• vortic@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Part of her deal was a written statement describing what she will testify to. They don’t give this kind of deal unless the subject has already provided sufficient useful information and sworn to its truthfulness. She’s bound to her statement now and, if she retracts later, I’m sure they can both pull back the plea deal and charge her with perjury.

      These prosecutors aren’t stupid nor is this their first plea deal. They’ve already got the goods.

    • khepri@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Oh they will absolutely bring the hammer down if she doesn’t do and say everything by the book from this point forward, that’s the point of a plea deal. It gets the defendant out of (most of the) trouble, but it locks them in to testifying fully and truthfully about the case from then on. If the prosecutor/judge thinks they aren’t holding up that promise, the deal is taken away. You really do have to go full state’s evidence if you take a deal like this, and they are not playing around with the threat of piling all those felony charges - and more - right back on you if you don’t sing just the way the DOJ wants you to.