I know removing emissions control or whatever is a federal crime, but I live in a county with no emissions testing. I know it’s been done thousands of times but I currently has a TBI POS that is already ripped apart and the easiest and cheapest method to get it moving is to throw a carb on it.
I am not really worried about black helicopters landing behind my house because of a cat delete or whatever, but the car is older than 25 years so it’s not really anything to worry about right?
Send it bro
I’m pretty sure if you are in the US this perfectly legal. Even if you were subject to emissions testing they wouldn’t care what kind of fuel delivery system you use, just that it passes the testing
Keeping an old car running > any guilt over emissions
Big picture, building any new car is worse for the environment, than repairing any old car already in existence
Straight to jail
How about the planes in the sky or Korea firing rockets or trains or coal factory going up in china every month do you stop any of that if your so concerned
no emissions testings = no regulation
full send dude
What state?
Not for vehicles made prior to 1975, they’re all SMOG exempt
At some point we need to start protecting our rights and freedom or we will be sheep locked in a pen
EPA has entered the chat
Kidding. You’re good, dude. It’s enforced about as much as if you would pirate a movie or video game.
Exception being California, they enforce modded exhaust systems, but cops typically don’t have any automotive technical knowlege so odds are extremely low they’d nab you for a carb. Unless the cop used to be a master tech and somehow switched to a job that paid less for some odd reason, and had the moral obligation to seek out the evil carb guys - you’re fine.
Sorry. I have to do another one…
yOu wOuLdN’t dOwnLoAD A cArB
No question. Give it fuel!
Technically probably illegal… but no-one will ever care. They are just now starting to crack down on diesel trucks rolling coal, these a LONG way between that and keeping an old car running with a simple carb
And as others have said, keeping an old car running well is good for the environment.
And even then they’re only going after companies and shops not individuals
I’m so confused, if your car is carbureted, wouldn’t that make it emissions exempt due to age?