Family Caregiver. Eco/Social Justice Activist. Disability Advocate. Decolonizer. Accessibility Consultant. Eldercare Liason. Death Doula. Photographer.
Teochew Chinese & Indigenous Vietnamese.
War & Polio Survivor.
Cat lover. Gardener. Water/Forest protector.
Radical disabled leftie.
Yeller, at corrupt government, cops & corporations.

Vancouver Island, BC.

#AsianMastodon #POC #StopEcocide #BeTheChange #ACAB #StopAbleism #CovidSafety

  • 20 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2024


  • Despite some disagreements over a few issues since the 70s - Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia peoples have retained close ties to this day. After Vietnamese helped Cambodians destroy Khmer Rouge genocide & extreme perversion of Maoist cult style of forced communism - US & their old Cold War BFFs, China - carried out a long bullying campaign against Cambodia because of Vietnamese helping them.

    Vietnam helped Cambodia when no one else was stepping up against the USA bullies/geopolitical power games. US bullied other nations & the UN into sanctions. Effectively stopping humanitarian supplies from getting in. Vietnam sent many trucks of food & humanitarian supplies - despite suffering post US war invasion & under sanctions too.

    My parents & our family there (in Vietnam) still remember donating rice, preserved vegetables & salted fish to help the Cambodians suffering.

    #AsianMastodon #TootSEA #WarSurvivorsForPeace #NeverForget #Cambodia #Vietnam #Laos #SouthEastAsia #NeverAgainForAll #GlobalSouth #WarSurvivorExperiences #Humanity #AsianDiaspora #WarRefugees #RefugeesHelpingRefugees