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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • IntelliJ is primary along with Vim plugin, clj-kondo and paredit for retaining some sanity while editing. There is some jankiness with clj-kondo but all in all I would say the REPL integration is on par with emacs. Never had the patience to set up vim or dabble with neovim when IntelliJ has it all out of the box.

    IntelliJ even supports prefix key bindings now which allow binding repl functions and custom keybindings behind a prefix key.

    For example as `ctrl-x` follow by `e` sends the last expression to the repl.

    1. IntelliJ plus type hinting code gives method lookup popups:

    (defn foo [^^GoogleFactoryProxy factory-proxy] (doto (.fooMethod factory-proxy) (.addStuff (stuff))))

    doto is great for functions returning void. You can still use threading macro if the Java object returns self.

    Method hints pop up after the first dot.

    If you need to implement interfaces or extend objects then I would write wrappers which do the reify work and pass function arguments to those wrappers. Otherwise the code becomes noisy and has less signal.