Anyone know if DPRK has resorts? Given its position it probably has some coastal areas that could be nice. Now that Europe is closed, gotta look for alternatives
Anyone know if DPRK has resorts? Given its position it probably has some coastal areas that could be nice. Now that Europe is closed, gotta look for alternatives
What does Mi stand for?
Pretty accurate description of the type. Pretty sure I’ve seen folks over at lemmy use this very “argument”, dead serious
I’d say it works the other way around. English became the “universal” language due to domination of the British Empire and subsequently USA on global stage. Before that, other languages were dominating the scene.
In theory, with the decline of US hegemony, the languages spoken “universally” would change. Idk if it would be mandarin or something else
I think they just began to notice the 'Grad. Remember - we are very much a minority in the fecal ocean that is the internet. For thirty years the anti-communist, pro-US propaganda went unchallenged, and it’s already been pervasive as hell for decades before that. We are surrounded on all sides, comrades
Ouch, that is bound to ruffle some feathers
Many of us talk big game about changes we want and stuff we want to stop, but these people are actually trying their best to force change they want to see.
Honestly - yeah. And they’re risking life and limb going against the pervasive overwatch apparatus, USian punishment system and the most powerful propaganda apparatus in history. All knowing full well the powers that be will use them “to set an example”. The courage these people have is astonishing
Nah, that’s just what western media does - project. Some comrades here have put it nicely: “Every accusation is a confession”. Look at any accusation lobbed by the media at the designated enemy. Odds are, NATO/USA had done it at some point or is currently doing it
nothing about this seems off to the “Guardian-reading wokerati”?
No. Repeat after me: putler, orcs, evil must be stopped, glory to liberalism
Seen this meme on recently. Some git was coping in the comments, saying “at least oil has worth”. Yeah
Disagree. We must all have the ability to visit Karl Marx
Not even that equal, given how much they freak out over capitalist countries not “in the club” making deals
Unfortunately his enablers and handlers are alive and well, and likely will continue to be so. Think about it, when was the last time you’ve heard from Poroshenko? Yatsenyuk? At least Kolomoysky got locked up, although I expect him to “mysteriously disappear” from prison, as such types do
Well they’re claiming Russia is now buying shells from DPRK and thus absolve themselves of any lie
I think they’ve actually used photos from Donetsk (when AFU attacked it with Tochka missiles). Aaaand then claimed Russia did it
Are you suggesting that Nazis may have found the idea of shipping the undesirables away from sight appealing? No way! That surely proves Israel is a Nazi project!
Must be why they soon found out people don’t want to move and just switched to industrialised extermination
It’s marketing, pure and simple