Video is censored by blurring, but still disturbing.

    1 year ago

    Maybe they want to scare people into not leaving the city, and then say they gave them the option but they didn’t leave?

    This. They bomb the “safe” routes so people don’t feel safe trying to leave and just wait to be bombed(Just like Iraq vs US and Russia vs Ukraine) and The extremists in Israel believe that the Jewish people are owed the entire territory of King Solomon’s empire. That territory, at minimum, includes parts of Jordan and Syria. At maximum it extends from the Nile to the Euphrates to the Persian Gulf and up into Turkey.

    Palestine’s existence to Israel is analogous to Ukraine’s existence to Russia, except Russian sees Ukraine as “the same” people and Israel sees Palestinians as unrightful occupants that have no right to the lands of the Israeli people deeded to them by god according to scripture.

    The Palestinian people will be removed persistently and then it is on to the Jordanians, and so on until the Israeli extremists have their “sacred lands of the chosen people”. The extremists Israelis will make small “palatable” cuts until they achieve their goals.

    It is a horrible situation for every innocent involved and this continuous and senseless death is absolutely worthless; all for the desires of corrupt and vile people believing nonsense.