It’s a win win, one less dirty liberal and I have funds to start over somewhere else.
That $5 million isn’t for you
But I want it
Ok, I will pass this on to them.
Thank you. Oh, tell trump I like his… that time he was in the truck. You know, talk me up.
Tell him I’ll sell mine $3m.
Don’t ruin this for me!
Fine. I’ll only take $4m and I’ll give you $1m. So greedy.
…can I have $1 million?
Ironically enough, you actually have to pay the US Government to renounce your citizenship. The base fee is $2,350, but the application process is so lengthy and complex the total cost can run up into the $20k range. Oh, and you’re still obligated to pay taxes and subject to the draft.
Persons who wish to take the oath of renunciation under INA 349(a)(5) or who are requesting a Certificate of Loss of Nationality under INA 349(a)(1)-(4) should be aware that if the Department issues of a Certificate of Loss of Nationality in the person’s name (reflecting the official determination of loss of U.S. nationality) the former U.S. citizen’s U.S. tax or military service obligations may remain unchanged (contact the Internal Revenue Service or U.S. Selective Service for more information).L M F A O
I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to mean that they don’t assess any new liabilities or obligations, but you can’t get out of anything they’ve already assessed by relinquishing citizenship.
Yeah, most likely. Although it does sound as if the ol’ ball & chain could be attached indefinitely on first read. I imagined sliding something to that effect in a joint contract and have my ex-roommate come in to do my laundry every week after leaving according to the vague print. lol
This is exactly what it is. You don’t get out of paying just by relinquishing citizenship.
these seem like the only good reasons
Why is it Americans still need to get taxed and drafted even outside their home nation. Nobody else does that
For taxes: initially it was because business owners were renouncing their citizenship as a way to avoid income and capital gains taxes, as well as estate taxes. Once that was done though then the feds realized they could squeeze everyone.
For the draft: during the Vietnam War people would flee to other countries (usually Canada) and renounce their US citizenship, even if they didn’t obtain citizenship elsewhere. Becoming a stateless person was (correctly) seen as less of a death sentence than being sent to Vietnam.
Catch is “somewhere else” wants 6 million to make you a citizen.
Sweet! I’m gonna have 11 million bucks!
I knew inflation was high but wow. The economy has really gone to shit.
Have you SEEN the price of eggs???
I can’t afford to look at them
I go to IHOP and slip a cook $5 just to open the back door and let me take nose hits.
Not that high. 30 pack the other day was $12.
You moved instances
Yiffit shut down :(
This is unironically something I would consider. I would sell me and my family’s citizenship for 20 mil and go live either in Mexico or Spain. I have family in both of those so it would be nice to see them more often.
Unfortunately we can’t because we are the product. Exploitable people.
I was going to say, they want to be the ones who choose who can enter…
and who can leave…
Consider? That shits a done fucking deal for me if it’s on the table
Fuck yeah. 2 million is the amount I need to live a comfortable life off the interest. 20 million gives me 800k a year in distributions to safely maintain the fund. We’d live like damn hell ass kings!
Wish granted. Someone bought your citizenship. You have 30 minutes to vacate the country.
Funds unfortunately were funneled into Trump
slush fundpresidential library fund so you won’t get a penny. Sorry about thatI’d suspect the five million ain’t going to be worth much after Trump is done.
Exchange it quick and get out.
Oh that’s why trump wants his face on the 100 dollar bill, since he knows he’s making it worthless anyway
Like everything else he puts his name on.
Doubt. If anyone is gonna profit off of his half baked idea then it’ll be him, no one else
I got $3.50
Tree fitty? Damn you Loch Ness monster!
I would sell mine if I can get EU citizenship.
Otherwise I’d be stuck in some airport and that ain’t fun
Several EU countries feature golden visas. Portugal, Malta, for example. As long as you live there for a minimum amount of time.
The UK will give you free citizenship if you’re considered very useful. A friend of mine is an epidemiologist, and they almost literally threw British citizenship at her. She said that nobody at the group ceremony spoke English.
Individual investors must make a minimum contribution of €600,000
Yea Imma stop you right there.
I don’t even have $6000, let alone 2 extra digits.
The joke of the post was the government paying you 5,000,000 for your U.S. citizenship. So you’d have over 4 million U.S. dollars left after doing such a trade and paying 600,000 euros for a citizenship somewhere. I forget the conversion right now. You’d still be set for life.
It’s basically 1:1 nowadays, easy to remember
With $5 million dollars I assume I’d be able to get a visa and then citizenship almost anywhere. Can’t find a job within 90 days? Damn, maybe just start a business. What do you do? For me I’d go IT consultant company, and put my annual pay as the minimum wage required to maintain a citizenship. I could buy an office, a house, pay myself $50,000 a year for 20 years and still have 3 million left likely. Not to mention if you actually make any money. Could be anything really. Marketing, bakery, street food vendor. I’m sure you can make it work with 5m.
You can stick the 3 million in a 5% interest savings and make $150,000 a year to live off of. Living off 200k a year and never touching your principle I would hopefully be able to make work in most of the world.
I’m just some pleb with depression. No EU country would want me. The best I could hope for is maybe political asylum, but the US is still considered a democracy so they aren’t gonna take my application seriously.
When I was a kid, I was somewhat envious of Tom Hanks’ character in The Terminal. Rewatching it as an adult hits different after spending a lot more time in airports since then.
Try to get stuck at Changi airport at least.
I don’t think he has that authority, but he’d do it anyway. Except he wouldn’t, because fuck you.
My wife and I wondered why they just don’t offer people a million per household member to leave the country. Maybe help with citizenship paperwork to other countries.
If this was plausible, you would never receive real money, and likely a dogshit Trump crypto coin that no rational ledger or bank would honor.
They would pay you “$5 million” Trump-Bucks and in reality it would be worth a pathetically impossibly impotent microscopic amount of real legal tender.
And then they would tell you to fuck off in the most publicly rude method possible to dog whistle to their racist bigoted MAGA base.
About 1000 Stanley nickels, according to my math.
How long does it take to become a US citizen? That determines how often you can sell your citizenship and restart the process. Imagine getting 5 million every year or two.
Naturalized citizen here originally from Poland. It took 6 years waiting to be eligible to apply for green card, another 2 to actually get a green card, then another 5 years of living in the states to be able to apply for citizenship. So total of 13 years. Granted Poland was in a different political climate 25 years ago and it was difficult to ever get into the US so it really depends on “country of origin”.
If you run the citizenship cycle every 13 years, and you get paid 5 million every time, that’s still about 32 k$ per month, which is not bad. It takes a very long time, but it should be worth it.
Yo sign me up for real
Send me back to the homeland of… Scotland? Germany? Finland would be ok
Canada, England, Australia, the moon.
Any of these are better than here.
I’d say Mars, but… well, I’m just going to go ahead and guess that Elon has a slave colony self-building there somewhere as we speak.
If that happens, I will sell my citizenship and give you a hundred thousand dollars of it.