• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2023

  • Just getting to and from work, I drive 84 km per day, and then I have all my other rutines on top of that.

    Currently my last 80- 10% is as low as 180km. And I’m almost afraid to accelerate, and it has only just started being below 5c here in the most western part of Denmark, which is also the flattest part of the country, so based on your experience, even with studded tires, it confirms my suspicions.

    Driving home from work at night the other day at 0c 42km, cost me the 42km range + 100km on top off that, this tells me there must be something off in the calculations the computer makes, because it is giving me numbers as low as 20kwh/100km. And that math doesn’t add up to me.

    Yesterday I got a letter from Mercedes, saying I need to visit a garage to get a software update, I hope this will solve some of the issues, otherwise it can’t be anything but the batteries.

  • Update.

    So I have contacted Mercedes, and asked for a battery check, which has resulted in them starting to justify the high kW usage, by saying I should expect -1% range pr. Every degree Below 25degrees C. If this is correct the car will become useless once it starts to get cold, right now the average has been 8-10c during the day, only just started to go down to 5c.

    If my range at the current conditions is 180ish km in average with 80-8% percent use, I can’t imagine what it would be when it gets cold 🥶

    Furthermore, I don’t understand how the car estimates my usage to be around 20kWh “my last 90-10 was 19.8kWh and 213km” with a range this short 🤔

    What do you guys think? I’m very close to getting rid of the car if this is to be expected, the only reason I haven’t done so, is because of colleagues with similar EVs from Audi and Ford are telling me that it sounds very odd.

    Thx again for all the input.