Pro Tip: corporations won’t just give you this, you sort of have to riot until you force the government make it illegal for them to not do it. And even then you’ll probably have to re-defend it every few years.
Source: am from Europe.
Or, hear me out, cut out the middle man and get rid of the government so that you can then get rid of corporations.
Are you saying that freedom needs constant active effort??
Of course they do. It’s madness that you’re at the mercy of an employer who decides how many vacation days you get if you get anything at all.
General well-being, physical and mental shouldn’t be left to employers. A certain minimum should be mandatory, if an employer wants to be attractive, they can add more instead of pretending two weeks is generous. No one can recover from work (or life) related stress in just a week or maybe two, it’s insanity.
You know it’s just a bit of an internet joke that we take the whole of August off, right? Just because we’ve got enough vacation days to do that if we wanted doesn’t mean that anyone actually uses them all up in one go at the most expensive time of the year for hotels, flights etc.
And summer is only July in northern Europe.
It was June in the UK this year :/
You guys got the whole of July? We had about 3 days at the end of June.
My summer vacation is 4 weeks and I use that every july - august all in one go as does my SO and all of the people I work with. This is on top of my week long winter vacation and the 10 or so calendar holidays we all get through the year. I also “earn” one extra holiday every 2 weeks or so that I can pretty much spend when ever I want.
I mean… It’s not that weird some factories close during august nearly completely and everyone gets the holidays during that month for example.
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All joking aside, I don’t understand how you could live like that? I’m finding it hard this year because I’m getting married in November and taking 3 weeks. That has meant that I’ve had to really eek out my other 3 weeks throughout the year.
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Damn, I’m sorry dude that taking days off has to be a financial decision. Good on you looking after yourself though.
Simple answer is we don’t really live. We just kinda suffer day after day until someone breaks then a new policy is out in place to legally cover the corps ass. It’s a miserable system and most of us are at a breaking point.
my experience is the opposite. I take the shortest vacations of the people I know who usually take 4 weeks off and then just do unpaid later if they need more time. Definitely could be a difference of PMC vs the prolest of proles. I spread it out but i get looked at weird
headline should read “at least 34% of americans have serious brain damage”
who gives a shit what Americans want, they should poll corporations instead
Elitist workers have for decades been leaving the cries of the senator class unheeded
totally got me for a minute comrade
Yes, hello, I’d like to order 1 life please.
It’s so fucking sad, though. We only have this life and we spend it all working and going through shit. I hate thinking about it.
But you see, if you don’t work the owner class can’t have permanent vacations and a revolving door of material pleasures. I mean, you need to eat?
My boss has a personal chef. I can’t afford a house.
Yeah, that’s fucked up. I still don’t ever understand why us Americans aren’t in the streets tearing the whole country down to the ground because of the shit that we live in.
Because if I do it my family is hurt and we have no home. Its no guarantee anyone will be out there with me. Protests take years of planning, years we don’t have anymore. I want to riot, but I don’t see it accomplishing anything. Not without an organized front with articulate goals.
Because then you’d be in even deeper shit. Just breaking things isn’t going to solve your problems. You need to come up with a better alternative and by better I mean something that actually works and doesn’t just sound nice.
That is indeed what they are doing to you all
Why is it only 66%?
Personally I wanted 3 weeks per month off
This is the correct way to answer.
Some people like to pretend chains are just another type of weighted blanket.
Brainwashed to go against their own best interests.
And fear they will be outperformed by those who don’t mind being slaves.
I lived in Europe for the first 30 years of my life, and the only time I got all of August off was when I was in school.
Where in Europe do you live?
People with school children usually get preferential treatment for the summer months and obviously not all people can take their holidays the same time.
Not author of the comment here, but I’ve lived in Italy and France and also never had a full month off since my school days.
But it’s because of my personal choice to avoid spending all my unpaid leave in one go (and in the most expensive and crowded time of the year, too). Not for the lack of that possibility.
I lived in the UK.
Did you live in a part of the UK that was never governed by a Thatcher ministry?
If such a part exists in the UK, then surely it is the best part to live today.
News flash. The UK is not part of Europe and in fact emulates all the wonderful American policies that favour the owner class
Did the UK detach itself from the earth’s surface and move to another continent while I’ve been gone?
The UK left the EU, they’re still in Europe.
Edit: the cheek of starting such an idiotic comment with “news flash” is astounding.
The issue is social and political, not geographical, and not particularly related to Brexit, except tangentially.
In which European countries does everyone get all of August off?
I live in the Netherlands and I can take 5 weeks vacation whenever I want. I just need to coordinate with my team and I can go.
Most people in Finland have a 4 week summer vacation they get to spend somewhere from june to august.
I’m on the continent and yeah it’s totally different to the UK. I couldn’t find a plumber or electrician if I wanted to. I’m waiting for September to get stuff fixed. Ordered a ski jacket a couple of weeks ago and got an email saying the factory is closed until the 28th, then they’ll be working on the backlog lol
I always wondered how that worked.
If everyone takes time off at the same time then…nothing gets done. Interesting.
Yeah everytime I see one of these posts romanticizing Europe, I roll my eyes. And I have to scroll so far to see it debunked.
It seems even Europeans themselves go along with it, because they kinda enjoy the pride of it?
I’m European and the title made me chuckle a bit.
I upvoted one of the most upvoted comments by a fellow Euro person saying that basically no one here does that (when I say no one, I mean statistically. Maybe 1 in 10k people does).
The point tho, is that you technically could.
And even if you don’t take the entire month off in one go, you still have around 4 or 5 weeks paid leave over a year, which is much better than most of the places in the US, from what I hear.
I lived in the UK and now live in the US, and I have more time off now than ever before. I work in tech in the Bay Area, so I know I’m living in a bit of a dream world, but it’s not all doom and gloom to move from Europe to America.
For sure it’s not, but let’s reckon that you’re in a privileged situation. I think we are talking average Joe here, and I think that Euro-Joe beats US-Joe hands down in the paid leave department.
I mean 5 weeks vacation per year certainly isn’t ideal but if I talk to friends from abroad I can’t help but feel lucky.
I actually have 32 days off here in Belgium.
20 days for everyone working full time, and 12 ADV days for anyone working 40 hour weeks instead of 36 hours.
All of them are fully paid of course.
I definitely can take off the whole of August. But I’d rather spread it out over the year.
So instead of rolling your eyes, you should be rolling your bosses off a cliff for not granting you the same courtesy.
You get 5 weeks usually
Yeah, I lived there for three decades. I got a bunch of time off, but if I said I wanted every August off I’d be in for a bit of a shock.
Most countries would legally allow you though.
Companies would be able to schedule a replacement for that time.
But why would you want to, really? August is expensive and everyone else is on holiday as well.
It’s unusual to see more than 3 weeks where I’ve worked too but it’s more so because of people’s travel habits and not wanting to be out of vacation days the rest of the year
I’d get shock and a comment but yeah it could go through
Places I’ve been to follow the 2-1 rule, try to ask two days in advance for 1 day off
The other 64% believe that they will be be millionaires any day now, just one more scratch ticket!
edit: wow, I’m gonna leave my drunk math as stands
Math says no :)
That’s so negative…
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The 34% unfortunately includes the entirety of the ruling class
YES! Oh my God it is a tragedy that vacations are proudly seen as a thing of the past here.
Imagine living in, say, California and taking a week off just to go surfing or explore some of the national parks or smaller towns. Hell, imagine a country that doesn’t try to gatekeep its youth from walkable cities that make it possible to make and have friends to share those vacations with. I’m sorry but, the people in charge are complete misanthropes that want to force their miserable loneliness on others.
I’ve said it before and I will say it again, the US is the anti-fun country and it’s the fault of the puritan WASPs who have no taste in anything.
I’m really surprised because it means 34% don’t want a month off work.
They must simp for their overlords, for one day too they will be the overlords
Corporations be like haha get back to work slaves
The only language the capitalist ruling class understands is violence.
“ And if Jesus himself had to take the whip to chase them from his temple, it is indeed because that is the only language they hear.”
It’s not even part of the law to give people vacations for FEDERAL HOLIDAYS unless you’re government employees. It’s so absurd lol. I honestly don’t know anyone who gets the holidays off unless they’re white collared workers. And I’m talking office/manager white collars, not doctor/pharmacist/nurse white collar.