immediately.