This time Spiderman will be having twins
This time Spiderman will be having twins
About time! What a long journey this has been for those poor men. This actually warms my heart a little.
Lmfao your example of American HAVING to learn a new language is Canada requiring English? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lol again, you’re wrong and an idiot. Language has no color.
I have to resort to insults for stupid people that make dumb accusations about me. Please, quit being so dumb. It’s hurting me and your family (no friends) and everyone that has to be around you.
Edit: “more correcter” says way more about you than you think.
That’s called depression
I’m going to say this as nice as I can. You’re not only very wrong, but very ignorant. If you know how to read the comments I’ve said the country. If you weren’t a complete moron you could look through my comment history to see I’m being honest, but then again… you aren’t the brightest.
I think that’s being pushed all over Europe honestly. If you do decide on Spain, you had better bring an iron and ironing board. The Spanish do not appricate wrinkled clothes!
It’s just like how Putin wins his elections! Neat!
Only if they are into foot stuff. Are you into foot stuff Soggy? 🧐
“That’s just like your opinion man” I had a 52 year old in my b2 course and she scored better than me on our test. She wasn’t rich rich.
Germany and it cost the price of a plane ticket. The Ausländerbehörde in where ever you go should be able to help you.
I can tell you didn’t actually read my comment, or you would have seen we didn’t speak the language.
No one expects anyone new to a country to be able to speak the language, it’s a bonus, but not expected.
No one cares that you are American, other than a few strays. My experience has been that being American actually made people currious about me and I would say more friendly.
I’m an Electronic Tech, but that job here is over saturated so I had to find a new path. I personally picked nursing. To be able to go the school for that I had to learn the language from scratch. I attended an Integrations class, that got me from a0-b1 in the language. After that I attended another class to get me to b2. It took roughly 2 years to get to where I am now.
I had zero savings, my ex wife had just passed away a few days before Christmas, helping with her funeral drained what little I did have put away. I kept hearing about school shootings and in one week our local walmart had been shot up and a kid was stopped from bringing a gun into my sons school. I said I’m done, we’re leaving, I sold my car and bought plane tickets. Life fucking has to suck sometimes before it can get better. Everyday for a long time was a struggle, but now we are on our feet again and happy.
If anyone reads this and wants advice/tips dm me.
It’s better to struggle than to live under Facisim.
Everyone has a choice, just will be a harder one to make. I gave up everything I had to get to where I am now. I’m about to be in a vocational school full of teenagers while being in my mid 30’s. My kids and I had to learn the language, with a starting point of being able to say “hello” “thanks” and “good bye”
It was a hard jump to make, but we landed safely and so can all the others that are still too afraid to try.
Fuck me I butchered that, but to be fair, I’m fairly dumb.
How is this a shower thought? This is more of a shower question
The subtitle firm and the voice over firm do not work together in Germany, so most of the time they are saying completely different things. Most of the time they have generally the same meaning, but sometimes that shit goes opposite directions xD
In the swing (top right) is Pete Budajudge and his husband. The right really hate happy marriages don’t they?
Ja genau, Deutsch für mich persönlich war/ist schwierig, aber es ist nicht so kompliziert wie es auf Youtube oder Tiktok erklärt werden. Ich schätze, dass es viel einfacher als Arabisch ist.
Ja, aber man braucht wenigstens b2 für eine Ausbildung zu machen. Das gelt auch für wenn man möchte als Pflegefachmann/frau arbeiten
No. If that were true, then it would mean that there are good Christians out there, but that is simply not the case.