I have very little knowledge of India, but thought it might be interesting. I’d love to hear an informed comrade opinion.

  • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I am not really informed on the most current state of Indian politics but my own gut feeling is that this is very unlikely to work. The BJP has entrenched itself pretty firmly from what i have seen so far. This would be like trying to oust Erdogan in Turkey. Despite some significant discontent they both unfortunately still have a very solid base of support, their opposition is weak and the electoral system in many places is heavily rigged in the ruling party’s favor. The advantage in India is that due to its being a federal state there are regions where the BJP just can’t and won’t make any inroads as the local governments there tend to also be very strong, and some of them are quite far left such as Kerala in southern India.

    • johnrobbespiere@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      They can try, UPA 1 was able to dispose of the Vajpayee government once, as much as I hate INC, Kharge is the best hope we have currently;.

  • comvedml@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    We Indians need to oust Modi before he turns India into a civil war state. But Indians don’t have good knowledge about European fascism just as the Chinese .

    • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      How’s the opposition situation in India? Any socialists? Or is it as infected with west-brained liberals as elsewhere?

      • comvedml@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        socialists are minor in scale , well our libs are kind of opportunists and idiots , they can become BJP v2.0 when time comes.

      • juchenecromancer@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        CPI (M) hold strong positions in Kerala and West Bengal. The main opposition to BJP is Congress, which is a centrist liberal party and just opportunists. There is a noticeable North-South split however, with Southern states being more sympathetic to SocDems and Congress while the North is a BJP stronghold.

  • sobuddywhoneedsyou@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I don’t think they have a shot. A lot of the members of this coalition are opportunistic political parties with no coherent ideology. Their goal is likely to prevent a BJP majority in national elections but BJP and Modi are still popular. People have no faith in parties like Congress whose neoliberal pillaging is the reason why the country slid into fascism in the first place.

    It would be nice if they succeed though. But I think that’s unlikely.

    • sobuddywhoneedsyou@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Edit: To emphasise my point, most of these parties don’t have a problem with the BJP being a Hindu nationalist party wielding the fascist state apparatus to the benefit of mega corporations. They are just mad that they are the ones that don’t get to do this. Even disregarding the fact that incidents like the Naxalbari uprising took place during Congress rule, these parties have started exhibiting their Hindu pride ever since BJP made Hindu nationalism fashionable.

    • med_the_chip@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Why does Modi have the highest approval rating of any world leader? It baffles the mind. Do you think that this figure is fabricated or does he really control some kind of charismatic ideological apparatus?

      • sobuddywhoneedsyou@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Propaganda plays a large part in it. BJP was the first political party to figure out how to use social media to spread their message. As they gained popularity, they got close with Adanis and Ambanis, the richest families in India, who ended up buying a lot of a media houses so the media is generally uncritical to a blatantly visible degree. There has been a long campaign of crackdown on reporters who were critical of BJP, with many labeled Maoists and put in jail waiting for trials against trumped up charges.

        BJP and RSS have also exacerbated the preexisting communal tensions and used them to their advantage. A large majority of our population is Hindu and for many of them their programme of turning India to a explicitly Hindu nation unfortunately sounds desirable.

        Modi individually is also generally seen positively. BJP works with PR firms for this. His image has been rehabilitated through concerted efforts after the massacre of Muslims in Gujrat while he was CM there. While other fascists like Trump and Bolsonaro are clowning around, Modi does not interact with traditional news media, social media or even his constituents directly. His main form of communication is through the speeches that he gives. Recently he went on a trip to the US where he took a couple questions from reporters for the first time in many years. Because of all this his image is relatively clean in the consciousness of the average person.

      • comvedml@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        As an Indian, I would say Indians are mostly ignorant about world politics , we learn our history from a pseudo ethnic religious (hindus here) standpoint. Same goes for Pakistan but it doesn’t affect them because 90 percent of them are Muslims. Here, hatred for Muslims have been there since Muhammed Ghazni’s invasions but yeah bhakti movement and sufism had played positive role on inter religious harmonious model. Upon the destruction of Mughal empire which patronized Sufi saints, here Muslims began to arabize their version of salafi Islam. Not particularly saying salafi version is bad but it had a particular detrimental effect on Muslims here. Here much converted population learned Islam from greater Khorosan version which was kinda sufi and kinda flexible in culture wise. Hindus here have a particularly weird notion that we were a bunch of peaceful people and all was good until Islam arrived in India. We were taught a very sanctified history of pre persianate India where casteism and all sorts of bad things like Sati rituals are erased from memory. If we read Al burni’s historical documentary about India , It clearly states the nature of casteism and apartheid on lower caste people. Our capitalists also got to know that it’s easy for them to fool Indians because umm… Our education quality on everything sucks except for few government funded IIT’s and few NITs. Vast majority of India believe in nationalist ideology based on European fascism but our liberals in 1980s and 90s failed to ban them because ahem… Who had the muscle to smash the working class union leaders . It was the fascists. The first fascists were Bal Saheb Thakrey’s gangs who attacked the working class based on religious lines and also glorifying their ethno fascist sentiment (kings and their loot, Shivaji and co.) Congis like South Africa ANC has become an useless and corrupt entity. Most are opportunistic without a hint of coming disaster. Our people also had this weird information by hindutva media that all problems in the middle East started due to Islam but not due to Modi’s buddy USA. It’s a shit show here from late 2010. Left died after losing bengal and Tripura. It’s a very dark age of India, I never met a good educated non islamophobic and non misogynist person in northern parts of India.

        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhRoa707uks To all Hindus and Muslims , this is what we should teach about India .

        • lemmyseizethemeans@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          So many parallels with the religious right in the US. Weaponising faith to forward extreme right and fascist ideologies, using it as a justification to discriminate against other people, races, nations etc. The ‘muslim ban’ that Trump put in place was just candy for the ‘evangelical’ movement.

          I think Hindu Nationalism is playing the same game. Modi is fucking evil but he’s just another facet of an inherently evil system that rewards fascist behavior and works to oppress the working class by any means necessary.

          • comvedml@lemmygrad.ml
            1 year ago

            Modi is not evil , evil and good is a biblical concept . We had issues and historical distortions which got amplified after the fall of USSR and failure of the left world wide. Even Chinese are more nationalist than communist , it happens as civilizations are going through turbulence and cultural shifts . Colonialism and American consumerism had a detrimental effect on Indian and Chinese civilizations , chinese under the clever implementation of reforms and back tracking the same reforms to weed out corruption played a major role in solidifying the society where as us Indians got fucked by the same without a proper guidance , oh we got a bunch of fascists like Savarkar and co.

  • sicaniv@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    BJP can manipulate both voters and their votes by the use of Media and EVM hacks. So it’s gonna be real tough for opposition, however organized they are.