Trump and Ivanka always have a fake smile ready at a moments notice, but Dumb and Dumber always look like it’s the first time they’ve ever seen a camera and are mystified by this sorcery that flashes light at them.
I was going to say they look so dumb but you just… chef’s kiss
I had no fucking clue he had two sons until I saw this post
They both look like a blind monkey knitted them into existence
Fantastic sentence. Stealing this.
Jesus, his sons look dumb.
Got some news for you, bruh…
They ARE dumb.
Also, the one in the middle is Vince McMahon’s kid.
Fuck you, I will never unsee it
Genetics my friend
Being familiar with McMahon, it isn’t out of the realm of possibilities
The seed is strong.
Like cartoons of two wall street guys.
Yeah, but they are “WHITE”. That makes a crucial difference for bigots and racist.
European whites have always hated and fought each other, see a little thing called all of European history. It’s only when European have common enemies, they kind of unite.
And that common enemy is normally another European country.
Sideways glance at Belgium
That’s what they mean when say someone is or isn’t a “real” American. Skin tone is the deciding factor for them.
They’re a weird family that’s only cultural traditions are “be aristocratic and rich.”
Their roots are not aristocratic, they were poor or middle class immigrants who came to the U.S. and made money
Edit Trumps granddad ran a brothel, his grandmas family were poor instrument makers
Yeah. This isn’t a big reveal. The Trump family got there’s. How are they supposed to be better than everyone if everyone has the same opportunity they did?
Many Trump supporters seem to tolerate some European—particularly west, north, and central European—immigrants for some reason.
Well it’s a very nuanced discussion, you know. It’s not just black and white.
I see little nuance.
Those who oppose immigration are generally, at least to varying degrees, bigots.
Non-indigenous have little moral say on this issue.
I think he made a joke
Not too West, though. They start to get dark in the West
“When [those countries] sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
Every accusation is a confession.
Please stop giving Germany more of a bad name. We already have Hitler to be associated with the country, even though he was Austrian. We
also have enough fascist pieces of shit of our own. We vehemently deny any “germanness” in these sleazy con artists and fascists./a German
Keep it going. Throw Melania and Barron on there
There’s a lot of white people who don’t see Europeans emigrating to the US as immigrants; because white people are generally from Europe. It’s absolutely absurd and misses the point of what an immigrant is.
Nigel Farnage similarly, Gert Wilder’s as well AFAIK.
So do I.
Both US and Canada (I’m Canadian) can benefit from increased immigration.
Canada needs to slow its immigration so that infrastructure can catch up.
Our unemployment rate is over 6% as well.
Or… use immigrants to build more infrastructure or others can move if they don’t like where thy live, much like the immigrants did.
Our unemployment rate is over 6% as well.
Immigration could bring that down.
Hm, Fred looks a lot better than Donald. But maybe he’s not as old in that picture, Donalds is pushing 80 after all.
bro what is with jr and eric
Ivanka has had surgery. I don’t think she’d be ugly without it or anything, but it does make comparing them a bit unbalanced.
Technically, colonialists are not “immigrants”. Regardless, if we go by first settlers then it’s the English since they settled first in 1587. First German settlers didn’t arrive till 1628, and when the U.S. was formed these disparate groups combined together to form a better front for fighting. Germans fought on both sides. If these different settler groups didn’t have a common enemy (the Natives or English), they would have started fighting each other. In fact, that’s why we still see remnants of the US civil war to this day.
Nobody im the Trump family was a coloniser or european settler. They all came to the US in the last 100 years only.
Ah okay, so yeah Trumps family are all immigrants. I was speaking to the enthnocentric state discussions people often have
Which is just not applicable at all.
This is now a thread about soup.
If you had to eat soup in the summer, what would it be?
I’m not a soup-erman myself, but a soup in summer would have to be spicy. Maybe with some ramen in there.
Now we’re fuckin talkin.
Way to set the tone.
Hmmm sometimes I want to live the settler experience, do what they did and eat what they did. Form the U.S., gain independence etc etc
Edit to clarify, I mean go back in time and do that, but definitely without enabling genocides. War ruins everything
Tell soup
To answer your question, gazpacho.
Fuck yeah we got a gazpacho boi
immigrate /ĭm′ĭ-grāt″/ intransitive verb
To enter and settle in a country or region to which one is not native.
Yes colonists are immigrants. Everyone in North and South America are immigrants (even those that came by the bering land bridge).
I guess that fair to some extent, the distinction I’ve made in the past is that people who were “settling” for a crown or a state were colonialists (see Spanish conquistadors, for example), and those who sought asylum from religious persecution or poverty were immigrants. I think if the French and English crown had not started wars in the early 1600s, the later English arrivals (think Plymouth Rock, not Jamestown) would have probably had a better time getting along with the Native Americans. But who can say now 🤷♀️