U good babe? This is the seventh saddam hussein meme you’ve posted in the last 30 minutes!
I almost forgot it was 9/11.
Happy birthday!
I can’t spot sadam Hussein in this one honestly. Must be hidden real good!
I almost forgot Saddam did 9/11.
He tag teamed with Hulk Hogan and ur mom.
Hey, who spilled this noncredibledefense in my science_memes?
Happy 9/11.
You got science memes in my ncd. You got ncd in my science memes https://youtu.be/Y-XXbYb5hx0?si=NjkEHxm8b5w4CgQu
I must admit I’m a little sad that you forgot to label the mysterious human figure. Who could it be? We’ll never know.
It is 60m tall so…
So the Nephilim moved to the moon all this time?
The moon is hollow and that’s how they got here in the first place.
Be sure to reload your snap-off sword
DarkLight of the Moon.
Shit! They found me! crawls away
Don’t listen to these naysayers, I want to see where Saddam will hide next! It’s like a really shit Where’s Wally.
We need to up the difficulty
hell yeah brother
This is great, I didn’t see him right away and my first thought was it’d be a good image to add him into.
I thought this was a Nutty Putty Cave incident reference.