So Don Jr is rubbing coke publicly on his gums at a SpaceX launch, yet nobody is coming for him? He is a gun owner.
If you banned amphetamines near the launch pad, nothing in aeronautics would ever get done. Ask anyone in Operation Paperclip.
Coke isn’t an amphetamine
It’s part of a healthy amphetamine breakfast
healthy amphetamine breakfast
Now that’s a pleonasm
I mean, coke is basically an amphetamine with a shittier half life. They’re both stimulants with a dopamine re-uptake inhibitors.
Coke is just the shittier and less ethically sourced option.
They’re both stimulants with a dopamine re-uptake inhibitors.
That’s not how amphetamine works. It’s correct for cocaine, but amphetamine promotes dopamine release, it doesn’t inhibit reuptake.
In the end, both increase dopamine availability… but through different mechanisms and they’re chemically different as well.
amphetamine promotes dopamine release, it doesn’t inhibit reuptake.
Amphetamines are also DRI…
“The following are a selection of some particularly notably abused DRIs: cocaine, ketamine, MDPV, naphyrone, and phencyclidine (PCP). Amphetamines, including amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDMA, cathinone, methcathinone, mephedrone, and methylone, are all DRIs as well, but are distinct in that they also behave, potentially more potently, as dopamine releasing agents (DRAs)”
Amphetamines are dopamine releasing agents, but they also affect dopamine re-uptake.
The gun charge was a sham. Yes, lying on form 4473 (firearm transaction record) is a federal crime. It’s also one that has historically never been prosecuted on it’s own; it’s always used as part of another prosecution, such as bank robbery, conspiracy to distribute controlled substances, and so on. You can count the number of times where that’s been prosecuted on it’s own on the fingers of one hand, in part because it really doesn’t come to light unless you’re caught committing another crime while also possessing a firearm that you can’t legally have. The justice dept. was originally going to drop that charge altogether, until pressure was applied from the political right. (Also, maybe don’t write a memoir where you admit to crimes, unless you’re past the statute of limitation on those crimes.)
The tax charges were pretty legit though. Depending on sentencing guidelines–which are quite complicated–the odds are pretty good that he would have ended up with large fines and penalties, in addition to having to pay the back taxes with interest that he owed.
Fwiw he also already paid the back taxes with interest…
Except the parts he was convicted of were real.
That the fascists spread ridiculous lies about him doesn’t erase his ACTUAL crimes.
That’d what dads who said they wouldn’t are for, apparently.
Except the parts he was convicted of were real.
Sure, if you believe the Romans
I mean, I believe SOME Romans… 🤷
Yeah, the moral high ground of Biden vs Trump is still immense, but it’s just a bit less steep than it used to be.
It’s ridiculous seeing people upset by this. Like, do these people have any idea of the long, corrupt list of people Trump pardoned?
I know this is whataboitism, but let’s be real for a minute. Biden sucks, but he’s a saint compared to Trump.
I know this is whataboitism
For some reason, the word “whataboutism” shuts down the capacity for people to compare two things.
I’m honestly more mad at Biden for the people he didn’t pardon than the one he did. This is one instance in which he should be more like Trump and pardon people his base cares about so they will like him more. Pardon everyone with a crack conviction. Pardon everyone who got strung up on a bullshit gun charge. Clemency for everyone severing time for a petty IRS charge (The taxpayer class with unbelievably high audit rates – five and a half times virtually everyone else – were low-income wage-earners taking the earned income tax credit.)
Then I’d shrug past the Hunter pardon on volume, rather than gagging at the corruption of this nepotistic pardon.
A man has stolen my meme. This is truly the reddit of the internet.
look at all those hot bearded white guys