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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • As nick Hanauer points out, the US is largely infected with a decades strong lingering religious like ideology called market fundamentalism. It’s an entirely false notion that “market” is like a physics or chemistry equation and anything done to disturb it or influence it will reduce efficiency or disturb the “natural” balance. They of course never want to acknowledge all the scales tilting the favor to the corporations.

    There are no laws of nature in economics. Just like there are no laws of nature in basketball. People make the rules, and agree to them.There are no laws of chemistry, biology, or physics, that children cannot work in factories. And yet with evidence we find the ROI for society is higher for us all when children are not working in factories, and so deem it so.

  • In the German studies of driving, not only did heart rate increase, but there were also electrocardiographic changes such as ST segment depressions and T-wave inversions that suggest ischemia (inadequate blood flow to the heart). In fact, when the German investigators focused on patients known to have coronary artery disease, approximately half the patients showed pathological EKG changes while driving. And in the English studies, when the drivers with heart disease showed an increase in their heart rates, they also showed an increase in ectopic heartbeats and pathological changes on their cardiograms. Moreover, occasional patients developed angina and left ventricular failure while driving.