Se [Fabiano] aprendesse qualquer coisa, necessitaria aprender mais, e nunca ficaria satisfeito.

“Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.”

- Papal Legate Zelensky, c. 2022

  • 90 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I like how this only serves to galvanise both of the supporter groups (both of which will blame leftists for whichever outcome) over basically nothing, and yet will have no actual impact no matter how it’s resolved. I guess it’s not an election year and there are barely any debates, so they need to get eyeballs on newscorp ads somehow.

    “Oh wow, they replaced Joe Biden with Joe Biden’s hand-picked Vice President. It’s basically a whole new country!”

    E: To be fair, the democrats might actually have a better chance at the next election if they drop Biden (dead) because of this. Which means they’ll fight tooth and nail for the old geezer because if they win too much they might have to keep their promises.

  • albigu@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlDems vs Conservatives
    1 year ago

    Are you done putting words in my mouth? What a weird one you are.

    This carrot and stick approach is the Democrats’ speciality, block the strike through legislation while also confusing the narrative and giving breadcrumbs for a small portion of the workers to sap the momentum and put worker against worker.

    If you want so hard to know what should’ve happened (you don’t really, you’ve already made up your mind about me), first off it should be up to the rail workers, but if I were one of them I’d recommend the strike go on despite any laws. The purpose of an union is to represent the will of all workers, not just the uplifted few or their politician buddies.

  • The bit that gets me is that Al-Qaeda’s biggest (imperialist) issue was the USA, halfway across the world and with 90s tech. If Azov follows the same path, not only will they have a much bigger beef with closer European countries like Germany (but more likely eastern countries), but have shit like drones that can cause a significant amount of damage with less danger of being caught. Part of me is like “Unlimited genocide on the first world” but since they’re racist shits I think it’s obvious that they’re going to target minorities and specifically scapegoats they can find for their lost war.

    First as a tragedy, you know the drill.

  • Not a single time. There was this exact one mass shooting in another far away state when I was a kid and I remember how irrationally on edge everybody was for a couple weeks, so I can’t even imagine what it would be to have those happening regularly like that. I understand training kids to do it if you already have a school shooting problem, but those are really rare over here.

    I’ve even heard from colleagues from gang-controlled regions that, in the case of a shoot out, they usually purposefully avoid having those near schools to avoid collateral child deaths.

  • albigu@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlDems vs Conservatives
    1 year ago

    If you read your own link, you’ll see that this is only for a couple rail companies, and not a guaranteed right in the future. It’s cool that they got something, but this is not a big win by any chance.

    Also 4 sick leave days is frankly too little for a critical infrastructure and transportation industry in the country that had 1 million die of covid.

  • What’s wrong is assuming people even have the means to travel in the first place. Next time you take the bus to work, ask yourself how many of the people in that bus could afford to travel on their vacations, both financially and time-wise. You act as if the bottom 75% of the population of whichever country you’re talking about (I assume USA) live luxurious lives of overabundance, when in fact a majority of people in capitalist countries have basically no choice on what they consume, let alone what they could abstain from.

    Waste isn’t high because of individual lifestyle choices or “carbon footprint” or whatever else, it’s because the ruling classes have engineered highly profitable societies with complete disregard for their wage slave wellbeing or the environment that sustain those same wage slaves.

    As two other exercises, how would somebody in a city with no public transport be able to drive less? And how would people with no time to cook and no access to affordable organic food be able to eat less meat from those cheap industrial foodstuffs? If you wish to prescribe actions to people, you should first learn about their material conditions.

  • Correct me if I’m wrong, but afaik mainstream climate activism boils down to pointing at the iceberg and saying “there’s an iceberg ahead” without any plan on how to avoid death. It is usually very toothless and unthreatening to the ruling classes, which is I think is why they’re allowed to exist and even platformed through greenwashing. I don’t see what success they’ve actually had that we could stand to gain from mimicry.

    Their best analyses boil down to understanding quite a bit of the physical science of it, but they hardly get anything actually going in practice. Ozone layer was their last big win, but it was just because it was rather cheap for the corporations to fix that one.

    Instead I think the way is to do what communists already do the best, which is to study the history of it (climate change) and better explain the hidden class aspect of it. If stories like the BP creating “carbon footprint” to shift the blame on consumers or Obama approving the Keystone XL pipeline on native land (and the subsequent attack on protests) stop becoming loose facts on somebody’s head and become part of a large narrative of the ruling class complete disregard for climate change, regardless of whose campaign they sponsor. You can already see lost libs in the thread parroting PR firm victim blaming talking points.

    And if the interest is the USA, indigenous people are both usually the most interested in combating climate change and the ecological catastrophe, and also the first victims of the repression (and it’s usually not televised). The Red Deal is an alright read if you want to get the perspective of some of them who have been fighting this fight for a while. They also have a podcast, which is alright too.

    TLDR: you can’t properly fight climate change without class consciousness and understanding the history of settler disregard for the environment. This is why lib movements tend to fail at anything but making them feel good about themselves, IMO.

  • It’s honestly rather silly that you think the solution for it is “consuming less” when some 30 million people on the richest country in the world rely on food stamps, and some 60% live paycheck to paycheck. Do you honestly think there’s any more “fat” to cut for those?

    It’s seen as disconnected from reality because it actually is. The problem is not that all (or majority of) people consume too much, but that the production itself (and the waste disposal aftwards) is the most climate-inneficient it could ever be. How is one to “drive less” or “eat less meat” when those are the only ways they could afford to live?

    “Local vacations” lmao