I know some regions in Asia will eats cats and dogs.
Ah yes. And Americans are all obese and only eat fast food.
Are we done with the stereotypes now?
Not in Haiti and not in Asia.
I know some regions in Asia will eats cats and dogs.
Ah yes. And Americans are all obese and only eat fast food.
Are we done with the stereotypes now?
Not in Haiti and not in Asia.
As a non native English speaker, where does toxic fit into the poisonous/venevenomous question?
Dude. Your problem is not the pineapple, but that you are apparently surrounded by inconsiderate people.
If you get pizza or any food to share, you should make sure you choose a topping everyone is okay with. If necessary make it half pineapple half pepperoni or whatever.
If you order for a group of people and choose something that is controversial without checking back, you’re an asshole.
What is there to explain? If you don’t add any savory ingredients to pasta it is not salty or savory in taste.
Same as you can prepare rice savory or sweet as rice pudding or something.
You do know “pasta” just means the noodle, right? It’s still pasta if you don’t add anything?
There are lots of sweet pasta dishes in the world like sweet kugel or milk noodles.
I just add (cold) applesauce onto (warm) noodles and eat it. If I’m fancy, I make applesauce from fresh apples.
Also, look up portugese Aletria. That’s angle hair pasta as it’s best.
See, that’s why I’m so glad they cleared a whole forest in a water protection area to build their german gigafactory.
Water and trees are totally overrated.
Grandma breastfeeding uncle Phil.
Stop shaming women for breastfeeding, it’s totally natural.
I don’t think its the same than combining a sweet fruit with tomato sauce and cheese.
Pasta by itself is basically neutral in taste. You can easily make them into a sweet dish. I sometimes like to eat them with applesauce.
Just to clarify, I wouldn’t order or make pizza with pineapple for myself, but I don’t think it’s that big of a deal people sometimes make it.
Just eat what you like and don’t force your taste on others.
“I just wanted to be hateful and racist in private with my 500 Facebook friends. I didn’t want others to know that”
Its the same as with this woman who sparkt the riots in the UK recently, by spreading false information she had from a russian bot.
Actions have consequences. Even Facebook posts.
It is always a slur, even directed to someone mentally healthy, because it reinforces ableist and hateful stereotypes.
The same way calling men and boys female slurs like bitch or pussy is mysogonistic and puts women down.
You don’t call a person a “retard” in a complimentary way. You compare them to a mentally disabled person to convey how dumb or stupid they are. Putting other people down at the same time.
What kind of advice even is that?
Put them in the glass recycling. This might be different from your general recycling bin.
To recycle glass they break it down into tiny shards, it gets industrially cleaned and then melted and formed into new glassware.
Glass doesn’t has to be clean to be able to be recycled, just mostly separated into colours.
I don’t have to make anything up. Two people I met in real life:
Pussy Bear
Dieter Wank
It’s the same argument than if you provide social security people don’t want to work anymore. Its classist and racist.
Congrats. You hit two right wing propaganda points with one scentence.
Feel free to prove me wrong with reliable sources and real numbers.
For me it rather depends on how much the whole trip is going to cost me.
You know, politics is so whacko now that mere information can go for a meme now.
I was just diagnosed a few moths ago in my 40’s and I do not grief the diagnosis itself. Its a relief in many ways.
I feel like you with things I struggled all my life. There is a reason for these problems, a real neurological issue that i might be able to work on. Its not because I’m just a failure as a person.
But I do grief a lot about the past and what could have been. All the times life was just so hard and painful.
I have ADS with hypoactivity, which means that all the energy that make hyperactive kids unable to sit still all goes inwards into selfdoubt and insecurity.
I was so, so suicidal and full of selfhate especially during my teens, but also in phases over the rest of my life. I knew there was something wrong with me and I felt so misunderstood and unloved most of all,i thought I didn’t to be loved and understood… and the thought that all this did not need to be that hard makes me cry almost every day.
I’m german and I absolutely disagree with these measures. It goes against all our Union within Europe stands for. We have to solve issues together not everyone on its own.
If there is a problem, we have to strengthen the EU-outside borders not the one within.
I would wish a better support and cooperation for countries with EU borders. The budget and people for strengthening german borders should go to an EU wide border cooperative that protects the EU outside borders together.
To add the point I wanted to make was, this was not an oversight because there were so many inconsequential complains, they didn’t bother to look for valid ones.
This was with Intent. A “Fuck you with your misconduct complains, I won’t even look at them, I’m not gonna discipline my people”
Thank you for your thorough explanation.
It’s always a bit confusing when your language has one word for something another language makes distinctions within.