• baldingpudenda@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    And he lost by 2.9 million so even if you double it he still lost. He also did that ‘were gonna find out about those illegal votes’ and asked for voter info. Every state responded with no that’s illegal and we never heard about it until he lost again. Why would I vote for someone that can’t even protect my right to vote when they’re president? Or a weak ass party that can’t get anything done against a powerful party that can cheat and get away with it?

    • TechyDad@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Trump actually formed a commission to turn up evidence of illegal voting. Their plan was to show that Democrats were illegally voting. Only, the evidence showed that most illegal voting came from Trump supporters voting twice - and even then it wasn’t enough to make a difference in any race.

      We’re talking about a dozen or so nationwide and all easily caught. Because, surprise surprise, it turns out that it’s hard to vote illegally and NOT get caught. It’s orders of magnitude harder to vote illegally at a scale where it affects an election result without getting caught.

      Instead of releasing their findings, Trump’s election commission decided to just disband themselves. This way, Trump could claim that there was still fraud without his own commission saying otherwise.